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Everything posted by Dartmoor_Matt

  1. Iceberg, thanks for the reasoning, should it not cooled by the time it gets up there and then swings down over Norway and SW to us? (If it does indeed go that way)
  2. What I don't understand is, how does a low forming just SE of Greenland have any milder air in it? Its not like its coming up from the Azores... Anyway, -0.2C at the moment, but rather pleasant out of the wind and in the sun. Clouds are building to the NE though.
  3. I'm working from home tomorrow, tough life, so perhaps 10am for me. Won't be long and it'll be light by the time we get in at the weekends!
  4. Some people get all the luck. Although I suspect Ian wins the prize for getting up earliest. Which is nearer sleep time for some! Thanks for that Ian, we've had flurries most days this week, aside from today.
  5. Yeah, the sky was so blue, was lovely. I see JJ is all sold out at Eden, so should be fun! Just hoping the weather is good! Went camping in Cornwall 7 times last year and we didn've have rain once. Not sure if that was more luck than judgement. -4.5C and clear... unsuprisingly. Oh, and dark.
  6. Eh? I asked a purely logical question a few pages back, to which the answer diverged from what the IPCC said, as highlighted in the post above. Nothing more, nothing less. There are plenty of times when there was more CO2 in the atmosphere and the temps were lower. I believe CB posted a chart yesterday showing that. Pete; I don't think we need a peer reviewed paper to say that ANY of those aren't just man made.
  7. Evening! Missed the local forecast for here, but it is damn cold out again tonight! Still, soon be warmer! :lol:
  8. Not to mention the geologists, who presumably mentioned something to the Daily Mail and all hell broke lose. However, as my quote quite cleary states, the "large majority" did not know. So as ever, it all depends on the source I suppose.
  9. I'd of thought it started as the last ice age ended... as to when we apparently got involved, well, who knows. Oh wait, no that can't be right, 'because its all our fault.
  10. I don't think I did, since it is clear that they aren't sure IF there will be any. You implied they were all signed up to the idea.
  11. <A href="http://www.aip.org/history/climate/bib.htm#1079">Kukla et al. (1972), p. 191; Kukla and Matthews (1972); "large majority" according to Flohn (1974), p. 385Source: http://www.aip.org/history/climate/cycles.htm So in 1972, 'future human activity' wasn't factored in. So, it seems, as ever, the facts can't be whatever we want them to be.
  12. But you should see a neuro surgeon if you have excessive hiccups. Also, as far as I know, you do not need to know the in and out of climate science to be deemed intelligent in this country? But granted, none of them are climate scientists. However, did the theory match the pattern or the pattern match the theory, for example if you take the number '4' and ask someone how they might get to '4' the majority I suspect would say '2+2' but you could also have '1+3' or '8/2' and so on and so forth. Which is why, before I sign up wholesale to the AGW theory, I want to make sure there is no other possible explanation. We are, I think, along way from that at the moment. Afterall, 30 years ago, these same climate scientists said we were heading for an ice age.
  13. If you actually read what I post, you will see that it quite cleary refers to my knowing lots of intelligent people. And as such I've not read the rest of your post, as it probably doesn't apply.
  14. An ice day up at home today after very cold night. Currently -1.3C. Spotlight had snow showers tonight and tomorrow morning earlier, not seen anything since. (Work n all) So a cold spell yes, but only very light snow so far
  15. *tumbleweed* Evening, a whopping -5.4C at the moment! Which is somewhat lower than the BBC are saying. (Although I know they forget there is a patch of land in the SW that is significantly higher than much else around)
  16. I'd be more inclined to be open to ideas if everyone who was at all scepitcal about any warming be our fault wasn't constantly tarred as some evil being who obviously can't tell left from right. The fact is many an intelligent person isn't signed up wholesale to the idea, and I know lots. A Met Office prediction of a warmer year in a run of warm years hardly requires a budget of millions does it?
  17. East Dartmoor, and the quickness of the trip depends on the time of the year and how many tourists who can't drive there are. In the winter ya can't get off the moor because of the snow and ice and in the summer because of the tourists (or as the locals say, the grockels) Personally I'd quite like some warmth now, but I'll take one last bite of the cherry, so to speak. Then roll on camping, BBQs and surfing without the hypothermia.
  18. Certainly is great, but gets a bit boring when you have to walk the mile to the actual village 'because you can't get the car down the lane! Haha. (if it snows too much they don't send the plough up that eary either... 2-3 days later usually... no doubt health and safety ) The 12z GFS has shifted things East again so we shall see what the UKMO and ECM does. I suspect it would be game on Monday night onwards if things went as shown now.
  19. It's a bit early to say, the general trend is for everything to shift too far West (how ironic is that) with the real cold air going down to the Atlantic and over Ireland, so generally further West and North will be the best bet. However, we have seen in the past a last minute shift to the East (with the usual outcome Holland getting the cold) so if we see the same this time around it might be more of a direct hit. That said, I've not see any models today as I'm at work. Oh, and a few flakes of snow now. Well, thats 3 days this week with at least some snow. Max today of 1.8C, currently 1.2C and a DP of -5.1C, nearer -4C in the wind.
  20. No snow here today. Looking more and more marginal for next week to, think the 900feet might come into play again. Radar subscription ended as well, and due to the fact the new version cripples IE I'm not going to go for it again (that and winter is nearly over)
  21. Another hard frost at home, not so cold down here, some menacing clouds but also sunshine. At work so not checked the models.
  22. Nah, was only light and blowing around alot. Still, can't complain
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