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Everything posted by chrisbell-nottheweatherman

  1. It would be handy to get a more detailed explanation, but thanks for the data.
  2. I like the fact that he's one of the few BBC sources of synoptic charts nowadays.
  3. Well, move to East Anglia, watch BBC Look East and you can see Jim forecasting every now and again.
  4. Yes, some sunny spells still, and I'm glad my guess of stratocumulus was correct.
  5. Very sunny start but has clouded over with stratocumulus (I think) and some other strato-type clouds. Enough breeze to get the washing dry, fortunately.
  6. Well, speaking as an ex-brontophobe myself, I remember as a kid being worried if thundery rain was forecast. Anyhow, this discussion leads to another question - if thundery rain is rain of a type and intensity that often accompanies electrical activity, then what is the threshold value in mm per hour?
  7. Don't tell me - the home of easy-listening music LOL!
  8. I remember seeing a documentary on this a few years ago. There was a guy with an observatory on the eastern slopes of the Rockies. He would observe storms after dark out over the plains and fil sprites. Would love to find out his name or that of the documentary.
  9. We've had cloud on and off here all day. Very humid and opressive earlier (which affects me in the same way as others have described - drowsy and lacklustre). Now a touch fresher I think, but no sign of storms.
  10. The showers fizzled again to leave just a few spots of rain, sunny again now.
  11. Shower approaching - skies have darkened and breeze picked-up. Will now have lunch and report back later.
  12. Big rash of showers approaching on the NW radar postcode zoom area.
  13. Interesting view, Roger. I'm not technically clever at all, but the reports so far seem to show downpours but little electrical activity. Could there be capping at work, or are surface temperatures insufficient as yet?
  14. Clouds building here - radar shows showers to my west but, as yet, they are fizzling as they move in this direction.
  15. With a bit of luck, that might come near me later.
  16. Bright, dry and mainly sunny so far, but cumulus are bubbling into what I think are cumulus congestus and certainly looks quite convective. Breeze lighter than yesterday.
  17. Nothing here yet, though the cumulus are getting puffy and tops are getting higher, so it suggests there's some convective potential here.
  18. Clearer skies here since late afternoon, but still very breezy.
  19. Indeed, and such a contrast to us, not so very far away, under clear skies at a breezy but lovely dusk.
  20. My dad works near there - when he gets home I'll ask if it feels cooler here than there.
  21. High grey sheet of cloud now - no sun - starting to look a bit dull.
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