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Everything posted by slinky1989

  1. blimey! that cirencester shower has just arrived here! Snowing lightly now
  2. I'm staying at a friends in bath ATM; tried walking up the hill to his flat and when I stopped and stood still I started sliding backwards lol. The walls of houses and gardens have a 1cm layer of ice coating them. It's rediculously icy out there.
  3. Blimey this rain has settled everywhere! It's amazing!
  4. Lol, looks like Swindon is going to be smack bang in the middle of the marginal area! Not as south as Bristol and not as north as cheltenham. Let's see what happens
  5. Latest gfs precip type charts just showing rain for the entire southwest and temps around 2/3 degrees for tomorrow. I have no idea whether this will be true as to what will actually happen or not, but I'd rather expect rain than snow; that way, I'm very surprised and happy if it does! :lol:
  6. Snowing lightly again here in swindon after a half hour break. Got a nice thin icing sugar coating over everything now. I'm just pleased we got at least something out of this cold spell. I can't remember ever seeing snow here in december
  7. Got around about 2.5......millimetres settled here atm. Only covering ungritted roads and cars. Still, I was at least able to make my first snowball of the season It did look like it was stopping but it's just picked up a little again now. Edit: damn, fully stopped now Oh well, I'm pleased we got something at least! Especially this early in winter
  8. zomg coming down hard now. Smallish 5p sized flakes but they're coming so hard that it looks like rain!
  9. Can someone post radar for SN3 1AZ? I just wanna see how far away it is and which direction it's moving in relation to raintodays radar Thanks!
  10. pics! or at least extend the cloud this way by aquiring some form of mad scientific ability in the next 5 minutes kthnxbai
  11. Nice one Got snow here now with smallish flakes. Just dusting the roofs of cars as the ground is soaked from the sleet/rain earlier.
  12. ok, NOW can we have pics? Just had a 30 second flurry here and then back to light rain again. Not sure what's going on now.
  13. Just light rain now. Did have some mediocre sleet for a few minutes but now it's just drizzle. Everything is all lovely and....... damp :lol:
  14. Got sleet/wet snow as *al* said here now Edit: heavy sleet now. Getting there.......slowly.....
  15. Dogs32 get thos pics up quick! I wanna see what's coming Edit: Thanks btw dude looks like we're just on the edge of it then.
  16. SN3 1AZ Can JUST about see some extremely light sleet/drizzle falling atm.
  17. Will do! I've got a lamp post outside my bedroom window for extra convienient watching Also got a car roof to look down on to see if anything is settling or just melting. I'm fully prepared!!!
  18. temp: 1.4 Dew point: -0.1 Looking VERY knife edge here in swindon. Hopefully it'll turn to snow though when it gets here.
  19. Just poked my head in the midlands thread and a lot of them are reporting about 1cm or 2 falling before the front passes. Looks like this will be quite a small event. Hopefully the showers tomorrow will be better as has been said by a few in here!
  20. I'm in bath atm. Can see clouds to my north west, but other than that it's quite nice and sunny here!
  21. Woke up at 6:15 to sweet FA here in Swindon :o seems that it halted just past reading and then just fizzled out! Ahh well, plenty more time for any more edit: just had a look at my local forecast and it's not been updated since the 18z run. Any idea why? Edit2: just got on the train. It's got snow frozen to the bogeys from when it was in London. So I at least got to see some snow out of this! Lol edit3: just stopped at chippenham, seems they got an extremely light dusting as there are some white dustings around on the platform.
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