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snow raven

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Everything posted by snow raven

  1. I want a storm Blow them to London you lucky lot down south!
  2. Morning all, Cloud has melted away this morning - lovely and sunny out there now. All I can say is roll on the weekend!
  3. Yes, let us know if I need to jump on the 269 bus to yours or not Jan
  4. You must work quite close to me... I'm in the big hospital opposite the Houses of Parliament. It certainly is a lovely day for a walk along the river Thames - although the tourists are annoying! Edit - scrap that - I thought you said you worked on the South Bank - not Southwark
  5. I used to love watching the Darling Buds on a Sunday evening - even now I catch repeats on ITV3! Cloud has burned off nicely here on the Southbank and its lovely and warm in the sun - but a tad too warm in our office that doesn't have air conditioning and half the windows have been painted shut over the course of the past 140 odd years! Hope you all have a nice day and can take the opportunity to get out in this sunshine!
  6. Roll on home time - 8 minutes and counting! I cannot wait to get outside in the fresh air and feel a bit of sun on my face!
  7. Ahh, those were the days... on a day like today, if we had English, we would be out in the school field pretending to understand a Shakespeare play... Only 1 sentence sums up today.... No one should be allowed to be at work on a day like this!
  8. Tis lovely out there today. Shame I'm back in the broom cupboard today Still, there is always lunch outside to look forward to, and hopefully the sun will still be shining this evening
  9. A lovely sunny morning so far. I'm just taking bets on which one of the neighbours will have a bonfire later so we have to shut all the windows...
  10. So much for the sun burning away the cloud. Looks like the cloud is winning the fight this afternoon
  11. 'Noon all, Sun is slowly melting the cloud away... am hoping for a nice afternoon in the garden. Hopefully that will help clear my head after 1 too many drinks last night Hope everyone has a lovely day!
  12. Morning all, Haven't a clue what the weather is currently like as I am working from the broom cupboard today (different office, no windows ) I took my chance and left home without a coat this morning - wasn't too cold on the commute and today I am working a stones throw away from London Bridge train station, so a nice short walk from the train to the office (no, I am not 90 floors up in The Shard!) I think I may have asked this before, but what does POETS day stand for? I am guessing it's something to do with it nearly being the weekend? Have a nice day all - let's hope we all see some sun as the day goes on
  13. That is quite shocking - just over 3 weeks and the nights will be drawing in... We seriously need to have a bit of a summer before then!
  14. Morning Ali, Morning all, Nope, I'm up - first day back to work for me since Friday Was raining when I left for work this morning, but it's dry now. Still cloudy and dull though. Is the weekend still looking promising weather wise?
  15. Afternoon All, Sounds like we have mostly all been enjoying the bank holiday so far... Just got back from Sainsburys, got plenty of sausages, burgers, chicken, salads etc - just waiting for friends to come round and we will be having our first (and hopefully not last!) BBQ of the year. Enjoy the rest of the weekend peeps
  16. One word sums up todays weather quite nicely. It begins with s, ends in t and has it inbetween!
  17. Morning all, Was very cold waiting for the train to work this morning. I can't believe I am still in my winter coat and it's nearly June! I'm working from an office that doesn't have any windows today, so gawd knows what the weather is like outside. On my way into work though, it was broken cloud, windy and cold!
  18. That's not fair - that is 2 seconds more than what I saw yesterday afternoon! Joking aside, it turned out to be a nice sunny evening here in the end... why it can't manage that during the day time is anyones guess!
  19. It didn't last long (I am not joking when I said it was for 3 seconds) Seems to have gone back to bed under it's heavy blanket of cloud again now
  20. Hold the news! The sun has come out... all be it for 3 seconds.
  21. I made the mistake of believing the weather forecast on the TV this morning - sunshine by the afternoon and highs of 19c. So I came to work without a coat. Regretting it now though
  22. Good, it wasn't just me then that couldn't get on line... was starting to panic!
  23. Afternoon All, Like others have said, the weather is dull, depressing and damp today! It is a bit humid though - if the sun breaks out later (and this is a BIG if) is there are chance of heavy thundery showers?
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