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Everything posted by mistyqueen

  1. Can't believe it's been so long since I posted here! Now rectified and I promise faithfully ( and annoyingly! ) to report here on a daily basis. Well, after a week of stunningly good weather here, we are surely back to normal. Lots of rain yesterday, more today and rather clammy along with it. Had a good few low level short walks last week and the old creaky hips certainly felt it afterwards. Thursday looks like an OK day so will get out for a stretch then. Must make the most of any dry days we get as I feel sure that Son of Lockdown is on his way. Still plenty of the dreaded camper vans arriving here and headed to Portree which has, so far as I'm aware, the only open camp site on the island. It's been a very strange summer that's for sure. Odd not to be able to drive down and catch up with family whenever I wanted to. However, the first weekend lockdown was lifted off I went and have been back down twice more since then. Hopefully manage another visit before the next set of rules apply. Hope you are all keeping well, and now that Autumn is here and winter on the way we'll surely have plenty to moan about!
  2. Getting livelier by the minute! Time to switch off the lights and let Mother Nature give us a light show!
  3. It's getting very rumbly oot there! Had a couple of lightning strikes a wee while ago. Thankfully we haven't had the roasting hot weather today that some of you have had. It's very humid now, but it'll be so much more comfortable after the storm. Love the thunder and lightning!
  4. Just heard my first rumble here. Rained earlier on so that put paid to the weeding. I think the south and east of the island is getting it just now.
  5. It's got awfy dark oot there! Was going to do some wedding but the midges haven't fed yet and I don't fancy being their breakfast. It's 15.1c just now and not a breath of wind. Lightning strikes currently hitting Mull and heading slowly north. Might get a touch of the old crash, bang, wallop later on! Keeping an eye on the Netweather lightning map! Good viewing there!
  6. That one perfect word to describe today's weather...... Dreich! Rained ( lightly ) most of the night and still gently dripping. Temp way down on recent days at 14c but I am thankful for the coolness. At least I won't have to water the garden today!
  7. Sticky, muggy, midge! Temp down a good bit from yesterday when it got up to 27.6c here. Now at 21c but feels a lot cooler as we have a good bit of cloud today. Waaaay too hot for this girl over the weekend so very little done in the garden. Spent yesterday afternoon with some DVD's and a bottle of wine. Nice! A wee bit of Scotch Mist hanging around the mountains, might clear up later today. In the meantime I'm off for a wee walk to get the muscles moving.
  8. Morning Earthlings! Another gorgeous day ahead up here, so I reckon a walk along the shore is the order of the day this afternoon. Have to trek into Portree this morning for pet supplies and drugs, wee trip to the bank and post office too. Such an exciting life! I have found a great home made weed killer....boiling salted water! Boy, am i getting through a lot of salt! It takes a bit longer to knock the weeds into touch, so I drench them once a day for about four days. It certainly works! Stubborn buggers get a dose of raw salt as close to the ground as possible which should kill the root. It does take longer than any chemical weed killer, but I'd far rather use salt than some smelly and toxic mixture. Safer for pets! Off course, all this gardening activity has resulted in a bit of a sore back so I'd better lay off it for a few days. Stay safe people, and enjoy the sun while it's still here!
  9. Ah well, it had to come sometime! Raining again, an unfamiliar sound indeed! Just light showers so nothing to get excited about. Will do the ground a lot of good I'm sure. Will dash out between showers to plant peas and onions. Awaiting broad bean seeds and seed potatoes. Ordering online as none available in Skye just now. there's a very pleasant coolness on the face just now which I like. More dry weather to come later this week by the look of things, so more gardening and clearing up outside is on the cards. Weeds sprouting like mad. Anyone know of any kind of chemical free weedkiller or something that I could concoct at home?
  10. Good morning from an endlessly sunny Skye! At least that's what it seems like! Can't remember the last time I saw clouds. Or when we last had rain. Lovely crispy clear evenings and nights. Wall to wall sunshine during the day. Looks to continue for a good few days yet. Not that I'm complaining! This weather has really lifted the gloominess that was pervading all and everything! At least I'm getting the garden cleared up slowly but surely and have a planting programme sorted out too. Got some seeds in pots on the kitchen window ledge and will plant other seeds outside when it starts to warm up a bit. Still too cold to plant outdoors yet. Might even get some pics taken, been too busy to bother with a camera! Enjoy the glorious weather folks and make the most of it as best you can!
  11. Happy Easter all, hope you have an overload of chocolate! Another good day weather wise, temp 8.1c, very calm, light cloud, and the wee birdies are tweetling away to their hearts' content! Will potter at home and garden in the morning then a wee walk in the afternoon. I'm lucky as I live very close to the shore so that's where I'll be headed! Went for a walk there on Friday and met quite a few fellow villagers out for their daily constitutional, great to see them, albeit at a distance! We are going to have some party when this CV19 is over with! We do keep in touch via Whatsapp, but nothing beats sitting around a table in the local hostelry sorting out the world's problems and having a damned good laugh into the bargain! It'll come, so until then I will enjoy my walks and Whatsapp chats. Stay safe peeps and enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend!
  12. Morning all! A good start to the day, sun just about breaking through and nice and calm. Temp around the 12.8c mark which is very pleasant! Got my raised beds prepped yesterday and the rest of the veg plot tidied up a bit. My back and shoulders were complaining a bit later on though! Might do a bit more tidying this morning then go for a walk in the afternoon. Forecast looks to be OK ish for the rest of the weekend so should get quite a bit done outdoors! Hope it's good where you all are!
