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Everything posted by Wimbledon88

  1. Beat you to it mate, I seen one yesterday in Hammersmith.It was heading in a N direction, may be the same one!
  2. Hope we have a record breaking mild February now. Will turn out to have been an exceptionally mild winter down here. Well we had one snow shower so can't complain. Maybe then the experts in Metoffice etc can have a sit down and focus on just how poor their forecasting is and why it hasn't improved in the slightest in the last 10-15 years. Other areas of science have come on in leaps and bounds in that time. Maybe the Beeb were on to something when they dropped them. Mind you most other forecasting agencies were just as rubbish. Background signals indeed! SSW... blah blah blah! Maybe if these professionals stopped pontificating about what things will be like in 30years and concentrate on 30 days? Beautiful day today mind so as I'm off work today I'm off out to enjoy!
  3. Cold night last night given its a 'mild spell'. Low of 1.6c. Frosty surfaces earlier. Day off work today to do some spring allotment work. 13c forecast so ideal. Planning what veggies to grow this year. I'm fairly certain now given the very dry winter and with no rain in forecast for next 10-14 days that we will have water restrictions this summer in the London area.
  4. Well if nothing else we won't have to hear folk on this site and in the media banging on about the Beast from the East anymore. Beast my harris! Two and half days of snow showers. And a total of 1cm of snow last March. Maybe next winter they ll have come up with some other saying. I think from a meteorology point of view the experts should start studying why when a HP settles over Central Europe it hangs around longer than a bad smell. Yet, in any other location, it is displaced after a couple of days. Has been like that for several years. I'm no expert though
  5. Well it's hard to say goodbye to something that never actually arrived. But whatever we call the last 3 months, they won't be missed. Whatever else we have learned this season, weather forecasting accuracy has not improved one bit in the last 10 years! In fact there seems to be more acronyms etc being used.
  6. My letter to it would consist of just the one sentence l, namely.... '' Why don't you just FO''.
  7. I think it's safe to say now that it's all over as far as any meaningful cold spell goes. I know it's only 12th Feb but both the medium and longish term forecasts smack of Euro-slug dominated weather.... And we know how that can hang around and scupper things. Far better if we had a mobile Atlantic pattern in place, at least for folk up north,might get something out of transient colder spells.
  8. A bit nippy out. 3c. Nice clear sky morning. Looks like a few fairly bland days coming up. Carol very excited and animated earlier on the Beeb about temperatures probably reaching 15c 'somewhere' later in the week. Bless.
  9. It ll be just that bit closer to us so as to prevent any storms moving up from France.
  10. I think this year,above all years,is the one not to give up on winter.Notwithstanding it's only the 11th February,the forecasters and other experts really don't have a clue what's happening after next weekend never mind the next fortnight. Still plenty of time for surprises. The last thing we want though is that blinking Euro High to take up residence. It ruined the earlier part of winter already. I despise the thing. It's a nghtmare for weather enthusiasts.
  11. True. These were the temperatures in Europe this afternoon.
  12. I think the Met Office should concentrate on being able to accurately predict surface weather 10 days out. Couldn't predict a pint in a pub that lot. 10 years?? Really??
  13. On the 'cold thread' one or two are talking about potential record February highs later in week. Can't see it myself but will be dry and pretty uneventful imo. Sunny and 6c in South West London now.
  14. Seen that earlier. Certainly interesting. Let's see if its the same in a few days time. I agree that they haven't been the best in recent months but, at the end of the day, they are the experts. Certainly seems bullish. They have access to much more detailed and analogous information than we can see.
  15. Wow. Lucky escape for some people there. Yes, agreed, very poor weather now in the capital aswell. Lots of local flooding with many quite large branches down. Very nasty squalls too.
  16. Well at least the met office won't be able to sit on many fences after the next few days.
  17. Another good dose of rain heading into the area just now, and windy too later. Lively weather at last. Always good to get lots of winter rain in this area, been a very dry winter so far.
  18. Yes indeed. A very springlike 9c now in Wimbledon with a clear sky. Met said it was going to be a wet dreary morning. No surprises there! The Parakeets that have taken up residence in my neighbours plane tree are obviously enjoying it. Making a right old raket.
  19. Can't believe it's a week ago since I had my first sleet shower of the epic cool spell. Ah the memories.
  20. 7c with light drizzle in Wimbledon. Not what was expected in the first week if February some weeks ago, as forecasted by the so called experts. Wouldnt it be hilarious if after all the verbose nonsense about background signals and SSWs blah blah blah, we end up with one of the mildest February's on record. I kind of hope so as it will back my opinion that meteorology as a science has improved at a snails pace when compared to other sciences. It was a big call this year by the experts. Not a case of a '' near miss'' either, the rest of Europe warming up rapidly too in next week to 10days.
  21. Yes, very true, and that's even with the MET themselves saying they have 'very low confidence' in what is going to happen. Still, its good for a giggle on a drizzly Monday!
  22. I dare say the folk in Virginia Water can afford flood defences. 5.8mm rain last night. 17.8mm so far this month which will make up for the dry January. Plenty more to come this by looks of it.
  23. Well on behalf of most people in South and West London , goodbye cold spell, you will not be missed. Total non-event. Looks like Atlantic kicking into gear at last, a succession of low pressure systems heading our way at last. At least no slug Euro High around. If we can't have snow then bring on the wind and the rain. Proper lively weather. No more waiting on it to get dark so the temperature drops by 1c and the rain turns to sleet!
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