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snow freak

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Everything posted by snow freak

  1. that wouldn't surprise me in the least. nice in the south of france and Jerusalem seem to get more snow than us these days.
  2. I appreciate that I really do but after weather watching for years now only to be disappointed I have given up all hope. yes we had an hour of snow (woopee) but now it is rain again and the temperature is rising rather than falling. I don't see how that is going to change now unfortunately. one hour of snow is just nowhere near sufficient for a winter worth of weather in my eyes. our winters are definitely getting poorer snow wise.
  3. or maybe down the whole bottle if the weather in our part of the woods is anything to go by. if we have rain here there is no chance of anything snowy in the south east and that's a definite im afraid
  4. after an hour of snow in between rain it is now back to rain and wiped out any settled snow. temp also rising. this wasn't forecast to happen. will we ever get a decent snow event again in this rain sodden island?
  5. so after weeks of model watching and anticipating the 'big freeze' all it amounted to was an hour of snow sandwiched in between rain. if that is all that this sodden little island can muster for what is supposed to be winter then that's me done from now on. this country is just utter rubbish for any snow and cold whatsoever. an hour or so of snow is nowhere near enough throughout the whole winter. fact our winters are getting more like the southern Mediterranean.
  6. I think the likelihood of the UK having reliable snow during the winter are on the way out. Global warming is seeing to that. we used to have typically 10 days of lying snow and no we are lucky if we have even a day or two of falling snow let alone lying snow. very troubling for the future.
  7. well after rain finally turning to snow and starting to settle it has now all but stopped and seems to have turned to light drizzle again even though the forecast was for it to turn increasingly to snow this evening. so unfair after it finally settling only to then stop. I think the forecast for it to continue this evening and overnight have been so wide of the mark.
  8. hmm well after the rain finally turning to snow and starting to settle it has now eased off and turned to light drizzle again. I thought once the rain turned to snow it was going to last for a few hours. the forecasts have been pretty weak I have to say.
  9. okay it wasn't a total whitefest I must admit but at least it is 100% improvement on last year when we didn't even get any sleet let alone snow in our neck of the woods.
  10. okay rain turned to sleet then to snow about an hour ago and I has already started to settle on cars and roofs. slowing down now though and the temp is dropping. hope its not stopping after all of that.
  11. Rain turned to sleet now turning to wet snow here in Northampton town centre.
  12. okay its really trying to turn to snow here now but still mostly rain with a few flakes of snow thrown in for good measure.
  13. im only 35 east of Coventry and nothing but rain here (
  14. unfortunately just heavy rain here in east midlands. cant say I expected anything less really.
  15. I can confirm that nothing but rain here in the east midlands. very disappointing.
  16. great snow in the forecast and all we get here is light rain. god this country really is rubbish in even producing one lousy day of snow let alone weeks of the stuff. I give up.
  17. then again most years it has started as rain here and turned to snow and even settled after the ground was soaked, then again it isn't cold enough and I just fear this is going to be one of those marginal events we get so often in this country. I could be wrong and I hope I am but im just a little bit more less gullible than I used to be when it comes to snow in this country.
  18. great nothing but light rain here, not that I should have expected anything other
  19. i do agree that December 2010 was an exceptional lengthy period of cold and snow for us in the UK. I would imagine though that winter overall was probably average or even milder than average as it was predominantly mild from January onwards with no repetition of any snow or frost after that initial December cold.
  20. sorry if you think im moaning but i thought that was the point of this forum. Yes i am well aware that cold snowy spells are a rarity in this sceptred isle but that still doesn't stop me wanting it to snow. Yes we are only at the start of winter but that means nothing. the same was said last year and we ended up with nothing. I personally don't think it's a good omen for the rest of the winter if we haven't had the first snowfall in southern england by December in my books. Maybe i will be proved wrong in the new year, but with the charts refusing to point to anything solidly wintry then I refuse to get drawn into the 'will it, won't it' debate and just stick my head out of the window when or if it does finally decide to snow.
  21. it's always ...lets see what the next 12 days bring. well i can guarantee we will get rain and mild thats for sure. i think i am going to give up on the search for cold and snow (or anything remotely interesting winterwise) in this country. Just leads you up the garden path and disappoints. very boring weather.
  22. i just give up looking at the charts as they just lead us up a dead alley. all the talk about something potential happening within 2 weeks or so is just plain wishful thinking. Okay this winter isn't quite as abysmal as last year, but the constant raising of hopes of some white stuff appearing only to be shattered the next day is hardly filling me with hope again this year. Sometimes i really hate the british climate. It's okay if you love gales and rain but not much else.
  23. i can't believe my daffodils are beginning to sprout and its not even midwinter yet. The British winters are becoming more and more mundane and boring and we get all hyped up with the prospect of the slightest cold forecast only to be dashed and disappointed at the last minute. As for model watching, that seems a complete waste of time and i can't see the point if they keep swapping and changing which obviously they will do. I have resigned myself to nothing to boring winters from now on in this country. I used to love the weather but i just can't get interested in months and months of the same uninteresting weather we get here.
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