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Everything posted by Frosty_wsm

  1. Can't think of anything more unpleasant to be honest considering the soaking wet autumn & winter we've just had but with the pv still churning away as strong as ever I can't see the crud pattern we've been stuck in for the last 3 months changing any time soon.
  2. Sod all here overnight, showers passing to the north & south of me & any showers heading this way just died a death across the channel in south wales.
  3. Due to not sleeping well because of bruised ribs I was awake during the early hours when we had a few minutes of biblical rain, it absolutely pelted down and the winds were very gusty as well, if that was snow it would have left a decent covering within minutes due to how intense that precipitation was!
  4. So I see some more have finally seen snow falling or had settling snow, nout here of the white stuff all winter although I got my snow falling fix back in mid November, ok it was very wet snow flakes & borderline sleet, most certainly evaporative cooling taking effect as there was hardly any wind & it turned more to snow in the heavier bursts, some of the higher areas around had settling snow, not bad for autumn, shame that early sight of snow falling didn't set the tone for the winter to come though!! Lol
  5. So many people in the mod thread just wishing they could get to see some snow falling from this terrible winter, they should move to west country as I saw some back in November. I posted about it in this thread at the time, ok there was plenty of rain falling as well aka sleet but there was plenty of snow flakes falling too. I remember plenty of snow reports coming in, mainly from high ground but there was no wind that morning so must of been some evaporative cooling happening during the heavier bursts. Remember thinking at the time that seeing snow falling in late autumn might bode well for the coming winter, how wrong I was about that, so far anyway lol
  6. Considering how much rain we've had since way back at the start of autumn I'd snap up that chart with open arms because it'll be dry!!
  7. Agree 100%, some just seem to like being pessimistic, the glass half empty attitude but as you say, where's the fun in that & chasing those cold charts is all part of the fun, for me anyway but thank god for the ignore list on here hat's all I can say & I'm certainly making use of it lol
  8. With that kind of negative attitude why do you even bother looking at what the models are showing, genuine question??
  9. Being an animal lover I find your comment utterly disgusting to be honest, having seen many news reports on koala's being found with horrendous burns, crying out in pain in one video i saw while a caring person was trying to treat the burns with cold water that reduced me to tears, sadly it had to be put to sleep as the burns were too severe to heal. It's an absolute tragedy what's unfolding over there with 10k being said to have perished in the fires, that's not a situation to be making fun of is it by talking of koala's being microwaved, these poor animals are suffering terribly & I don't find that funny in the slightest
  10. With all the rain many parts of the uk have had since early autumn & with the ground absolutely saturated I doubt many want what you do, I certainly don't, this dry weather can keep on going, we seriously need to dry out! Not to mention I'm seriously sick & tired of constant rain lol.
  11. Just had one hell of a thundery shower pass through here with the largest hailstones I've ever seen came down at the end of the shower, I had to run back in the house from the garden as they were painful striking you!
  12. Yep Dec 81 delivered big time here with about a foot of level snow (got some old photos lying around somewhere which showed how deep the snow cover was) & I'm at sea level just a few miles from the Bristol channel coast, the upper air temps were only around - 3/-4
  13. https://youtu.be/hSsMIyTS13k Terrible Bush fires unfolding over there, for both people & animals, watching that video was very hard, especially hearing the poor thing screeching in pain. Not all angels have wings & the lady who saved that poor koala certainly is one!
  14. Was certainly sleeting when I parked up to go into the dentists, some very large ish wet flakes falling, came out the dentist half an hour later and back to plain old rain with the occasional sleety bit hitting my windscreen on the way home.
  15. Good ol rain down here at sea level as expected, good to see so many people seeing snow though when it's not even winter yet!
  16. Just a heads up but for people like myself browsing this forum on a phone, the mobile layout doesn't display any location info below your profile pic.
  17. I do hope someone checked for hedgehogs hiding under all that before it was set alight!
  18. Well for the last two winters I haven't needed to! Although I'm sure anyone out there who likes seeing snowy scenes would be more than happy to drive up to higher ground to see it if it was rain down at sea level.
  19. Depends what part of the south west we're talking about really, the far south west like Devon & Cornwall & I agree with your comments but living further north east in the SW I have many memories of decent snowfall in the 47 years I've lived here, contrast that with relatives I have living down in St. Ives and it's a totally different story where snowfall is rare & it doesn't hang around long when it has fallen. I'm also very close to the mendips so if any snowfall is a high ground only affair it's only a short drive to get up there to see some very wintry scenes.
  20. What I found quite amusing is someone on the forum last winter talking about how those in the south west should approach each winter with a 'it ain't gonna snow' attitude but then look what happened, it was only the south west & the south that got hit by heavy & disruptive snowfall lol. It can snow here in the west country just as much as any other part of the uk & indeed as that snowfall last winter showed, being in the south west or south of the county can be the place to be at times as often these lp systems end up being pushed much further south than originally forecast when they're coming up against a block to the north east, can't remember what year it was (& I don't want to remember either :p) where heavy snow forecast for the south ended up dumping loads of the stuff on the channel islands instead! The winters of 2008 to 2012 all had at least one snowfall event here, who knows what this winter season will bring, I just hope it ain't mild, wet & windy all the way through, dry cold & frosty is just as good as cold & snow on my book.
  21. A repeat of 47 or 63 would be an utter disaster for wildlife, unlike people they can't go indoors & switch on the heating! A short, sharp cold spell, yeah I'll take that as I & hopefully other animal lovers will be supporting their local wildlife but & long severe winter like those two, no thanks, I remember reading a report of how much of the uk bird population was wiped out in the '63 winter & god that made grim reading.
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