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Everything posted by slinky1989

  1. So so disappointed with the lack of thunderstorms around Swindon. In the last 5 years can remember hearing 1 or 2 rumbles of thunder and seeing 1 lightning strike. Either that or I'm just never around when it does hit and I just suffer from a ridiculously bad case of timing!
  2. Looks like a pretty monstrous system heading for exeter and plymouth on the radar right now!
  3. Heavy drizzle in bath right now looked pretty menacing earlier but only produced a light shower.
  4. On the train atm between swindon and bristol and already can see some lovely convection going on toward bristol
  5. Feeling VERY muggy here in swindon, and the temperature is only 14.3 degrees. Just started raining here aswell which from raintoday looks like it's a break off of the system over the iow atm.
  6. Just had a short sharp shower here in swindon. Was fairly heavy too but lasted all of 2-3 minutes
  7. Just had some ridiculously heavy rain over swindon for the last 20 mins. No electrical activity again though! Getting silly now.
  8. Still no thunder and lightning here in swindon, just heavy rain atm.
  9. Just got some light rain here in swindon atm. No lightning our thunder yet though.
  10. I'm at work in bath today so hopefully i'll see something in the way of a storm. Good luck to everyone though! What sort of time are we expecting things to start developing?
  11. 13.7 here in swindon atm.dont think it's gonna happen today tbh. Good luck to every one who's got sunshine though! Very overcast here.
  12. Well it's quite heavily over cast here in bath so I don't fancy our chances today, but to those further south west good luck! :-)
  13. Here's one from yesterday, taken from Swindon station at about 18:15: And here's the same cloud half an hour later:
  14. From Ian fergasson on twitter: Hectic start in studio at 0415am. This morning's heavy rain surprised the forecast models, so I had online video forecast updated by 0530!
  15. Just plain old heavy rain here in Swindon if it was snow, there would be pnadamonium out there as it's so heavy though.
  16. I'm off to bed now. Just looked quickly at the local weather station and temp is dropping, it's now 0.6 here so who knows what'll happen. Probably nothing tbh as it looks like it's barely pushing up as far as Devizes and the main band is in the Irish sea. Oh well, roll on February!
  17. I'll be treating any predictions made this early on with a gigantic fistful of salt. However, it still won't stop me hoping and wishing
  18. Just had a torrential downpour here in Swindon. Was raining sideways for a few moments too No thunder or lightning though. Still, I'm going to have to empty my fish pond now as the water level from yesterday has risen over 3/4 inches and it's nearly overflowing!
  19. Had four deep rumbles of thunder today in bath. Didn't see if there was any lightning to go with it because I was working but none the less it was nice to hear! No heavy rain either though. Big convective drops but it was only moderate.
  20. radar is very messy atm, full of random spots of convection. No organised bands any more around somerset/wiltshire/gloucester as far as I can see anyway. Could get interesting!
  21. No proper storms here in swindon just yet but seen some amazing cloud formations. I took pictures on the commute home from bath to swindon station, then from the station walking to coate wate: http://s83.photobucket.com/albums/j297/justinwilkin/clouds%2016%2007%2010/
  22. Where's everyone gone? This place was alive an hour ago! Anyway, the storms seem to be circling around me rather than going over me atm Light rain here now.
  23. Yaaay! back online! Things are calming down here in swindon, maybe things will pep up a bit later but not too sure.
  24. You're under this cute lil thing I suspect ^_^:
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