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Paul Sherman

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Everything posted by Paul Sherman

  1. Skies brightening here, might even get to see some sunshine this arvo! This weather is great for drying out the ground, seem to remember a similar spell last march where parts of the South East were like the dusty Texas Panhandle. Very cold biting wind, dry at the moment, some very small flurries of snow Temp : 1.1c Dewp : -6.8c Wind is North East
  2. Naff all happening here, could be an inversion again a la 2009 which is drying the Precip out at a layer above
  3. Yep cloud tops on that Skew-T look no higher than 5,000 to 6,000ft Which would suggest deeper parts of stratocumulus might give a covering if a heavy enough patch can sustain, other than that just grains and light snow blowing around. Things might change with later model runs so there is still hope I would imagine.
  4. Great Post Boar Converging winds look the main problem to me as well, back in Feb 2009 these were absolutely perfect with a North Easterly pushing against an easterly just east of London, you forgot the Cape charts as well but to be honest dont even look at those as you will be sorely dissapointed CWT Obviously has a different set of charts than us which must be showing why his forecast is for a much deeper kind of snow than we are seeing, what charts are you using CWT Just out of interest ?
  5. Nothing this end of the Estuary (North Side) spotted about 5 flakes in the last few hours. Looks darker over the South side of the Estuary.
  6. Chris is from Texas from near Austin. And yes he sometimes posts on here, if he finds out you called him Canadian he might lynch you!
  7. Am about to give the garden its first haircut of the year, surprisingly dry out there and primed for a cut, makes the snow nicer if any falls this weekend, even the dusting should look nice Still sticking with what I forecast yesterday and that of depressing stratocumulus greay skies with snow grains and maybe a little more in the way of light snow on Sat/Sun, and then High Pressure becoming dominant as we move towards March with some southerly winds making it feel springlike. Enjoy today as once that wind goes to the east expect grey and depressing for the end of the week! Boooooo
  8. Haha Yes the Met Guys are expecting it to transfer down the estuary later. -0.5c Temp and -2c Dewpoint so it is low lying fog at the moment, can still just about see the moon but would expect it to thicken further once the temp and dewpoint equalise each other.
  9. Nobody can forecast a Streamer as the wind angle has to be absolutely perfect for it too set up, Steve Murr showed the angles needed back in January, factor in frictional drag, inversions, Sea Surface Temperatures, Uppers,wind direction I could go on and on and on, there is absolutely nobody who in their right mind would forecast that type of scenario even 36 hours out, and if they did they were just plain lucky or bullshi$$ing you. But just factor in as well, back in 2009, the cold had set in a good week before, the Uppers were -10c a few days before and not a glancing blow to the SE like what could happen over the weekend, the disturbance over Northern France actually helped to get enough of a squeeze on the isobars for the TSS Event before what was supposed to be the main event on Monday 2nd from the frontal band. Yes by all means state we could get some snow over the weekend, but please try to reign it in with the 1 foot of snow predictions for gods sake.
  10. Cant we all club together and send CWT2012 Back on Holiday again, there is nothing in the models at the moment to show even 1" of snow in the South East, your posts are just mis-leading others on here, it looks boring, cloudy with stratocumulus and a few flakes on a cold easterly to end the week, flurries over the weekend but nothing of any note. This could obviously change but it is looking like a 10-14 day Dry spell with High Pressure is on the cards (Thank God) and if the winds turn southerly towards the end of that period it could actually feel quite nice as we head into March, certainly no wet and windy for most parts of Mainland Uk for the foreseeable unless you live in the Western Isles!
  11. Nearly Lots of Huggies and Screamies and then the usual question Can we get closer! Edit: Btw this gem of a creature who seems to live in her car, did another yotube vid recently about "Storm Nemo" and that is full of errrr, well its not great If anyone finds that - should be good for a laugh!
  12. Off Topic but watch this video of the Hattiesburg (Mississippi) Tornado from yesterday There are some serious Fruit Loops In The World we live in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKTPWU3z7FU Listen to the Commentary from this woman nutter - Paranoid ??
  13. Yes and it was 48 hours before he blew his front right tyre at 50mph! Right old Mess on the Rim Btw I lied about the Rain in Leigh On Sea and we are having some interesting weather - Look Below If you watch 1 timelapse watch this - Simply amazing, every 1 second of the timelapse is 30 minutes of the snowstorm
  14. Flooding and Potholes seem to be the main issues here this evening. Where the Snow has melted if you walk on the mud you almost sink into the ground, the water table must be saturated to the top. Some pretty impressive water run off as well, and the roads are an absolute disgrace, btw you can sue your local council if you get damage to your car from these monsters, there is one on the inside lane of the A127 Between Wickford and Rayleigh Weir that is almost the size of the inside lane and is about a foot deep, one of my friends has already smashed his wheels up on his BMW! Claim sent to the council already! Mwahaha
  15. Lolz 2.6 Miles to my SW Is the start of the Shower Train Enjoy lucky peeps, Orange to my West, murky to my east, here I am stuck in the middle with .......................Boooooooooooooooooooo
  16. What is the Risk Wednesday Steve ?? Have not even looked at any models or charts
  17. Well we have been streaming every year since 2009 so yes we will be streaming, bit of a change this year though, will only be streaming when in chase mode and not all the time whilst driving along (Eg positioning days etc) like we have the last 4 years. Some other new features to look out for this year as well, and a more interactive platform linked to twatter and facebook etc
  18. And unfortunately it does not look like getting any cheaper anytime soon Cant believe how much it has gone up even since I started 10 years ago. Hotels are now double the cost per night than back in 2004, flights are double, car rental and insurance is double, Petrol / Gas is double but still 2/3rds cheaper than the Uk. But those Storms make it all worth the cost, you just have the hump when you come back to the Uk and try to get excited at a squeak and fart of a thunderstorm or the missed Spanish Plume that the cod get to see in the North Sea! Lovely Pictures! Especially like the Fox One
  19. So seeing as everyone is fed up of this winter who wants to come Storm Chasing in 12 weeks time Temps in the 80-90's 20,000 to 50,000 Lightning Strikes in the more electrified Supercells Baseball sized Hailstones Big Old Tornadoes Loads of Apres Chase in Nice Restaurants and Great Food Oh and the chance to chase with Ms Lee Preston! God I cannot wait, like others this winter is grinding now, cant wait to get a bit of sun and some severe weather in 2013!
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