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Everything posted by doctormog

  1. A new phenomenon? Thunderhaar! Lots of sferics out to sea to the SE as you say.
  2. Snowing nicely here now but had a lovely view of the aurorae earlier.
  3. There are some days where I can honestly say in terms of beauty there is nowhere better on the planet than the hills of Scotland. I took these during a nice little spot of skiing at the Lecht this afternoon. Who needs the Alps!
  4. It is probably because of the wind direction, if there is a breeze or fresh wind over a comparatively warm sea the areas most exposed will "escape" the lowest temperatures. In the case the most "sticky out bits" with most sea in their vicinity.
  5. Yes, same old story - milder air embedded with the trough raising the dew points and preventing accumulation. The dew point should drop soon but with it goes the precipitation by the look of things.
  6. Thanks guys. Will see if the conditions are OK (which they look like being) and probably head to the Lecht. Based on past experience it is, as you suggest, probably the best bet.
  7. Thanks. I had a wee look at WH a few mins before I posted! I might wait and see what materialises over the next couple of days as the Lecht may pick up something to add to the base. I don't get out as much nowadays (skiing I mean!) for very similiar reasons to you. Enjoy Carrbridge I'm sure you'll get some snow. We were very nearly there last weekend but held off due to the forecast as we wanted to get some skiing in too.
  8. Can I ask your advice or recommendation for this Saturday please. We are wanting to go skiing this weekend (leaving from Aberdeen) and wonder, based on current or expected conditions, what the best place would be to head. My daughter has just had an intensive series of lessons on the dry slopes here but may be more confident than she is able! My son is relatively inexperienced too. Any advice about the best location (probably not Nevis or Glencoe for geographical reasons). I wondered bout the Lecht but wasn't sure about conditions. Hoping for a few flurries here over the weekend but fear it may be of the melted snow variety..
  9. Based on the forecast they may have been on to something! Here's the view about 5 minutes ago as the light is fading...a touch of Mount Doom about it
  10. I managed this snap a few minutes ago from here in Aberdeen city
  11. You're just not "lucky" No doubt if it is an organised feature our "rain shield" will fail and as the milder embedded air moves in what the snow couldn't get through the rain will! Elsewhere may be more fortunate though.
  12. That trough up to the northwest is worth watching and could deliver quite a bit snow to a few "lucky" places later I think.
  13. The warming modelled on the Berlin site this morning is quite remarkable. Will it happen and will its impact be equally remarkable
  14. Things have calmed down and dried up after a very stormy morning here. One advantage of all the cold air aloft was the chance of spotting the rather rare phenomenon of a nacreous cloud (taken through a window on my mobile) Good luck to those expecting snow later on - it could be fun for some!
  15. Great photos Stormeh. On the subject of the radar, I have noticed a few to returns (in the last hour or so) in the North Sea that seem to be heading westwards towards parts of the east coast. Anaprop or something to watch?
  16. Looks fab guys. Keep the reports and photos coming for us poor snow-starved north-easterners.
  17. I think the precipitation band has reached its northernmost extent and has started to spin back south. This is bound to be the case as it was getting dangerously close to approaching Aberdeen!
  18. Yes I noticed that the band is a bit further north than modelled. Not far enough for here though! Enjoy the snow if you get it. I see that Borders Council has apparently cancelled all school transport for to,or row in anticipation. Very sorry to read of your loss Catch.
  19. More rain for the northeast last night and more reports of flooding. Beyond a joke.
  20. It's more of a surprise to me that it's snowing here in Aberdeen than a bit inland. Fingers crossed it is better for the flooding than more rain would be.
  21. Actually the ACC Facebook site is not that great, Aberdeenshire tends to be more formative for that region and the picture does not look good (this is from a link on the FB page https://online.aberdeenshire.gov.uk/apps/news/release.aspx?newsID=4326). For anyone in the NE a really good, rapidly updated and informative FB page is the one from FUBAR https://www.facebook.com/FubarNews
  22. Well there's little point in having a website that claims to be up to date if you have to check/trawl through a Twitter page. The BBC can post the updates on the news site so I would expect TS to do the same. The Twitter feed is definitely better I agree but the website should really be more informative (otherwise it is not fit for purpose). Anyway, on to more important issues and there are now reports of care homes in Aberdeen (Persley) and beyond being evacuated. A vile night and the rain continues.
  23. Safe travels and I hope your journey is not too bad. There is an insane amount of surface water on many of the roads (and nothing in the news nor on TrafficScotland - do we not exist/matter up here?)
  24. Yes, things are very worrying across a large swathe of the east and northeast this evening.
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