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Everything posted by Badgers01

  1. Still 11 weeks to the solstice let’s not wish the year away just yet !!!
  2. Steady moderate rain in Surrey yesterday seems a world away again - at least the rain is washing away all the sand from yesterday’s Sahara dust which was every where !!
  3. having lived in both Manny and London summer really highlights the stark difference in climate between the 2 , summers can bet really poor in Mcr last year it was perpetual autumn from early July !!
  4. Still lovely and sunny but amazingly still only 8c in shade with a dp-0.5 really pleasant in sun but remarkably cool in the shade ...
  5. its interesting reading everyones recollections - for me my main recollection of summers since 2003 is generally how poor august can be - it really is the archetypal summer month - silly season shut down - and it is so often poor was this always the case ...?
  6. still only 5c but yeah the sun is out this morning .... will it last though ?
  7. pretty awful here in n Surrey grey between the showers and we just scrapped 11c really poor weather for weeks now !
  8. Cloud really starting to build up here in N Surrey dp of 7c up from 5.9c an hour earlier ...
  9. Doesn’t seem as bad as forecast here it’s stopped raining and the sun has come out !! The river mole is brown and flowing pretty fast though through Cobham village.
  10. So glad the swans managed to upsticks to higher ground ...!!
  11. was it I don't seem to recall that at all , funny how we remember I would have thought August 97 was better but happy to be proved wrong ...!!
  12. Temporary white covering with hail about 15 mins ago you can tell it’s April this weekend. Currently 6c and now just heavy rain .. !
  13. dried out here now breezy with blue skies temp upto 6.3c , did anybody get any snow in the end ?
  14. the notable thing here in n Surrey is that its completely still - so could aid evaporative cooling I guess ?
  15. Anyone with a bit of elevation might see something >500 ft might do the trick
  16. Unpleasant outside in N Surrey today feels like November not really got properly light yet. 4.7c with a dew point 3.8c do not expecting anything wintery.
  17. Looks like High Wycombe with that bit of elevation probs best place - if it was happening overnight maybe a covering ? Look at those temps though many a previous Xmas warmer than that !
  18. Yes definitely felt like spring today but dew point around 0c all day made it feel fresh in the shadows. Not sure what to expect this weekend not much chance of Easter eggs melting I suppose.
  19. I like your point about August equilibrating summers - it often feels like a reminder that autumn is coming and September the reverse that summer is hanging on ...
  20. Yes was a great August esp in the south .... if that was the last really good one shows what a duff month August can be !!??
  21. The current thread is a mix of fact and memory which is quite entertaining- I seem to remember that August 98 was poor in London and SE - when did we last have a really good August that was nationwide memorable..?
  22. totally I was in Cheshire in 94 but Brixton 97 so definitely imby affected recall - I don't have the sharp recall of Wild swimmer Pete though !!
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