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Everything posted by markyo

  1. If only the whole year had mornings like this. Blue sky,just above freezing so little ice risk and such fresh air,loving it but me thinks it won't be lasting long. Truely dreading the return to summer,that is one season i totally hate. Beyond me why people bang on about loving heat and humidity,it has to be the worst part of the year by far!
  2. Loving this cold spell,makes one feel so alive taking a early walk in such crisp fresh air,so much better than in a few months i fear when the stupid o clock sunrises make their dreaded return!
  3. Slightly disagree with you,in my opinion there's way to many boxs need ticking at his range to really start looking at any proper cold to emerge, god knows i'd love it if it did!!. Do agree strongly on one point....buildings blocks,what a shocking phrase to use!
  4. I fully agree,lot of possibilities but i fear this only leads to straw clutching for us coldies, Our climate has changed and until people realise this then false hopes will always be a problem.
  5. The pattern is just not only in the uk,extreme weather events are coming more of a issue,the pattern of weather has changed,imo this is not any rut,something we must get used to.
  6. Thats my biggest fear,the pattern seems so entrenched there basically is no light at the end of the tunnel. This pattern has become more repeated over the last 2 decades,things have changed climate wise and this country in its specific location that effects will become more unpleasant over the next 20 to 30 years. Gone are the hot summers and cold winters,replaced by shorter snaps of both types of extreme coupled with this endless muck that just fills our days at the moment. Not a happy time to come me thinks.
  7. Fingers crossed this awful weather must surely come to a end soon to be replaced by a cool dry spring,nature could do with a break to give it time to regroup for summer. A warm spring would not be good.
  8. Some very good points there,food for thought. I've been on the road with my job for over 30yrs now,60kplus a year mileage so see a whole lot of various weather across the country. The last 15 to 20 years has seen a marked difference in what i have seen have come across,the trend seems to be more and more what we are stuck with but as you very rightly said nobody really knows. I'm afraid our little planet likes to keep her cards very much to her chest when the weather is involved!
  9. Sorry disagree,i was around in the early 70's.(loved nationwide!) Agree that we had a run of mild weather,but surely somebody of your obvious understanding of the weather can't fail to see the bigger picture. The resent usa weather over the last few years point in case coupled with the massive increase and frequency of extreme weather events must surely point to a shift in our climatic situation. This is not a fluctuation by any means. Sorry to disagree but until people realise this then i feel we have a problem.
  10. To be honest i think this winter is now finished,nothing apart from a few straw clutching charts are showing up. Just hope this summer doesn't continue in the same vein. Summer heat i dislike strongly but i know many people love it (no idea why!),but if this awful weather continues i fear for both the wildlife and economic situation many people may find themselves in ie tourist and agriculture sector. anybody who doesn't agree our weather has changed in my in my opinion is a totally deluded.
  11. Not sure were you get your info from,i grew up in the farming industry,trust me jan an feb are vital to have those frosts to break the ground,ploughing in september is purely for drainage purposes. All wildlife needs the cold in winter to enable a strong growth pattern come the spring,again can i say its far more complicated than just saying mild weather favours their life cycle. Really can't understand why people can't understand this.
  12. Disagree,arable farmers need the frost to breakup the ground,forced grows certainly need the cold and frost. Loss of those animals in 2013 was heart braking,but we do need the cold,your statement is imo so very wrong,Mild weather can be devastating to the one shot wildlife in their annual cycle. Lot more complicated then you think.
  13. So very true,fingers tightly crossed that this pattern changes very soon but not holding out any hope to be honest. Without a winter of any proper description would be a situation that would cost both the economy and wildlife one heck of a lot. Mother nature has seemingly lost the plot on this one!
  14. What a truely horrible start to a sunday compared to last weekend. This weather will be having a big effect on our wild life,it will suffer no doubt when the next cold spell comes. As for our farmers they must tearing their hair out,they need frost and to be honest nothing seems to be on the horizon. It will certainly hit them hard.
  15. So true,maybe joining you in Iceland,the uk weather is beyond belief this winter again,we don't seem to get seasons any longer just total misery of mild filth.
  16. Totally agree,lovely walk this morning,stunning views over the snow fields,how anybody can't enjoy this weather is beyond me!
  17. Lovely start to a day,even before dawn the beauty of the laying snow is a much welcomed sight!
  18. Do not get it at all. Watching a sunrise is by far the best part of a new day,to wake up to the sunrise and see its glory is so special. What a total waste in the summer,waking up to blazing sunshine does not in any way compensate for the missing this amazing sight.
  19. Loving these dark nights,really dreading the return to those long daylight hours. Have always hated the summer months with a passion,much harder to concentrate at work,sleeping so much more uncomfortable,this time of year is so much more refreshing and feels so much better. Will be looking forward to mid june when we turn the corner and start that long journey back to the best part of the year!!
  20. Was probably that cold previous month that made January seem like a mild month!!
  21. Nether where anything like what you would call cold in my neck of the woods
  22. Very much agree with you on that point,1 page of knowledgeable discussion is far more useful than page after page of people just straw clutching for their preferred weather setup.
  23. The long journey to misery and hell begins,can't wait for that 4am sun to come bursting through to wake me up to another day of sore eyes and sneezing! Just love that time of year,much prefer it to a comfortable nights sleep and feeling well rested!
  24. Little taste of winter at last today,love the frost and freshness of the morning walk,won't last though,better make the most of it. This winter will go down as probably one of the most miserable on record.
  25. Totally agree,its the current situation that is important,not some silly discussion as to whom had the worst experience in years gone past.So pointless
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