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Posts posted by Methuselah

  1. Another one unable (or unwilling) to give any actual numbers!


    My word you lot really are scared.


    Just wait for 5 -10 years until its obvious!


    Why will not one of you give the actual amount of warming caused by CO2. Are you really that scared?.



    I'm not in the least bit afraid, MIA: CO2 is a GHG - always has been and always will be. Refute that! :D

    • Like 2
  2. And why do you think the estimates the questimates of the so called top climatologists on the planet have got so woefully wrong over the last 20 years the time in which the artic will be ice free. When you can answer that then you can strat name calling but not before 

    So what have they, collectively, got so 'woefully wrong'? For one thing, the world is still getting warmer...

    • Like 3
  3. And our Atlantic "cold pool" seems to lead to?.......A Mid-Atlantic-High!. The opposite of the "arm-blob-causes-High" idea?

    Are you confusing cause with effect, len?


    A persistent area of HP, at low latitudes, would cause SSTs rise, by dint of increased insolation; however, an already cold mass of surface water would cause higher pressure as a result of increased atmospheric density??? :)

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