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Everything posted by slinky1989

  1. Just heavy rain here now in Bath :lol: With the odd flake of sleet here and there. Well it was good while it lasted! Gf says it's still snow in swindon though so I've got that to look forward to when i get home
  2. Got about 3/4 fresh inches here sat at Swindon station now waiting for my extremely delayed train to work at bath now. The passing ghost trains that have been running to keep the lines clear at top speed have created small versions of those self rolling snow balls by the side of the track. Quite cool!
  3. I just love the way that the met warnings have the entirety of Wiltshire orange and then just convieniently miss out Swindon completely
  4. Horray for Swindon missing out on the show of the last 2 decades!
  5. OMG I haven't seen heavy snow like this since feb 2009! It's amazing! The roads are completely white again! Had 1cm in ten minutes already!
  6. I used to be a junior technician in the tech guys section at the local pc world (I know, I know, boo - hiss) and we used to see this all the time. Whip the back off the laptop, quick blast with an air compressor and all is well again. You can get cans of compressed air for a couple of quid now, always good to keep one handy to get rid of dust. Snow still just as it was before, light and nothing substantial. Anyway, I'm fed up with watching almost nothing falling so I'm off to bed. Night all!
  7. Shouldn't be a problem, it'll just be noisy until you give it some air
  8. processor probs just getting a bit hot so the fan's running faster, especially if one of the air vents is blocked by something (i.e. if it's on your lap and one of the vents is on the bottom?). Otherwise could be a whole load of other things
  9. See post update Now classed as light snow as I can actually see it now!
  10. Currently extremely light snow here. Can only see the odd tiny flake twinkle as it passes a lamp post atm. Had a 5 minute heavier flurry about an hour ago but just been like this since. Really have to concentrate to see anything! Edit: literally a minute after I posted this, the snow got slightly heavier It's now just "light snow" instead of "extremely light"
  11. Where on earth is this snow coming from? All I can see on radar coming toward me are a couple of showers and then a huge gap of nothing!
  12. Yeah, I did vomit a little every time I drove past it haha. Nice one on getting your views in the adver though! Wonderful, my manager is going to love me "sorry, can't get in!.....again"!
  13. lol that indeed it does, at least we don't have that "lovely" christmas tree in the middle of the magic roundabout now haha. Am I looking at the forecasts right? GFS says we're in for light snow all day every day from sunday right through to wednesday O_o
  14. Down to -7.7 last night in swindon. Currently at work in bath and it's still freezing! I've noticed we've got about 2-3 inches more snow than bath and chippenham do aswell. Where did you take those pics from weather_freak? they're great
  15. This is all moving directly north next to me, not making any effort at all to move toward me. I'm going to go off and have a little weep I think!
  16. Snow stopped here for now. We wait with baited breathe for the next lot!
  17. There ya go Edit: hold on forgot to attach it Edit2: finally
  18. Light snow now here in Swindon. Can see the major snow looming in the distance
  19. -1.4c in swindon. Could be an ice day? Here at work in bath though, we seemed to be inside a snow cloud earlier as the air was thick with ice particles blowing around and leaving a white layer on most things.
  20. That blob seemed to be perfectly swindon sized! Got a nice dusting here now, settled on the roads but gets blown around whenever a car goes by.
  21. Well that's a ridiculously well positioned stroke of luck!
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