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Everything posted by Dartmoor_Matt

  1. Who was that then? 'because I've had plenty of snow this winter, and last. Snow and clouds cleared today just afer dark when its cleared and now its -3.4C ... made for some pretty chilly tennis.
  2. No sign of any snow drops up here yet, but some daffodils in pots have poked through, and then stopped. The ones in the ground aren't visible yet.
  3. SSS, I think (and might be wrong) that the oceans as a radiator idea comes into play if solar output is lower (I think it is down a touch at the moment) there would be less heat entering the oceans, but there would be a lag before the oceans lose that 'spare' heat. Edit: and with reference to the making/melting ice idea. This winter my pond froze to a depth of 6inches over the course of 4 days. It took 8 days of above freezing temps to melt it fully.
  4. You mean within the realms of reason, unless you were agreeing? I agree there is a difference between the oceans and a radiator, in that the radiator is the source of heat, unike the ocean, but I still think the same principle applies. I think there is an amount of time after the boiler switches off that the radiators do still heat up. Afteral, there is the hot water in the system. I shall endeavour to do some research.
  5. Good posts above, and yup, I think we have been over indulged this year in terms of snow, I mean I've had snow falling on far more days this year than last year and definately the 2 years before that. I don't think I've had a week since mid December where snow hasn't fallen at least once. (Its still snowing now, but again, very light) I thought last Feb was a one off, but this year has trumped it. Interesting times.
  6. Mine stay hot/warm for approx 2 hrs after the boiler goes off. There is however considerably more water in the oceans than my radiators, so I don't think its beyond the realms of reason to think that they might hold their temperature considerably longer. Nothing scientific, just a hunch.
  7. 0.6C here with a DP of -2.9C and its snowing lightly again. Not a bad start to it if you ask me, bitter in the wind (again). Gonna be fun at tennis later
  8. I know its colder this year, but I'm sure the Arctic hasn't dipped into the UK or NW Europe recently...
  9. Average at this time of year is 9-10C in Plymouth, lower on Dartmoor, but the last two days max was 1.7C. Not at all average, and I'd say rather below. Snow last night didn't come to anything, but there was a hard frost. Overcast now and -1.4C
  10. Wind is howling, -1.4C with a DP OF 3.4C, wind chill a whopping -9.4C, and damn you can feel every degree. Snowing still a little, but nothing to write home about. Still, wasn't expecting anything, so good times.
  11. Snow! Well, a few flakes blowing in the wind, but still.
  12. Used to play badminton, but not for years! Pah, 6 weeks holidays, not at all jealous. Probably... it is nasty! Edit: Infact its -7.6C in the wind. There is also a little feature moving along the south coast in this direction on the radar. Could be interesting in a bit.
  13. Agreed, radar picking up some snow around Devon at the moment, so showers popping up everywhere. Yup, Tuesday nights, been a bit cold recently! Although it is cancelled if the courts are icy... obviously. Drinking is a good idea, although I'm still abstaining during the week at the moment, its not too bad. It will all go to pot in the summer of course, but the intention was good.
  14. Hmm, you may be onto something there... although a light source does help? Can't say it ever gets to the hysteria stage Although the morning after tennis hurts on the bike Gloomy darkness now...
  15. I finished early to... did go to the gym, thankfully managed to fit Scrubs in while I was on the x-trainer so took my mind off the rather boring wall. Things are looking up, my trend is constantly upwards, or so the computer tells me, and the computers never lie, do they? Still cold, not dark. (is light/dark a symptom of the weather, as I'm using this to stay OT?)
  16. Afternoon all! Bone chillingly cold today, not above 1C, overcast. The wind is evil. Did the taxi ever get to mullender? Will he make it to the coffee shops? Anyways, its not dark.
  17. Indeed, and I shall not be posting on these forums any more because of it. I've never read such a ridiculous accusation. Hopefully someone in control here will see sense, but blaming anyone who is sceptical about AGW and saying we all wished someone dead is beyond a joke.
  18. Yes, I can't imagine how you will manage that I can't see anything being marginal, but where have we heard that before... Snow ball fights midday Friday... well, I'll assume I can't get to work.
  19. Have a safe trip mate! (no pun intended) You might be lucky with some snow over there, or unlucky, depending on plans... and I still reckon odds on for your area Thursday/Friday
  20. Or a week off? I just want June to arrive now. Summer and everything that comes with it! Feb is just the arm pit of the year. Very Dark And time for a drink...
  21. Can I have some of what your drinking please? (Still dark... )
  22. Agreed. One way or another the next 10-15 years it will be sorted one way or another. For the record, I don't contest the world has warmed, thats patently obvious, I do contest how it has warmed, and by how much. Also whether there is a plausible reason why it shouldn't stop warming. Natures vs Us I guess. I think there will be some suprises.
  23. How could we possibly forget this might be man-made warming when its constantly shoved down our throats. But GW... I thought that all the ice was going to melt? Or is that not happening now? I can't keep up. It's a pretty fine balance.
  24. With 10+ days of cold to go there is no way of knowing. All to play for still.
  25. Because I have no way of confirming the other way... as I suspect neither do you. Anyway, NOAA going for below average temps across UK and much of Europe until July. On the otherhand Scandinavia and Russia above average towards end of May and beyond. Swings and roundabouts?
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