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Everything posted by PolarWarsaw

  1. It won't stick In the day as we've seen today though.
  2. Got a thin layer of that brown/grey sludge forming know on all surfaces, bit like last night. Be good if we have a couple of heavy pulses.
  3. There was a small curl of rain north of birmingham lasting from know until 3-4am, yesterday this wasn't existant it was pure snow. Every site I see keeps telling me that low levels in the midlands should see 10-15CM and potentially a lot more over the hills.
  4. Ouch! BBC forecast shows loop of rain for most of the night just arching above Birmingham covering this area, and Peter Gibbs said a mix of wintry weather over the midlands - in other words - expect nothing unitl the early hours when snow might leave a slushy mess. Downgrade - non event.
  5. It'l be the biggest non event, closest to event last minute letdown for many a year to.
  6. Hoping for a drier period for the next 3-4 hours. The drier we are towards midnight, the better chance of any settling in the early hours.
  7. Accumulations level have I'd say. The intensity of the PPN currently doesn't look brillant either - it is early though.
  8. Tried posting images here of last night's snow and how things look currently. We need dark to come as quickly as possible and cars to telephone box off home! I have to be honest, Snow could fall whilst I was on holiday in Dubai in the middle of July and it would be amazing, UNLESS it stuck .
  9. Tell me about it. The 1-3 miles surrounding my house and area, are without a doubt the SINGLE worst spot in the entire midlands in marginal events. It really is.
  10. Sleet still here, virtually all of last night's snow washed away bar roofs. No chance of anything sticking, know or after dark.
  11. Yep, but nothing is sticking because things are too marginal/not heavy enough. 2 friends I've spoken to in neighbouring towns are all reporting the same weather and a drip drop, puddle thaw! Going to be some turnaround for accumulating snow later.
  12. Its losing intensity as it progresses north, so areas immediately next to brum are getting pasted, the rest of Staffs are getting rain, sleet and a thaw. Bit of a joke really.
  13. Best thing that can happen is this stop know and come back with big heavy flakes at midnight-ish, it's melting everything and everywhere there's 2 inch deep puddles. Could be a disaster here tonight.
  14. Sleet continuing - puddles and metling snow on all other surfaces.
  15. Turning to sleety rain here, floor getting wet again - delaying any potential accumulation later. Any idea on what kind of flakes we will be seeing later? Hope it's the big large ones, the mini ones aren't as much fun.
  16. Ground is drying nicely up here, be nice if we had another couple of hours dry weather so things could really dry off.
  17. Yep, this is going rapidly wrong. Roads/paths puddles and a big Friday rush coming up and more people on the road than normal on a Friday evening with people going out too watch the game - I fear tonight's going to be snowy with nothing sticking - ultimately pointless. No more than a slushy mess here tonight IMO.
  18. Here's hoping your correct chaps! Last night many were suggesting tonight was as marginal as last!
  19. I'd be VERY cautious over depths from this event. Chris Fawkes latest forecast just showed on news 24, or in his words 'snow will turn to rain over 'Wales & West Midlands this afternoon' which the graphic showed from around 1-5pm. Last night the road was wet and thus we had 2-3CM snow accumulated, when around 7 or 8CM probably fell. The second a car drove over this and people walked on the pathways everything turned to slush. I'd expect tonight to be a carbon copy of last night. The later the better the snow comes. Less people on the road then.
  20. Thickening up know. 1-2CM on all surfaces, closer to 3 on the untouched wall/bin.
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