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Norfolk Sheep

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Everything posted by Norfolk Sheep

  1. Tescos is full of gardening equipment, not a bag of salt/grit to be seen anywhere....off to Ridgeons tomorrow I think....
  2. I'm just happy about having no mud for a few days - clean dogs hurrah! Tbh we've had E'lys. NE'lys. ESE'lys and every other kind of 'ly historically, only one of which ever delivered what I would call "significant" snow. Yep, good old January 1987...our first winter in Norfolk and we thought good grief, is that what it's like every year? Never repeated... The downside of significant snow is that the mud reappears pretty rapidly unless we have nice drying winds for a couple of weeks (and no rainfall)....
  3. Interesting to see the emphasis (at the moment) on Suffolk/Essex and London re snow. Everyone bangs on about 1991 but I have no record anywhere of significant snow in Norfolk (including my almanacs) although it was cold. Wondering if this could be the same this time?
  4. As long as it's all out of the way before I start lambing around 12th March I'll be happy! However I will be making provision for water storage as a minimum. Even feeding double amounts of hay I have enough for 30 days from the beginning of next week...
  5. About an hr's worth of snow here, nothing settled. So not proper snow. Bring back January 1987 is what I say...
  6. Give me a good hard frost over this will it won't it fest - at least my dogs will be clean and dry!
  7. The drizzle just got heavier. Still, it's cold heavy drizzle so that's a plus...
  8. No frost at all here, definitely feeling warmer than during daylight hours!
  9. Pretty much clean and green for Norfolk then bar the far west. Oh well, seems like a muddy dog scenario for me then haha
  10. Yesterday the Beeb forecast showed Norfolk and Lincs northward under a white blanket, don't we all hate the uncertainty right up to the last minute!
  11. Still in two minds whether to risk driving up to Grimsby on Saturday, I mean it could all look fine Sat morning and then Sunday I find myself stuck oop norf. Don't fancy coming home backwards over the Wolds
  12. I'm semi hibernating until May but I decided I better wake up and see if anything was happening.....last time I looked it was snow for everyone apart from Norfolk and Suffolk Mind you things might have moved on in the last 24hrs although we could just get torrential rain and gales. Yuk. Oh, and a storm surge down the east coast
  13. Woken up by the Australian Shepherd storm alert. 100% correct as usual. Nice unexpected bonus
  14. Typical - electrification in Kent as usual, revolting drizzle and cold wind in Norfolk
  15. Moderate rain again here, certainly getting more potent the further south you go; nothing to ominous on radar for Norfolk/Suffolk tbh.
  16. 27mm rain this morning. the band of rain sinking south has really developed some serious oomph over London and the Home Counties.
  17. I've counted 6 which isn't a huge number, 4 of those were the "one or two rumbles" variety.
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