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Everything posted by mistyqueen

  1. Cool and cloudy here, currently 13.8c....a helluva lot warmer than yesterday when we reached the heady depths of -0.1 yesterday morning at 6am. I look forward to the winter though and will just take whatever it flings at us, whether it be hail and gales, rain, ice, or snow. I do hope we don't have a visit from that really boring chappie Mr Mild though. He overstayed his welcome last year!
  2. Oh, I spot the first ramp of the winter! Hopefully there will be many more! It was lovely up here yesterday, we even saw blue sky at least twice! Frosty night forecast for the fireworks. 4c here with light cloud.
  3. Morning peeps! The sun is just about up ( yes, that's right, I did say the sun! ) and it looks good for another clear, dry day. Washing machine loaded up and will have it's little butt worked off today!
  4. And the good news is that the A82 is now open, but with traffic lights! At least it's open which is good as I'm heading down to Stirling for the weekend. The rain has finally stopped, the wind has dropped and I'm told the sun will come out later. BLISS! I don't know what the true rainfall was over the weekend, but my ash bucket has another four inches of water in it. Everything very soggy, and we have discovered another leak in the house.....
  5. Well, been blawin' a hoolie all day yesterday and all night too. As for the rain.....pass me my flippers please! More today, but at least mid week looks like a vast improvement.
  6. Rain been coming doon like stair rods during the night, also very windy. It's off for the time being and wind has dropped a wee bit, but gauny get a wee bit mental overnight. Best get oot and tie everything doon then!
  7. Loving the snow pics SS! Today winter seems further away than ever, very calm and so mild at 10c. In for a bit of a wake up over the next few days though...
  8. And if you get that lot in, guess what will happen? I'm off to get a new swimsuit and flippers....
  9. Well, what an infuriating and frustrating day yesterday was! I had a dental appointment in Kyle early morning, so I left home in plenty of time knowing that the storm was due to hit. I drove over the bridge, it was calm. Bridge was closed to high sided vehicles.I got to Kyle just after nine, was in and out of the dentist's by 9.40.....and the bridge was closed, not just to High sider's....closed to everything! Hmmmm. I was puzzled, as were many others in Kyle and it wasn't that windy. No really, it wasn't. Breezy, yes, but I couldn't see why the bridge was closed. I spent five hours wandering around Kyle. Those of you who have been there will realise that it doesn't take long to wander around. Most of the shops were closed, but I managed to buy a newspaper and hit the co-op to do some shopping. I visited the only caff there, twice, they do very good hot chocolate and scones! It was doing a roaring trade by 2 o'clock when I went back again! At one point I even walked up to the bridge to see how windy it was up there and how long the queue was. Queue wasn't so bad as polis were asking car drivers to go back to Kyle and park there, leave space at the bridge for high siders. It wasn't even that windy either. Lots of folks frustrated, including the Polis! Bridge finally opened around 3pm. Got home spitting feathers. Really not happy, I realise that some parts of the NW got a bit of a battering and ferries were cancelled and suchlike, but BEAR Scotland will be in for another roasting over this closure. Last time, not so long ago, the bridge was closed for seven hours, huge tailbacks in Skye and on the mainland, and once again, the wind wasn't as bad as had been forecast. Over the years the bridge has stayed open during worse weather than we had yesterday, but now the merest puff and everything shuts down! GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!
  10. calm and mild up here at 11c. Could get a bit lively overnight and into tomorrow morning though!
  11. So calm out there, not a breath of wind! The calm before the next Hoolie then. Temp 11c and cloudy.
  12. I hereby name the coming week....The Week of the Hoolie! Been blawin' and flingin' horizontal rain at us for the past three days. Going to get a bit worse Monday night/Tuesday morning. Been so warm too...switched the central heating off and didn't bother even lighting the fire! Tell me...is it really October? it feels more like early July!
  13. Well, after yesterday morning's nippy start, we now appear to be be back to normal. It's a bit cloudy here, temp currently 16c. Now that's a bit warm even for here. However, I fear not the winter! I have just taken delivery of my heating oil and the price this year was 10p cheaper than last year...whoop, whoop! I got 10 bags of coal last month and we've got 15 tons of wood in the garden for sawing and chopping. Winter? Bring it on!!!
  14. Been a few stonking days up here, wall to wall sunshine today but Baltic this morning at 2.3c. Took me ages to thaw out and take off a few layers at work! temp dropping again, now down to 5.8 and falling. Looks like it won't last though, some windiness headin' oor way for the weekend.
  15. Morning all from a rather cool Skye. Temp down to 4.1 last night and has now crept up to 8.1 with lovely sunshine too! Proper autumn!
  16. Morning Campers! ( Yes, there are still a few of those hingin' aroon' the island! ) Calm, cloudy and cool here, currently 9c with a wee touch of rain overnight. It was a lovely autumnal day yesterday, can I have more like that please?
  17. Well, we awoke to 4.5 degrees this morning, it's calm, cloudy and cool. Proper autumn! Leaves almost gone from the trees and wee birdies emptying the feeders as fast as I can fill them!
  18. Wind has died down now and torrential rain on the way oot. An interesting rearrangement in the garden this morning, but himself setting all things right whilst I am at work with a crap laptop.
  19. Absolutely pishin' doon here and a wee breeze flung in for good measure. Mair o' a bigger puff tonight and tomorrow though. Aye, welcome to Autumn!
  20. Ach, it was a guid blast on Skye and I missed in due to being on holiday in foreign lands. ( Durham! Lovely area! ) It is however, a lovely morning up here so I'd best get the manky holiday claes washed and oot on the line!
  21. Very breezy here today and yesterday. At work ATM so no idea what the wind speeds or temps are. Definitely colder today though after a really lovely September. What does the Autumn hold for us.....more wind, rain and dull, dull dull?
  22. Another day of much gorgeousness up here! Can't remember the last time we had rain. More please!
  23. Temp up to 20c here today with wall to wall sunshine. Braw!
  24. I personally would like any kind of winter, not the long drawn out Autumn that we had up here from September through till April. Some cold, frost, snow and wind in equal measure would be fine thanks.
  25. Still mighty cool up here for August. The central heating is not going on yet, but I have had the fire on in the sitting room for the last week. I live in hope that September will not disappoint!
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