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Everything posted by mistyqueen

  1. Mornin' all! Currently 12c here, cloudy but dry . I've just seen the forecast for next week.....tell me, we're still in the month of August aren't we? Or have we slipped into November already?
  2. Rain been hammering down here all day. Not so windy as some parts, but breezy nevertheless. To think that two weeks ago we were basking in 30c!! t
  3. Temp hit 30.1c here yesterday, sun out and currently 24.8c. Best get the thermals looked out and the central heating back on as it looks as if we my not even hit 20c over the weekend. Bloody Baltic that is!
  4. My weather station tells me it's 27.9. It feels like it....a bit too hot for me, but lovely to see the sun!
  5. Evening folks! A bit cooler here tonight, we reached the heady temp of 23.6 at home yesterday, and I think it was even hotter at work. Currently 14.9 with the threat of a shower or two, so might at least be able to sleep better tonight!
  6. The first rain in a week fell last night and we are back to sunshine today! Been a fab week weather wise and good for the tourists. I tell them it's always like this on Skye...... wee minx that I am!
  7. Well, what a truly crappy day yesterday was, topped off by a power cut for a few hours last night. Not just Skye, the whole western seaboard, the Highlands and the Northern Isles too. Thankfully now restored, and we awoke to torrential rain which quickly blew through and now we have a blustery day. Tuesday was a cracker though, here's some pics from my work just to prove it doesn't rain in Skye all the time!
  8. Snow? SNOW?????? Only one season behind then, winter! Does this mean we'll get summer in October?
  9. Well, it was a return to gales for us yesterday, along with some light but very horizontal rain. Had to go chasing my washing! Today much improved, cloudy/sunny but cool. Hey, I can live with that. Currently 13.6 oot, pressure 1001.
  10. Well slap my face! That's 5 days in a row we've had sunshine, and I can't remember the last time we had rain! Started my new job on Monday, must remember to take the camera next week and show you all how damn gorgeous my new workplace is!
  11. Afternoon peeps! Hey, something's wrong! How many days is it now since we've had rain? Seems like eons! Not that I'm complaining. Temp is currently 13.6 or 15.9 depending on which weather station I look at. Oh, more of this please, it makes such a huge difference to life in general. The ground is drying out nicely now, wee birdies tweetling away, I've even been working outside the last few days and the car got it's annual wash yesterday! Yep, at long last spring is finally here!
  12. Beautiful day here yesterday and the same again today. Looks like it will continue well into next week too! YA BEAUTY! Spring here at last!
  13. And LO! There was light! Power cut at 3.30am this morning, just came back on about an hour ago. A wee bit breezy last night, but I honestly didn't think it was that bad, but there you go. And the possibility of some white stuff at the weekend too I hear! Tell ye something though, ye dinnae half miss the leccy when it's gone! Glad it's back and hope it stays for a while...
  14. Mornin' Kilties! Usual pish day here, but looking like the rain may stay off for a few hours later. Oh, and by the looks of things maybe some white stuff by then end of the week. So, winter arrives just in time for spring!
  15. So we woke to a dull, dreich day, but no rain as was expected. In fact, the cloud lifted and we had another very pleasant day, not as sunny as previous days, but dry and calm. I think we're gauny get a hammerin' ramorra though. Knew it was too good to last!
  16. Morning peeps, from a dry and sunny Skye, for a change! Three days of sun, it's just glorious, so I've been digging and clearing out drainage ditches in the garden. My knees hurt, my back hurts, my shoulders hurt, but at least that's a big part of the job done. the next heavy rainfall should show how well I've done my job! There's a slight breeze getting up so I'm away to fill the washing machine....again! TTFN.
  17. Oh my stars! So we have winter to look forward to after this run of, er, spring. And what a glorious morning it is too! No, really, it is! Real sunshine, real blue skies, real birdies tweeting. A bit nippy though, but give me this any day over what we had on Saturday! Shed update....he was taking the thing apart yesterday, all the while muttering that he might be able to save it. Then he went online to look for a local supplier.....then when he saw the prices he went back to his muttering! I took a look earlier when I went to feed chook and ducks. One word sums it up.......firewood.
  18. Morning Kilties! Today we are basking in glorious sunshine with a gentle breeze and a balmy 16c. The daffs are swaying gently, the wee birdies are tweeting and chirping and we have bunnies bouncing on our neatly mown lawn. Everything is drying out nicely now, the trees are in bud and I'm so warm I've switched off the central heating! A happy spring day at last! PS: I am a liar Blawin' an absolute hoolie up here, horizontal rain, ferry cancelled, massive puddle at back door, birdies gone into hiding and daffs nearly flattened by the, ahem, gentle breeze. Welcome to a Skye Spring!!!
  19. A bit nippy here this morning, but a very pleasant day yesterday, we even had sun! So, winter never having shown it's face yet has now definitely been given a big shove by spring!
  20. Greetings Kilties! Crackin' shots of the Aurora, I didn't catch it up my way, but the north west of Skye got the best views as usual. Sun trying to break through this morning accompanied by a wee shower or two of drizzle. Winter arriving next week?
  21. Morning Kilters! Sun is trying to shine here, but at least the rain's off......for the time being! Looking like it's going to get cold over the weekend, but sadly, I doubt very much that I'll see any snow.
  22. Lovely day yesterday, almost like spring! Today? Back to wind and rainy type pish. Oh, and my daffs are now blooming!
  23. Mornin' Kilties! My Goad, whit a weekend! Ma hoose is leakin! Rain ( horizontal! ) forced into the tiny cracks in the wall had me trying to catch the drips in saucepans, bowls etc. Dry and calm now thankfully, a bit up and doon this week weather wise I see, so best not rush to put all the saucepans away just yet! Temp 6.9c and pressure at 996, with a sunny icon on the weather station....I live in hope!
  24. Mornin' Kilties! What can I say....the weather is truly pish. Anything decent on the horizon? Like sun, or calm, or just dry would do!
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