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  • Location: Birmingham, West Midlands
  • Weather Preferences: Seasonal with some variety
  • Location: Birmingham, West Midlands
Posted (edited)

Thinking back to the 2010s, what would you say was your favourite season from each of those years?

Here's mine from what I can remember:

2010 - Winter (both sides of the year) - Both January and December that year were classic winter months.

2011 - Spring - Dry and sunny for much of the time with chilly nights in March followed by a warm April and a pleasant May.

2012 - Winter (2011/12)  - There was a cold and snowy period in January.

2013 - Summer - A nice summer compared to the summers of the previous six years.

2014 - Summer - I recall July being a nice summer month that year.

2015 - Autumn - A seasonal September with alternating periods of warmth and coolness. A pleasant spell at the end of the month and in the first days of October.

2016 - Autumn - Not the most interesting of years so I went with autumn due to the memorable warm spell during mid September.

2017 - Winter (2017/18) - The beginning of a classic winter.

2018 - Summer - A classic summer with many warm or hot days without feeling overly humid.

2019 - Spring - Many nice days and warmth from mid April onwards.

Edited by Weather Enthusiast91
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  • Location: Twickenham, London
  • Weather Preferences: Csa/Csb
  • Location: Twickenham, London

Some of these years are difficult because so many had absolutely awful individual spring and summer months.

2010- summer 

2011- spring 

2012- spring

2013- summer

2014- summer

2015- summer 

2016- summer

2017- spring

2018- summer

2019- summer


This is just from as I’m quite young 

2010: winter. easily on both sides the winter of 2009/2010 and December 2010 were by far the best winters of the century for cold lovers.

2011: spring. the warmest spring on record I believe march was dry April was the warmest on record and may pretty much continued the same way but to a lesser degree.

2012: winter. a really tricky one here because 2012 really was the devils year but I suppose you could say winter for the cold snap In February.

2013: summer. Hands down the best season July was a classic summer month and often forgotten compared to months like July 2006 and July 2018 which option it puts up a good fight again august was also pretty good with that hot first day and June despite a bad reputation was very dry I believe and had close to average sunshine it was just cool. 

2014: summer. June and July were a great combination with only august letting it down the problem with 2014 was that it was such a warm year which can mean other seasons are bad.

2015: spring. Quite similar to 2012 in the way that there was almost nothing appealing to it with it being warm and cold at the wrong times but if I had to pick one I would say spring as I think April was okay 

2016: autumn. Autumn 2016 was the season that was hot and cold at the right times. There was an amazing end to the summer in September then thinks got colder in October and November.

2017: spring. Another very dry warm and sunny spring with an especially hot end to may

2018: summer. Probably the best summer of the 21st century June and July were both classics and august was decent as well 

2019: summer. Despite being very wet pleasant weather was not in short supply most of July was decent there was a hot week in august and a hot spell right at the end of June plus if you like extreme heat (which I do) this is the summer for you 

  • Location: Perth, Scotland
  • Location: Perth, Scotland

 Winter 2010: Never seen a such a prolonged cold and snowy winter was fantastic. Plenty sunshine in between the heavy snow.

Spring 2011: Warmest April on record and it was very dry and sunny, otherwise a forgettable year.

Spring 2012: Clutching at straws for 2012 but Spring did have that exceptionally warm, dry and sunny March and a good week of warm, sunny weather in May.

Summer 2013: Took a wee while to get going but an excellent July, warm and sunny and despite August being dull it was very dry and warm as well.

Summer 2014: Had my sunniest July on record, June despite being wet and dull was still very warm and it had a very good spell of settled weather in the middle of the month. August wasn’t a bad month either despite being unsettled.

Autumn 2015: A very dry and sunny September and a mild and dry October made a nice change. Really enjoyed that very warm spell at the end of September going into October. 

Summer 2016: Again clutching at straws because no season in 2016 was especially good but the first half of June wasn’t too bad and the second half of August was excellent, let down by a very poor second half of June and most of July was cool and unsettled. 

Spring 2017: A very mild and sunny March, a record breaking dry April and a warm and sunny May made an excellent spring. I recorded 31 days of no measurable rainfall between the 11th April-12th May.

Summer 2018: Need I say more? May-July that year was absolutely glorious, will probably be a long, long time before we see a summer that great again.

Winter 2019: A very sunny winter, record breaking dry and sunny January, a very good cold snap towards the end of January beginning of February, and then a taste of mid spring at the end of February. Cracking season.

  • Location: Perth, Scotland
  • Location: Perth, Scotland

 Weather Enthusiast91 I struggled so much with 2016, the weather always seemed to be too hot or cold at the wrong times and then significantly wetter and drier at the wrong times. Such a frustrating year.

  • Location: Islington, C. London.
  • Location: Islington, C. London.

Winter 2010 without a doubt. Coldest and snowiest though nowhere near as good further south, especially once we got to February, but up north it was a very harsh winter, I think it may have been the most severe in Scotland since 1963 or at least on a par with 1979. 

Spring 2016 because it was variable. March had some wintriness early on, then a long nice anticyclonic spell and then very stormy at the end. April had the cold end. May was quite nice though nothing to write home about. There was a very beautiful day on the 9th when we got up to about 25C.

Summer 2011 because it was often cool but not with the floods of 2012 and I do remember some very severe thunderstorms on the 28th of June. Very comfortable summer with only one notable hot spell coming at the end of June. 

