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Everything posted by Dancerwithwings

  1. I would love too experience a temperature difference of 31c in one day.... Pittsburgh +9 to -22 http://www.foreca.com/United_States/Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh
  2. NewYork .....Amazing +14 to -15 in 24hrs. http://www.foreca.com/United_States/New_York/New_York_City?tenday http://www.foreca.com/United_States/New_York/New_York_City
  3. It seems that most would say anyting past 96h-144h is classed as FI (Fantasy Island). God help us if we had to give a name to the CFS Model, Has explained "Some users use F1 which is wrong that's a motorsport!" So if that's the case i'll call it, TT.... (Time Travel)
  4. That damp cold that gets into your bones type weather today, People who suffer from arthritis or joint pain won't be having a good day today im sure.
  5. PM ....Things should turn much more Wintry after mid-month going by the charts and experts .... Yes my eyes have been filmly fix on every run and very nice runs they are too. But when i show cold & snow charts lately things just go wrong, So this time... 'it ain't for me'.... Maybe this time FI may come to fruition
  6. The only people to see snow tomorrow will be guys like Terminal Moraine with over 1000ft to he's name, The rest of us just live in hope. And all this talk of icy-mixes,hail and sleet in the heaviest showers.... Well how sad is it, Were in January and it's come down to this,"icy-mixes,hail and sleet" Something got to give soon before . Conon ....''the ropes on the elevator are going to snap" Hope it does otherwise i'll be using it WE ALL NEED A SNOW FIX
  7. i admire frosty for he's consistent endeavor to find cold and snow, i'm sure if he found one of these he would post it
  8. DROOLING? Even half of the Sunshine state is below freezing on the 7th jan, Shades not required in 0rlando then and as for the rest of the US This is one impressive temperature chart
  9. Yes while we wait for the elusive! We might as well enjoy the day we have Before it pi55es down again
  10. How right you are, I remember myself posting charts in mid Dec showing snow for the first week in Jan, But what do we have Come on to all that love SNOW and ...... Never let the regrets of yesterday destroy the hopes of tomorrow....IT WILL COME....... SMALL PRINT,...QUESTION IS JUST WHEN
  11. Did'nt really notice much about yesterday, After the night before brought on sleep for most of it and when i was a wake it was a blur Happy New Year Let hope this patten (zonal>>>>>>>>>crap) that we are clearly in stuck atm changes soon because it's starting to drive me nuts
  12. Sorry about this... Q as i'm no expert in this, But this warming of the stratosphere http://www.meteociel.fr/modeles/gfse_cartes.php?&ech=384&mode=10&carte=1 It's that deep in FI what makes you think it won't change, Don't get me wrong i love it, But if this was a stonking Surface pressure chart Deep in FI... Emmm, Well all i can say is even though we get excited We all know it changes, So what the difference or is this set in stone
  13. Music to one's ears.... Let's just hope these whispers turn into fact, Hey ...Bish GFS shows Plenty of potential but always in FI and always stays there in FI, The only one showing a near time frame potential is the ECM but even that's out at 240h. Lets see what this evening shows us..... A stonker... Finger crossed
  14. Most on here would agree that he's way over the top and yes utter tripe comes to mind, But just this once and maybe only this once, I can't see much wrong in that.... I can't believe i just said that Or maybe i'm getting desperate
  15. Plenty of Frost and ice out there still, Obviously in the shade for frost but ice from water running off the hill over pathments and walkways, Well dodgy underfoot in parts. Great clear cut photo, Conor123
  16. Yes some lovely sunshine out there today, That's why i'm off down the park with the kid's, Maybe burn off a few calories that i've taken in over Xmas... He He. Quite chilly out there though and i'm sure as that sun start's to drop the temps will go with it
  17. I've heard of Watery Sunshine but never 'wet snow probably watered down', "Mind you by the time it comes", You never know it maybe sleet !
  18. Malteser size hail.......How delicious this weather is
  19. Certainly say that wasn't boring, Woke me up a few times during the night, It's been a few year since i've heard winds like that and Certainly windier than a few days ago. But that's it, Had the rain, had the wind..... Please Please bring me cold and snow Pleeeeeeeeeeease
  20. Strange this is.... Reports of strong winds in North Wales and here in Solihull the WestMidlands, Not even a leaf moving on a branch! So this is what they call, The calm before the STORM
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