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Everything posted by NickR

  1. Wouldn't it be better to say "it's a complex explanation that has to do with x, y, z" and then leave it at that rather than something that sounds almost unscientific and mystical?
  2. Either way, if that was Michael Fish's response, that's pretty poor for a man of his experience. He either doesn't know something he should, or just couldn't be bothered to explain it.
  3. I'm not scientist, but I know enough to know that, with all due respect to the man, that is utter nonsense. There has to be a scientific explanation.
  4. Fair enough. But when people on HERE start saying they've failed, I am a tad disappointed.
  5. Trees can still damage brick built housing. And cars. As can flying debris. I think most do have insurance... but insurance doesn't rid you of the hassle, does it? And there's usually an excess. It's hardly rocket science!
  6. The "If" suggested that a backtrack on the models and no powerful storm would represent them failing. Otherwise, what did you mean by "if"? Sorry, but it was clear what your post was driving at. If the storm doesn't materialise as they have been forecasting, they will not have failed. The models will have performed poorly.
  7. But they haven't failed. They have accurately reflected the best model output. They have not put out a red warning precisely because of the chance of a 24hr-out backtrack. I simply don't understand these posts about egg on face/failed/poor performance/loss of credibility.
  8. I wasn't saying that. Just responding to a post suggesting that the winds of 40mph to hit the NW were due to a sting jet. A sting jet would be a lot more severe.
  9. I just meant I don't think it is a sting jet. A sting jet would be FAR stronger than that. I think it's just normal wind from a low pressure system.
  10. Why likely? Who says? And 40mph hardly sounds like a particularly terrifying sting jet to me!
  11. Mods? This guy is about as much of a troll as I think I've seen. Endless scaremongering and false statements that are utterly irresponsible.
  12. With all due respect, that is nonsense. Your posts have been irresponsible in their scaremongering without any proper justification.
  13. LOL It's not going to blow away all the shops or render life Blitz-like! Having a torch and some candles is more than enough "provisions" to get in.
  14. Why are you repeating the same basic point several times in each post?
  15. 30.2°C max today in my sheltered back garden with a radiation screen. LOVELY!!!
  16. They always couch their forecasts in cautious terms. To make any more out of it seems churlish at best... although it does continue the general (and ludicrous) "let's write off summer now" feel to several posters on here.
  17. I didn't realise our summer ended on 2 June.
  18. I did. It wasn't a few days. Also, your bit about a few days in August doesn't change the fact that your first statement in bold here is not true for a large part of the country last year, given that August was good.
  19. I'll tell my computer and my memory that the data is recorded for August was imagined then, shall I? I'll also tell my kids that the memory they have of spending 2 weeks pretty much every day in the pool was a figment of their imagination. We can all post pics of the odd flood/heavy rain event for a certain part of the country. South and East were pretty good; West and far N, not so good.
  20. No, they wouldn't have been. June and July were pretty dire, but August wasn't too shabby at all. A run of over 14 days at the start of the month with dry warm/fairly hot weather with kids in paddling pool, and the first 24 days with temps at 20°C or above here in the cool NE speaks volumes (i.e., hardly "only a few decent days").
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