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Everything posted by kmanmx

  1. For what it's worth; these are the midnight accumulations on Arpege model. Similar on NMM and other models.. And by 8am Looks like it's supposed to start to settle later in the night.
  2. Guys & Gals have you seen the snow they have had in Erie, Pensylvania, USA ? 56 inches since Christmas eve !!! sweet mother of ..!!
  3. Snowing here for 2 hours now, but still conditions are not conducive to settling. There is a thin, wet coating on cars but nothing anywhere else. A bit disappointing as it's been moderate to heavy snow consistently for quite a while. Ohwell still plenty more to come
  4. Honestly I think 125 riders are braver than big engine riders. I had one for a month or two while I practiced for my full license. A 2007 Honda CBF 125 I think it was... oh man that thing was sketchy as hell! the tyres are so thin and inspire no confidence... the brakes are, ugh, well, not great. There is no power to get away from murderous cars and so on. I felt so much safer on a 650cc. Can get up to speed nice an quickly when pulling out, and nice big tyres with brakes that stop you quickly Anyway I am getting off topic lol. Still snowing here
  5. Haha. You're making me jealous, I sold my m'bike recently (just an SV650) to get more money for a house deposit I did see a guy on a gixxer 600 when it snowed a few weeks ago. Suffice to say he was just paddling it down the road using his legs as stabilizers
  6. Should check the models Andy... this will carry on til about 6 or 7am. Might be some decent accumulations by the morning when people are awakening
  7. Yes it stops going north soon and starts to move easterly.
  8. Looking on Google Maps you are near a bit of water or a stream, so your elevation is probably a fair bit below 100m ASL. When it's marginal like this, a bit of height makes quite a bit of difference. That said it's due to get colder still as we head into early morning hours, so you should still see snow soon enough IMO.
  9. Yep just noticed it's started to settle on metal things now, primarily cars
  10. Interesting. What is your interpretation on model output vs radar ? would you say it's moving through much quicker or... ?
  11. I'm not so sure. If you compare 22z output of Hirlam to the Radar, they are pretty well aligned. A few differences, but that is always the case. I am very much a newbie though, so call me out if I am misinterpreting it. The northern extent looks pretty much bang on. Perhaps the radar shows the heavier PPN extending east off the coast more than the model, but to me it just looks like the model didn't get the west to east "width" of the PPN correct, rather than it moving through quicker ? though again, I may be looking at this wrong.
  12. Anyone get the impression Met Office have got this fantastically wrong !? GFS and other big models dont have it snowing here for another 4 or 5 hours. It's already snowing now, and it's coming down quite heavy. It's only going to get less marginal and more cold as the night goes on, so I don't ever see it reverting back to rain. This is expected to go on for another 9 hours for my area.. Wow nice!. According to Met Office, that's all you should be getting. "maybe 1 or 2cm" is what they said. I think they're wrong...
  13. In a small village about 10 miles south of the city.. so temps are about 1c lower than the city temps, which helps. The cold is moving southeast, so should get into northants in an hour or two. It was only supposed to snow here from 1am onwards, so its almost 4 hours early. So hopefully will be 4 hours early for your area too!
  14. 1.4c here now, 100% snow it seems. Great stuff, 3 hours ahead of schedule. There was a magical moment when I was looking at the radar to see precip all over Leicester, but no pitter patter on the window anymore... so I shot to the window, and surely enough, pure snow ! woop. No sign of it settling yet. The temp probably needs to drop another degree til that happens though. However i've seen snowflakes so this event already gets a 7/10 from me without it even settling
  15. Sleety rainy snow here. But definitely more *snowy* than it was 15 minutes ago. Might be close to 100% slow by 10pm. Ding ding !
  16. If you ask the Met Office, 1 or 2cm above 100 meters. If you ask some of the models like Hirlam, ICON, Arpege, NMM, ECM... 10 to 20cm. So literally, somewhere between 1 and 20cm
  17. Wet snow mixed in with sleet, out of nowhere ! wow - the transitioning is happening faster than expected for sure, I wasn't down for sleet til midnight and snow after 1am. I think the cold is sinking SE faster than expected!
  18. I think you got lucky with the dewpoint ! Should be 1 to 2c for your area. Leicester doesnt get to the 0 or 1c dewpoint til well after midnight, 20 miles west of here and the dewpoint is 2 degrees lower just slightly bad positioning. Ohwell. I will stay up to watch anyway
  19. Not jealous not jealous not jealous... To be fair, the models do not forecast it turning to snow here for at least 3 hours. Patience!
  20. I'd love to say it's turning here, but it is still very much rain.
  21. 2.4c here now I think we can count that as bad data 0.4c every 2 minutes would give you a 12c dewpoint rise in 1 hour
  22. Surprising! says it's 4c there on Met office website. Cool if true.
  23. 3.2c here now, bitter wind and driving rain. Hand was numb after 2 mins of holding the thermometer out the window
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