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Weather Enthusiast91

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Everything posted by Weather Enthusiast91

  1. Not just summer, but it's been mostly a poor year if you like seasonal weather. Only January and June felt seasonal on the most part. January had alternating periods of autumnal and wintry spells. A fairly typical UK winter month really. February felt more like spring (not a fan of false springs personally as winter often arrives with a vengeance when it's no longer welcome) March was more like winter (I don't mind wintry weather early on in March and I enjoyed the snow event, but spring was very delayed this year) April and the first half of May felt more like autumn, though the second half of May saw a huge improvement. June did feel like summer on the most part and the best month for seasonal weather so far this year. Enough said about July the better. August has been a huge improvement over July but nothing to shout about.
  2. Exactly this! Someone who understands the point I was making. Sunshine makes a huge difference to the feel of things, whatever the time of year.
  3. I would only feel colder if the 11 Celsius was accompanied by cloud and rain. Even when it is minus 4, it can still feel pleasant being outdoors when the sun's out and it's dry. And the sun shining directly into my house also helps somewhat. Now as for cold and rain together... yuk!
  4. I actually feel the cold more when it is mild and wet than when it is cold and sunny. During that cold spell last December, we didn't have the heating on for any longer than we did during the milder and rainy periods of that winter.
  5. Yes, the weather turning unsettled just in time for the weekend has been quite a theme for this summer.
  6. I keep seeing people mentioning that they want a mild winter due to how poor the summer was. Personally a poor summer makes me want a good winter with frost and snow even more, as well as many crisp sunny days. Having the same temps and weather throughout the year gets boring. Plus, snow is great fun for kids (as well as some adults). A winter 2020/21 would do many of us just fine I think, as it had something for everybody. In regardss to this summer, I wasn't expecting a 2022 redux but some more warmth and sunshine wouldn't have gone amiss. A very poor summer that is best confined to the rubbish tip.
  7. There are no further 20°C+ days being forecast for the rest of this month in this neck of the woods, so I am ready to confine this summer to the rubbish bin now. Yes, September and even October can bring further warm spells but they're not the same.
  8. Yes, a measly 2 or 3 weeks of warm sunny weather doesn't make it a good summer when the season is 12 weeks long.
  9. We are lucky to get a frost even during the winter these days.
  10. The last day of this month will be the first pre 8pm sunset for this neck of the woods since 11th of April. Just one week to go. As much as I am disappointed about the lack of summery weather this year, I am equally looking forward to the long cosy evenings. Though I do have sympathy for those who suffer from SAD.
  11. After a nice sunny morning, it has since clouded over and now it's overcast. Same old story.
  12. And when we run out of things to talk about we always end up talking about the weather. We just can't help ourselves.
  13. Could you suggest the best app of a bad bunch please? They should all be taken with a pinch of salt but it would be nice to have some sort of idea.
  14. Yes, just last night my weather app had showers forecast for my area this morning.
  15. Was forecast to be cloudy this morning with showers. But instead, it's dry and the sun is out.
  16. I would moan about them both. But yeah, I don't understand why some would come in here just to moan about others moaning about the weather. I personally think this is a good place to vent your frustration. And being a weather forum, people moaning about the weather is surely to be expected.
  17. The rest of August is looking mediocre at best and I think the month as a whole will go down as not being a particularly memorable one. July however will be memorable for quite some time due to how poor it was. June on the other hand will be remembered for providing the best of the weather during summer 2023.
  18. We wouldn't be British if we didn't moan about the weather.
  19. It's difficut forecasting what the weather is going to do in 4 days time, let alone 4 months time. This is what makes it fun, yet at times frustrating.
  20. It has been the first settled weekend over here since June.
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