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Everything posted by Jax

  1. Hi Kris I think we have to accept that natural warming must begin to show it's hand this coming month, it may be slight, but it has to be there I would expect.
  2. Afternoon all. We have gone from cold, gray and windy, to clear sunny, cold and windy back to gray, cold and windy again here, Some "very" light flurries of snow and a balmy 4.8oC and the s-l-o-w thaw continues with the patches of snow and ice that still prevail here.
  3. Looking at current output I am not expecting any "warmth" till after "Easter" (using that term as many understand it better than the Pagan ones)
  4. not sure what it was, but if it is good that cannot be a bad thing one makes it to +10 and only one makes it to +5
  5. I am not suprised at the 50 years stat. Longest winter I have known (remember) TBH.
  6. Ohh Emm Geemore question's as to the breakdown (if it comes sooner rather than later) will be a snowy mess then? That does not suprise me, may not be a record by the end of the month but I suspect it will be hanging close.
  7. Thank the light then that they do not have the key's.
  8. Quite true, ITV is prob the station which broadcasts the most PAP I have ever known.In other news, anyone seen *any* signs of spring showing its leg yet? (just turned the heater back on again)
  9. I think I speak for the *many* in that we want an "un biased" approach, and want just dedicated reporting of the data output, not personal.
  10. Quite agree with many of the comments in here. The MOD thead should be about just that, the data "quality", is "that" good or bad? is it overplaying this, underplaying that? kind of thing, not "Oh it's a *BAD* run" just because it does not show a persons preference in weather. The other threads (such as this one) are where you can bang on about it. I read the MOD thread to get a feel of how the data being given is accurate, and from that the confidence that it is right, but as others have already said, what you want and what the weather *does* are two different things, and I can pretty much state that the latter of the two will win out each time. For many of us, knowing how valid and correct said MOD output is, is needed to try and make plans for the future, now *that* is important.
  11. given up, listening to iron maiden now, the end is near.
  12. It say'skeep out of frost direct sunlight in a cool and dark area and use by 2012
  13. I sponsor the Rare Breeds Trust, might get them to add spring and summer to their list.
  14. Snowing here too, almost an inch "in places" down, you can hear it melting ( the drip drip drip you get with the under melt). dammit! just posted when I saw this [grump mode on]
  15. SNOW!!! WE HAVE SNO...... oh wait, it has been snowing "on and off" for like the last 6 months. Oh how I would love for some hint of spring, plus I would hate to be the one to use the last two day's of gas we apparently have left to keep myself and the hamster warm.
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