  13. Yesterday was what I can only describe as utter pish! Low cloud and drizzle, cool and clammy. Morphed into an absolutely beautiful evening so I took a turn around the garden deciding which of the smallish jobs I should tackle first. Too many to choose from, but I'll hopefully make a start today. Weather better this morning, sun trying to break through light cloud, very calm, temp hovering around the 6.5 - 7c mark. If it stays like this over the next few days I should get quite a bit done but I promise not to overdo it! Dreading the Easter break, plenty of touroids already here and I'd bet my last quid there's more on the way! I really hope there will be a police presence at the bridge soon to turn back holiday makers and camper vans. We really don't need them right now!
  14. How nice to feel a warm wind! Makes a change! A bit brisk to say the least, might have to go and rescue my laundry in a bit! Also trying to get newly purchased anemometer to talk to weather base station. Not happening yet! GGGGGGRRRRRRR! Temp currently a balmy 17.2c according one weather station. I feel that's a bit ambitious! But it is nice!
  15. Morning campers! Weather has been calm, sunny and dry since Thursday but absolutely baltic! Those stiff breezes fairly pack a wind chill! Very calm today, overcast and light drizzle. I'm told we may get a dusting of snow by the weekend. I doubt that, maybe the mountain tops but not at low levels. A pleasant if chilly constitutional on Sunday with a friend and her dog, maintaining a discrete distance off course! Might do a little light work in the garden, cover over raised beds to warm them a little prior to planting. Have to say I'm enjoying the quiet up here now. Normally things would be picking up now in time for Easter with plenty cars and dreaded camper vans around. The added bonus is I can hear the wee birdies singing now. I can stand in the garden for a good ten, fifteen minutes before a car passes. Then wait another thirty minutes until the next! It's a wee bit busier this morning as obviously there are people on their way to work, but after nine it really is so quiet. Other than that I see the occasional neighbour and the postie and that's my lot till I make the weekly trip for groceries. Life sure is exciting these days, eh? No, not exciting, just worrying.
  16. Morning Peeplings from ( for the second day in a row! ) a very sunny Skye! It was just gorgeous yesterday, although not too warm so I did my once weekly supermarket run for myself and also a friend. Have to report that the Co-op in Broadford was pretty well stocked, better than I thought it would be. It's impossible to practice social distancing in there as the aisles are simply too narrow, but folks were trying their best. Only shelf gaps I could see were the obligatory bog roll, kitchen roll and paper hankies, no evaporated milk, ( Scandalous! It's what I have on my porridge of a morning! ), very little pasta, but I did manage to get two packs of macaroni. Plenty of fresh produce reduced too so I got a couple of bargains. Then home to my friends house for a sociable, but discreetly distant, cup of tea and shortbread! A walk will be the order of the day today, something I've not been able to do much of recently. Making the most of it while it lasts!
  17. Well it truly was rather blustery yesterday! So blustery the wind ripped my anemometer off the pole and into the garden! Now in bits, shopping online today for new anemometer! Calmer here today but still a bit dreich. I am still promised sunshine tomorrow and for the next couple of days. I could do with it even just to dry the garden out a bit and get the pothole in my drive repaired. Saw a camper van heading south early this morning. I guess the shitty weather did it's work! ?️
  18. Morning Peeplings! Weather back to normal now, horizontal rain etc, etc. Roll on Thursday when it's supposed to improve! Think I'll spend most of the day clearing out cupboards and see what my tinned food supply is like. Then some online shopping. Life doesn't get more exciting than that eh? But still, I'm not complaining! I see CalMac have done the right thing in stating essential travel on ferries only. GOOD! About time! I don't know how many camper vans are on the island now. Maybe some took the hint and have gone home. I can always hope! Maybe the weather has put them off!
  19. i know the majority of you will wake to blue skies and sunshine, but spare a thought for us poor peeps up in Skye! Currently cloudy with a brisk wind, no rain....yet! Temp is 8.1c but feels a lot colder. I have been promised good weather by the end of the week. We'll see! Oh, but what's this I see? A camper van in our local car park! I think the local vigilante group should be put on immediate alert! I was looking for a pitchfork and flaming torch emoji but couldn't find any. So you'll have to make do with some angry face, a camper van and a bomb. I'm sure you get the picture!
  20. Gorgeous day yesterday, gorgeous day today! Lovely to see the sunshine at last! A few more days of this will help dry up the muddy, swamp like feature that is my garden!
  21. Yesterday was mince! Had a gust of 60.4 mph at lunchtime, Those kind of wind speeds were not forecast! Thankfully calmer today but still a bit dreich. Temp 6.3c. Roll on the weekend when we will have some actual sunshine!
  22. OOOOOOOERRRR MISSUS! Humungous hauf croon sized snawflakes falling as I type! No way did I expect that! It won't last though as ground is sodden and it's not very cold, but at least it snowed!
  23. It has gone very, very dark here but no snow. No surprise there then!. Temp is around 3c, rain, light winds. Miserable. Again.
  24. Nice morning here, 2.9c, light cloud and breeze. Snow disappeared as fast as it came the other day but still some white stuff on the Cuillin. Been quite a calm weekend really and looks as if we'll be back to the usual murky pish this week. Might get out for a wee stroll today before the rain arrives..... again!
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