Autumn 2016 because it was such a beautiful season that really highlighted the best of each month and had beautiful colours, the most vibrant I’ve ever seen. September was interesting for the heat and storms, October was often pleasant and November felt like a proper old school affair with limited mild weather and while mostly dry it did have some stormy weather on the 20th too. Unfortunately the winter that followed was far less pleasant. Add a December 2010 to the end to classify as winter and the year would be even better!

That would make a funny ole year though, generally average to below average conditions persisting but with a very warm September. 

  • Location: Windermere 120m asl
  • Location: Windermere 120m asl

Winter - 2010, including Dec 09, most wintry overall since 78-79. 

Spring - 2011, a dry March and April combo and warm, May turned wetter. The other seasons were poor, would have said winter, but Feb was mild and wet.

Autumn 2012- very seasonal, lots of frost, early snow in late Oct and a cold end

Summer 2013, best since 2006 and much needed. July was excellent.

Summer 2014, despite a very poor August, June and especially July were great. 

Winter 2015, struggled with this year, none of the seasons stood out, all quite mixed, but the winter brought alot of polar maritime air and snow at times. 

Autumn 2016 , a very warm Sept, a cold frosty Nov, October I can't remember much of

Spring 2017, a very dry and mild March and April combo, I think May was quite reasonable as well. I quite liked the autumn as well very seasonal.

Summer 2018 , super June and July, imploded in August, if included May, best 3 month spell of the 10s.

2019 - can't choose, none stood out better than the other. 

  • Location: Perth, Scotland
  • Location: Perth, Scotland

 LetItSnow! did Scotland not have a very harsh winter during 1984/85 as well but winter 2010 is definitely the hardest I’ve seen.

  • Location: London
  • Location: London

2010’s famous winter is the easiest pick of the lot.

2011 I’ll go for the autumn as that late Sep/early Oct heatwave was very special and felt better than most of that summer.

2012 I want to say the Spring for being bookended with that incredible end of March and nice spell in May, shame April was horrific in the middle though.

2013 easily the summer, finally rescuing us from the never ending cold run and the first summer that really felt like a success since 2006, even if it didn’t completely last until the end of August.

2014 had an underrated and lovely autumn, very sunny with the warmest ever Halloween.

2015 I temporarily moved to Australia in the autumn/their spring, so I’ll go for their southern hemisphere summer as it’s the only one I’ve spent Christmas on a beach in 33 degrees.

2016 I was still in Australia so it’s their autumn (March to May), which saw me start in tropical Cairns and eventually much lower down in Hobart, seeing my first snow in May.

2017 I moved back to the UK in time to see snow in this country again for the first time since 2013, so I’ll go for the winter.

2018 an easy one for that unforgettable summer.

And 2019 probably the hardest one of the lot as I could go for the late winter (February heatwave) or spring (a nice Easter) but instead I’ll go for the summer too, for that brief record breaker July day (until 2022 deservedly smashed it) and another nice run of sun in late August! 

  • Location: Kent, unfortunately
  • Weather Preferences: Cold, snowy winters, warm, early spring, cool, gentle summer, stormy autumn
  • Location: Kent, unfortunately

2010 - Winter, obviously, although spring was very pleasant this year as well.

2011 - Spring, would've been autumn if November wasn't among the warmest on record.

2012 - Autumn, probably the autumnest autumn of my lifetime.

2013 - What can I say, it has multiple choices. Has to be spring due to the very cold March, great memories especially as it was following on from what was already quite a cold winter that had already seen snow.

2014 - Autumn seems to have been the best season of the year overall, I can't say I remember much or have very good memories of this year aside from that it was very mild all year overall.

2015 - Autumn, of course I'm going to go with this as it's the only part of 2015 that wasn't an absolutely horrible time for me, but even then I think it had the best weather of the year aside from November.

2016 - Summer, round these parts aside from June it was warm, dry and sunny with the majority of the summer holiday that year being in the Sun, without it getting ridiculously hot at any point.

2017 - Spring

2018 - Spring as it had BFTE.

2019 - Autumn because it was the only season that wasn't an absolute disaster in any way, and it still had an extremely wet October.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Location: Hampshire
  • Weather Preferences: Warm-by-day sunny thundery summers , short cold snowy winters.
  • Location: Hampshire
Posted (edited)

2010 - I'll say winter, even though Feb was dire, because of the rare heavy lowland snow in Southern England in Jan. Spring lacked any dire months and April and May mostly nice, but the snow clinches it for winter.

2011 - Spring. March and April very good, May a bit so-so but the other 2 months make up for it.

2012 - Spring, even though April was terrible. Winter was dry but unexciting while March was very nice and May pleasant at times, too. Even April had a good number of NW-ly "sunshine and occasional showers" days so wasn't always dire.

2013 - Summer

2014 - Summer

2015 - Spring

2016 - Spring

2017 - Spring

2018 - Summer

2019 - Spring

No autumns as in all cases one of the other seasons was preferable. That said, several of the autumns were quite good: 2010, 2011, 2015 (not Nov), 2016, 2017 (not Sep), and 2018 (not Nov). We have been going through a long spell of miserable autumns since 2019 whereas most of the 2010s had decent autumns at times.

Edited by Summer8906

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