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Weather Enthusiast91

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Everything posted by Weather Enthusiast91

  1. Some of the hairstyles back in the 70s and 80s made people look older. Many people back then also smoked and didn't use sunscreen. I have noticed that it's the baby boomer generation that started to look younger.
  2. You're still young. I believe September 1998 saw it's warmest day of the year in some parts of Scotland around as late as the 21st.
  3. I will remember 2023 as being a year of having the right weather at the wrong time. The weather in February should have happened in March. The weather in early March should have happened in February. The weather in April and the first half of May should be happening in October. The weather in July should also be happening in October. The weather in August should be happening in September. The weather now should have happened in July. Only the second half of May and June have felt seasonal so far this year.
  4. If we were to have this current setup during the height of summer, we could be looking at another 40°C.
  5. In many years, there has been a shift in the weather around the time of the autumnal equinox even in the warmest of Septembers. 2019, 2020 and 2021 all became autumnal on or just a few days after 22nd September, after being largely settled and at times warm for the first few weeks of the month. In fact, I can't even remember the last settled 30th September. It's the same with the weather during March and how it becomes more springlike around the vernal equinox.
  6. June - Great July - Rubbish August - Average Whilst it officially came out as being an average UK summer, in my personal opinion it was rather poor, even for UK standards as there was little in the way of sunshine and usable days. Whilst some hot weather during the summer is nice, I would have been more than happy with days consisting of temps in the low to mid twenties accompanied by sunshine and low humidity (as I am sure many of us would be), but even they were hard to come by. July in particular was poor and in my opinion equally as poor as July 2007. I would go as far to say that July 2023 was worse than July 2012, because at least the latter did provide us with a few days of warm sunny weather later in the month.
  7. I voted for bad. Had it not been for the June then it would have been revolting.
  8. As much as I am looking forward to the week ahead, I wouldn't laugh at and mock those who don't feel the same way as they may have genuine health reasons for not liking heat. Some people cope well with the heat, others don't. Likewise with winter cold.
  9. Mother Nature deliberately trolling those who go back to work and school.
  10. I am sorry to hear that. Hope all goes well with the op.
  11. I personally don't go for this "a warm September means a mild winter" theory. Winter is still three months away and anything can happen in that time. Plus, it's very early days as to whether or not we'll have a warm September. No doubt that the first half of the month will be warmer than average, but that doesn't mean that the second half of the month will be also.
  12. Why does the best of the weather often arrive at the wrong time of the year? The weather for the week ahead is what we should have had in July. The snow event we had in early March should have happened in January and the mild sunny weather we had in February is what we should have had in April. Whilst I am looking forward to this warm spell and it is nothing out of the ordinary for the first half of September, it still would have been better during high summer.
  13. Looking forward to the warm weather next week. Can finally get my very overgrown gardens sorted out at last.
  14. I actually despise the term 'Indian summer' as it is used far too frequently by the UK media and has lost its original meaning. A little bit of warm weather in September is all perfectly normal, with even the poorest of Septembers having warm spells. A true Indian Summer happens after the first frost of the season and September is far too early for that. I'm not a fan of Americanisms anyway. You are very fortunate that you got over your fear of spiders. I can't imagine that I ever will, though you never know!
  15. The upcoming warm spell is looking to be nothing out of the ordinary for early September. I think a fairly mixed bag September is on the cards for this year.
  16. Not sure what would be worse; a freezing cold poor insulated house/flat or the gigantic spiders.
  17. It has become all too predictable now as it seems to happen most (not all) years nowadays. Must be frustrating for those with children of school age.
  18. My main gripe with this summer is the number of days which started off promising with sunshine, only to then almost or completely cloud over by noon. On many of those occasions it either remained dry or drizzly. Unless we are going to actually get something useful from all these clouds, then it may as well be sunny.
  19. We didn't have central heating until autumn 2010, which happened to be just in time for that exceptionally cold December, and nowadays I'd struggle to live without it. My house is around 100 years old and the only insulation it has is double glazing and loft insulation, so does get cold quickly during the winter. In really cold spells, the living room can go down to around 10 Celsius. As for double glazing, we didn't have the house fully double glazed until 2022.
  20. Just like with August, I have a feeling that September will be nothing to shout about. Benign on the most part with a couple of unsettled periods and alternating warmish days and cool nights. All very average.
  21. Seems to happen most years noawadays. A cool end to August with the weather turning warm again just in time for the schools to go back.
  22. I personally want seasons to feel seasonal as opposed to having the same temps throughout the year which I would find boring. Another problem with mild winters is that more often than not they are as dull as dishwater and generally unsettled. Though the chances of mild AND sunny do increase in February, which whilst nice I am not a fan of as I find that it often doesn't bode well for spring.
  23. Started to notice that the evenings have a bit of a nip in the air now and the temp in my house is 19.8C, when it was frequently above 20C until a few days ago. The tree in my back garden has also started to shed its leaves and blackberries are abundant. High summer is well and truly behind us now for another year and autumn is just around the corner. It also signifies that the school summer holidays are coming to an end.
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