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Everything posted by P-M

  1. Looks like a line of cells popping up on northern England. Who knows eh we might get lucky yet
  2. That cell to the west of Newcastle is really building now - encouraging. Just need to to electrify and keep going!
  3. Cell has burst to life to the west of Newcastle - lets hope it continues to build as it'll be on a collision course for moi
  4. Im not so sure today it's sunnier here than it was then and the humidity has gone through the roof. It's cloudy but much warmer than that day for sure.
  5. To be fair MetO have the borders up to Edinburgh under a warning so not that surprising. I am just waiting on some form of trigger!
  6. Sferics now appearing to the west of Newcastle but can't see from what??
  7. It's painful watching lol I can see that but not sure it's going to make it this far down. Nice to see some strikes showing though so who knows I haven't a clue right now!
  8. That's what I was looking at before but the sferics appear sporadic so not sure..
  9. There is - up near Edinburgh (a fair bit) and little bits near Preston?
  10. Haha I will cope I'm sure! NZ is on my bucket list for the next couple of years.
  11. Is that the trough developing between Ireland and IoM? Only asking as the convective cloud appears to thin out and a clear sector can be seen. Interesting to look at either way.
  12. Thanks - I eagerly await your updates! Will try and suss it myself too like but not holding much hope.
  13. Ah so that's how it works? Fair enough let's see what happens later then. I get it now hence the later tonight / overnight forecasts. Cheers snow.
  14. Thanks for the info - what direction is it forecast to move in then, is it straight east?
  15. Thank you - it seems then that it's hours away from us so defo not expecting anything now!
  16. Anyone have any idea where the trough / cold front even is? I was convinced I'd be able to keep track of it but seems I can't even work that out
  17. Well all of the sferics have all but disappeared now from the lightning detector. Appears to have died a death! Can anything else initiate? We'll see...
  18. I'm watching for the line of mini storms around the IoM at the moment - seem to be headed NE so let's see if they grow as they do...!
  19. Sferics really kicking off around Liverpool, some to the west and the others to the south and east. Like people have mentioned from nothing to lightning strikes within 30 mins.
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