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Everything posted by jonboy

  1. Don't worry Ed scientific understanding will catch up and then who will be wholly mammoth/dino
  2. I work in the construction industry and attend economic briefings on a regular basis. Firstly we haven't left the EU so the impacts that the B of E talked about are linked to our future trade status with the rest of the world and the impacts tarrifs and custom arrangements would have. I can assure you the construction industry one of the main drivers of our economy is very close to the edge and we haven't left yet. The best case scenario sees at least 5 quarters of recession with little or no growth. the worst case see's at least 10 quarters of recession and a likely 10 year period to get back to were we where in 2010. Leaving the EU only benefits those who speculate on uncertainty Joe public can go whistle whilst the fat cats get fatter.
  3. Absolutely agree Blast. What people need to understand is that cycles 21 and 22 where 2 of the most active probably since the medieval warm period and cycle 23 started the process we are in. It is no coincidence that the ozone hole and the whole issue of warming from the late 60's occurred during cycle 21/22. I believe we are in for a period of Dalton winters over the coming 5 years. I also believe the rainfall etc is due to the cloud seeding effect of cosmic rays which could therefore increase snowfall in winter. The 15/20 years are going to change how we understand the influencers on climatic patterns and actually realise the strength of the solar cycles is what determines the deviation from what may be classed as normal
  4. I hadn't worked it myself but not surprised by the 90% and agree there appears to be no reason why the next couple of months won't be the same
  5. not sure what you mean by this. As I said a little while ago I think something around the 270/275 mark is likely. We have 60 days left and if we remain at 75% then that would be 273. Given the last 6 months is higher than 75% we could be nearer 280. I think 2020 could well be similar to 2019 but with a very quiet first half with an uptick later in the year
  6. 5.8 and 155mm still going to be wet due to the amount of cosmic rays and cloud seeding that is occuring
  7. So Ed you believe cosmic rays have no impact on climate?
  8. Funnily enough the most active sunspot cycles have occurred over the last 45 years!!! - fact
  9. In % terms now higher than the last minimum of 73%. We have 74 days left of 2019 so a potential of say 284 which would give us a percentage of 78%. Personally I think a range between 75 and 76% more likely s so an upper limit of 277 spotless days. How this compares to the Dalton minimum is unclear.
  10. This is were I get upset. Yes climatic patterns may change so that more high pressure occurs as you note but unless you are able to fully explain this in the context of greater levels of CO2 then the use of the term climate change is invalid
  11. Were do you get 10 billion from. World population stands at 7.7 billion and only the extreme models have it pushing up towards 10 and above. We are already seeing a decline in developed countries and as I have stated many times before as the developing countries become wealthier and health improves within two or three generations you see a downward change in birth rates as child mortality rates fall. We do need to stop taking the easy way out and take more responsibility for our actions and as an example we should ensure we deal with our own waste here in the uk and not send it oversees for someone else to deal with who then dump it in our oceans. If we all saw vast piles of waste perhaps we wouldn't produce so much or demand the materials used could be recycled. Greta is right in as much we do need to take greater responsibility for what and how we consume and understand the impact we have on our planet
  12. The present run of cycles ie 23, 24 and the next 25 are not believed to be comparable with maunder but could be similar to Dalton. certainly the next cycle will be similar to the present cycle but we should then see an increase in cycle 26 and a bigger uptick in cycle 27. It is difficult to compare sunspot numbers as technology has improved and as we see now we will see a sunspot counted that only lasts a few hours at the lowest count of 11. It is unfortunate that the one site that did try to do a comparision has now stopped doing so although they do still have some great information and comments.
  13. we have 105 days to 2020 I would expect the spotless days to be around the 275 mark
  14. yes it lasted two days with a count of 12 and 11 in days gone by it wouldn't have been seen
  15. Been away a very late 16.7 and 95mm and whatever punishment for such a late entry
  16. The posts are not self confirmatory they are exploratory yet when anyone posts anything that might suggest that other factors maybe at play you and others use your usual tactics to belittle the ideas being put forward. If you don't think solar minimum has any effect on our weather or climate say so once and then let others explore the topic as intended
  17. It would be an interesting exercise to do the same comparison for night time temperatures
  18. The question is are we in that very low cycle territory. I certainly don't think we are in grand minimum territory but certainly Sporer territory yes. These are exciting times for research and understanding how such low solar cycles may or may not impact our planet
  19. But the way you structure your response is such that you clearly think that is the case and low solar minimum is secondary. That is clearly not the case
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