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Everything posted by Bobafet

  1. Change the settings and you can get subtitles in English. particularly like this part.
  2. Some super images from space of Florence. see link https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/weather/see-the-power-of-storms-across-the-solar-system/ar-BBNlBc1?ocid=spartandhp
  3. Love this thread and look forward to seeing the white pixels expanding daily!
  4. 8.30 and only a little light left in the evenings now. Can’t wait until the end of September will be dark by 6.30! I can feel my mood changing for the better even had to go to the doctors and up my medication for the last month or so, don’t know why summer depresses me but thankfully Autumn is in sight!
  5. 9 o’clock and not far off of full darkness! Give it a couple of weeks and it will be nearer 8 o’clock, bring it on I say, starting to get truly fed up of these long warm sunny summer days, the sooner Autumn is here the better.
  6. I’ve had enough of the heat, and so have my young children! Only a few weeks and the nights will begin to draw in and things will then begin to cool down!
  7. Tonight dark by 9.15 although it was quite overcast. But nights are definitely beginning to draw in. Autumn just around the corner!
  8. A couple of weeks time and will notice it getting darker earlier. I personally can’t wait it will certainly help my kids get to sleep, can’t wait for the nights to creep in, I love the countdown to Autumn and then winter!
  9. You can condense the quoted post by clicking the white down arrow which is next to the time the post was posted. onto the models and we do seem to be getting to the potential of some record breaking weather, will we hit the UK temperature record?
  10. Certainly looks pretty smart, may well purchase one when they become available.
  11. One more day until the summer solstice and the change to the days getting shorter! I am starting to get fed up with the long dry nights, and with a potential heat wave on the horizon - I personally cannot think of anything more depressing. It is also awful for my kids who are very blonde and can only spend 5 minutes in the sun before it gets too much for them. Roll on winter and roll on getting dark earlier I say! I know it is a bit strange to not like the warm and heat and light evenings but it really does depress me.
  12. Latest lightning strike map, just started raining here Newport IOW. Hopefully a few thunderstorms will come this way.
  13. Think we will have another hour or so and then that will be our lot I feel. It has been a super couple of days and what a change for us down South and the West to finally get a taste of winter. Let’s hope the trend continues for the next few winters, especially with solar minimum in our favour. signing off now and will back again October/November on the hunt for cold again! Thanks to all in this thread who make it for fun reading- a top bunch and by far the friendliest regional!
  14. Starting to come down a bit heavier here again. Some lovely scenes this morning. A few pics from last night and this morning.
  15. Final one from me, need sleep! Still snowing heavily on the IOW hopefully will keep on for the next few hours and then I can take the kids for a sledge in the morning.
  16. 2 spotted Rays! Drive was a bit dicey on the way home. IOW seems to be in the sweet spot at the moment, not sure how long it will last for. More than I was expected!
  17. Just got in from a nights fishing (I know I must be mad!!) snowing heavily now, got some cracking pictures from the garden, you would have thought it was Christmas!
  18. Light snow here but will not come to much ground to wet from overnight rain. Not going to be much of a spell of snow for us I don’t believe. Local media saying 5cm overnight for IOW - think they must have used to work for the daily express!!!!!!!!
  19. If you click the little arrow to the left of the time the quoted post was posted you will collapse the whole quoted post. Then you don’t have to scroll all the way through it.
  20. Certainly has been a fun few days thaw has now virtually finished and heavy rain. It got me to thinking about why we love the snow and how special it can be especially as we rarely see it. So I thought I would attempt to write a poem - so here goes and see you all next winter! Why we love the snow! Whilst sat here looking at the weather charts hoping for some snow. I have to remind myself that for us down south this is normally a no go. But this doesn’t stop me looking out the window, continually glancing at the lamp post. Waiting, wondering will it be our turn next? Normally it’s the northerners that get the most. Then to my surprise white flakes catch my eye, surely it can’t be what’s that falling from the sky. Yes we have snow much to my surprise, gradually the snowfall and snowflakes are gaining in size. My 2 young children cannot contain their excitement, for once it looks like we may be on a winner. The youngest says Dad can we go out sledging straight after dinner. Two days of fun prevail and we even had freezing rain and hail. Everyone seems happy the snow brings the best out of us. People help each other out without even a fuss. Then the inevitable begins to happen the thaw begins, back to reality, but we do need to pinch ourselves for what we have witnessed. Now onto spring, summer, Autumn already counting down the days for next winter, don’t worry it will soon be here in a blinker!
  21. Yep think the snow will disappear rapidly! Certainly enjoyable whilst it lasted. Please keep sharing your photos some are fantastic!
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