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Fourty Point Three Degrees

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Everything posted by Fourty Point Three Degrees

  1. Europe could be in for a drought this summer if the HP stays blocked.
  2. Your imaginary book does it also say summer is over because the sun loses all its strength at 00:01 on August 1st?
  3. looks cold, dry and snowy according to this http://www.northmeteo.gr/blog/estimated-circulation-in-europe-1-1022017/
  4. into Feb we go, boring weather it looks. It is after all the opposite of August and August is known to be less of a summer month so shouldn't Feb take that same status?
  5. Its been very HP dominated in Europe the last few weeks and very cold, Does anyone know if what would this mean for us if this very set up was happening in July and not January? Would we be roasting in a heatwave or what?
  6. People seem to have forgotten the MO winter prediction which was a mild/wet second half to winter after a more wintery first half. A boring January it will be, surprise surprise it was written on the cards.
  7. So HP domination next week, and looking like HP will continue into Feb? Its sods law that we get all this HP during the winter.
  8. Just 20 days to go before we start getting lighter days. Roll on Summer 2017.
  9. Why the need for pointless sarcasm? I never read or bother to take any notice of the express or any newspaper publication. I was referring to an article published by a Matt Hugo (if that's the correct name) which predicted a colder than average winter....
  10. I wouldn't get too excited about the three month forecast being on the cold side. . The same was said last year and look how that turned out.
  11. A cold winter is what I predict. Cold and dry with a significant pre-christmas snow fall. Its been a long time since we had a good snow fall before Christmas (Dec 2010).
  12. my thoughts for winter is it will be cold and dry similar to the winter of 2005, with HP dominance. Ive noticed HP is becoming more influential over the past three months.
  13. another disappointing "heatwave" for northerners. Why does Manchester always lack behind last whenever theres a plume? Windows 10 weather app also reports 21c in Manchester and 30c in Sheffield?
  14. Trying to find the hottest/coldest temperature display on google street view (UK only) - heres the display from Trafford Centre in Manchester. You may have to zoom in. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.4687301,-2.3532696,3a,75y,21.16h,87.75t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sYf0ONe8A0SnEXKd5guLppg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  15. The heatwave in the south right at the end of summer is revenge for the us Northerners having hotter days right at the start of summer. Its just sods law that that front has to appear right on cue to cut us off.
  16. 18z is a backtrack on next weeks heat, the low out to the west nudges in and squeezes the heat into the East, so rather than a N/S divide its more of a E/W divide - Blackpool at just 19c wheres in Great Yarmouth its 30c. I think we're seeing the same typical model scenario as last week.
  17. 12z was a blowtorch of a run, high 850s all the way, if this comes off it will be one of the best Augusts in yonks.
  18. the beeb have embarrassed themselves using "30" on their map but yet highlighting only 22 for London on Tuesday. .
  19. Daily mirror reckon 35c will be hit everyday for two weeks. Which model or ensillysembles did they look at because i'd like to see myself
  20. a big miserable downgrade on the 18z, wouldn't bother calling it a heatwave.
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