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Everything posted by Backtrack

  1. Frequent showers of rain, hail and snow. Feels cold.
  2. I'd be so angry if it was cold enough for snow. The mountains are making short work of this 'ex-storm'. Rain shadow effect in full force. It's been dry all day here. Enjoy your rain everyone haha!
  3. Make me laugh you do. Models show mild and you're all over it posting more than anyone They show cold and you hide
  4. Jesus it feels cold today. 1.5C at the warmest time of day. If it was clear, tonight would be FREEEEEEEEZING
  5. Those keeping an eye on that band coming from the SW are going to be sensationally disappointed. That's rain all the way. DPs not conductive.
  6. The light snow will just of been all the moisture in the air. This heavier stuff is the slowest moving, tiniest little shower I've ever seen on the radar haha the GFS can suck a lemon. No wonder the Met don't use it. New hi-res upgrade has made it worse
  7. There's about 2-2.5cm of snow on the car now! Built up quickly hope it lasts till morning. It's still snowing now!
  8. If any PPN decides to float by, it'll be snow from now on.
  9. I've just drove to Widnes. Heavier and all completely covered over there.
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