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Fourty Point Three Degrees

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Everything posted by Fourty Point Three Degrees

  1. in my opinion the very first signs of summer start appearing around 10th May with almost full blown summer daylight. I hope snow wont be on the menu, seeing snow showers within the long summer daylight hours just spoils things.
  2. Charts like this always get me in the mood for summertime, they do it everytime!! But just watch it all erode away piece by piece, hour by hour until we're left with dull miserable & gloomy westerlies
  3. I have a feeling the whole summer could just be a failed attempt to repeat the misery of June 2012 and temps will struggle to reach 20C.
  4. Its also quite a turn around from this week last year when we were getting ready for that taste of summer with 26C hitting the south
  5. I hope this trough isn't going to be parked right where it is for the next six months
  6. im quite confident this year will see some plumes of hot air drawn in especially as some parts of Europe are set to roast in heatwaves I wouldn't be surprised if we get another 2003.
  7. Were these not the same people who last October predicted the "coldest winter" on record?
  8. im all for a sunnier and warmer summer and hopefully without that dreaded north/south divide
  9. I have a feeling the March turnout is going to be a dry month with above average sunshine hours and even the outlook into April is looking tasty.
  10. I read somewhere that as el nino slows down It "might" bring something warm or hot . Im just hoping this switch to the cold side doesn't last for the next 5 months
  11. January = Another mild month with more severe flooding Feb = Stormy and cold Mar = Stormy and cold Apr = Heavy snow will fall early april, 2nd half of the month will swing from very cold to very hot, close to 30C May = HP will dominate for most of the month giving wall to wall sunshine similar to May 2012 June = LP will dominate with bursts of southernly plumes , the month will totally contradict June 2015 with southernlys giving a warm feeling July = Scorcher, record breaking European heatwave will spread. Heathrow will nudge 42C. Even parts of Cumbria will see mid thirties August = Scorcher, but wet, dull and cloudy feeling very warm and humid as Europe continues its record breaking heat, Occasional plumes and spikes of very hot. September = The usual September High will dominate, wall to wall sunshine October = Stormy and cold November = Stormy and cold, early winter arrival, severe snowfall across many parts December = Severe snowfall, white christmas
  12. There seems to be some strange phenomenon lately with all the previous warmest days on record getting beaten all occurring on the 1st of the month, 1 Oct 2011, 1 July 2015, 1 Nov 2015. Any more?
  13. A very interesting year its been as far as weather is concerned, But at least my cobweb covered electric fan got a chance to do the twist and shout for two days on June 30th, hopefully next year it will be doing more of the same. But apart from that: The dreaded North/South devide dominating all summer giving headache as im in the North. Watching fantastic thunderstorms on July 1st Sudden snow fall in Janurary
  14. hopefully next May until September will all be above average especially mid july where it will 10 degrees above average
  15. Im going for a cold, dry and snowless winter with some rain thrown in. But id still give this swan a chance on their seasonal prediction, since them so called weather "experts" cant get their seasonal outlooks right so maybe the swan can do better.
  16. Waspie season is finally upon us but where are they all? This time last year I was killing as many as 50 in one single day as you can see in the picture but this year ive not seen one single wasp, it all seems to be about the spider.
  17. End of Sept, early October looking very summer like, maxes of around 25C for most. Could this be another 2011?
  18. This is according to Nasa, unfortunately the UK was left shaded in the cooler areas. 2016 will continue to see the 'record breaking' theme due to the continuing El Nino event http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/34284208
  19. I don't think we will see snow this year. There is a too strong el nino taking place, sure I read something a few weeks ago saying that this winter could be infact the warmest and driest on record, totally contradicting the winter 2009/10 from the last el nino.
  20. Its very early in the day yet, I reckon a deal will be struck
  21. summers are actually getting hotter and by 2050 we should be seeing frequent hot summers on the 2003 scale every other year, but this year its all been doom and gloom and all thanks to el nino which was moderate to strong. We could be in for a very dry rainless winter by looks of things.
  22. If all of these newspaper fairy folk tales were right I would have experienced very severe sunburn, been able to built a snowman and almost been hit by a falling tree during strong gales - all in the space of three weeks!! Not to forget almost drowning in heavy rainfall whilst preparing for the upcoming three month ice age
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