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Everything posted by November13

  1. Started here now...I was down your way Saturday at Newmains getting my car serviced at Cooper Bros my dads cycling buddy..very cheap service!
  2. Now do I stay up for the next Rainfall radar update! Or ..go for an early night and have the surprise in the morning! Decisions!
  3. Seems to be a lot heading south and East now. Bannockburn/Dunblane and Argyll are getting some heavy snow. Can't see that missing us altogether! Yeh active band is definatley moving!
  4. Now snowing at Glen Ogle so it's heading the right way about 30 miles from me!
  5. Check out the snow on Rannoch Moor Traffic Scotland. That band is producing some heavy snow we should get some on it's way south even if it weakens!
  6. The good news is that Scotland is now looking at an 8 -12 day cold spell. Possible briefly milder on Thursday but depends on the track of the front expected to lie south of the border. Then Fiday the cold comes back with a vengence.
  7. Wahay if you are getting it we should get it in about 15 mins!!! Light snow now getting very dark!
  8. As I speak the Ochills disappear...will it be snow or rain?
  9. You are definately going to get hit shortly. However your low altitude might be the problem as it's marginal. I am even affected by the heat of the Forth away up here on the hills as it's only 2.5 miles away.Thursday could either be mesy or fantastic. I think north of Dunblane mega snow is on the cards. For us further south the difference could be as little as 30 miles depending where the front ends up!
  10. Snowing at Dunblane/Tyndrum big wide band.Can't see that missing anyone west of Linlithgow! Give it 20 minutes!
  11. Not had any snow since 9am. The showers keep missing us. I think the next one might be a hit though seems to be a big one heading down now.
  12. Morning all 2cm snow -1c excellent.There is a big dod on the way down on the rainfall radar! :smilz38:
  13. Back to sleet again those uppers must be warm it's -1c now!
  14. Been in the pub just back and nae snaw. Whits goin on? Well maybe tomorrow guys!
  15. Heavy snow in Glen Ogle just behind Killin ...check out traffic Scotland. I think it is 600ft.
  16. Right who's joining me full winter gear...snow shovels , sledges and snowballs with rotten eggs in the middle!
  17. P.S On another note. I have just found out the Scottish Government have snubbed a petition to fly the Saltire instead of the Union Jack at Edinburgh Castle. They refused to change the flag not on legal grounds but on the basis of wrong advice from Historic Scotland. I had to read the article a few times to believe it. As a life long member of the SNP I am pretty annoid with them to say the least. I have written to Alex Salmond as is my right as a member for an explanation. The article will be in tomorrows Sunday Post as well. The petitioner was Mark Hirst of Saltire Scotland.
  18. 2.8c Sleet...very wet sleet seem to be getting closer to the white stuff. There are plenty of showers around so here's hoping for a dusting! Trouble with this lampost watching is that you get none of the jobs done you are supposed to be doing! Off to the pub later hope it is near a lampost!
  19. 3.4c here as well. I noticed there is little variation with height which is worrying! I was in Falkirk about 100ft above sea level and drove back to my house 384ft above sea level and temp exact same. Might explain why the Ochills have nothing on them despite being 2600ft. So I am guessing the uppers are to warm for snow at the moment.
  20. Agreed I think our best chance of snow is Sunday and Monday. The mountains will get a good pasting later tonight and the rest of the weekend. I think Glencoe might be open next weekend. However I worry that Nevis Range are not always geared up to open early. Glenshee has had nowt so far and Cairngorm is only worth going if the whole mountain is open as they still charge full price for 4 runs. :smilz38:
  21. Not on Sunday but I think all will get snow going into Monday according to the models. Can't see anyone in Scotland not getting something out of the weekend into Monday.
  22. Yep think we are over the rollercoaster of mild/cold. Now it is officially cooling down. I expect most of Scotland to have snow by Monday!
  23. Sorry by early I didn't mean this weekend.I meant earier than 21December.Winds would be too strong this weekend anyway and need a base first. not expecting to be skiing for at least 14 days!Met Office offers some hope Central Scotland tomorrow: Thursday: A few showers, some of these of sleet and snow, but generally there will be plenty of dry, bright weather. Strong winds will only gradually ease. Feeling cold. Maximum temperature 7 °C.
  24. Yep 9.2c in Polmont...not good. Should peak about 10c tonight then drop to about 5c.
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