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Everything posted by Stabilo19

  1. A nice day in London but very average conditions for May. We are really heat and sun starved .
  2. B87 why do raw sunshine values need to be corrected?
  3. Ok it's chilly in the wind but we get lot's more sun in the SE from these conditions compared to the mild SWerlies last month where we had consecutive days of 0 sunshine..
  4. It's not much but at least we've had some sunny spells recently in the SE, and with the mild temperatures, it hasn't felt that bad (if you ignore the relentless rain).
  5. For months now, it feels like the ensembles have teasing cold weather in FI and the MOD thread has been raving at times that wintry weather is coming.. but in the here and now, the cold weather never really materialises and we end up with average or above average temps (and lots of cloud and moisture too!). Perhaps a sign of things to come for summer? Warmer than average conditions to persist? I hope so!
  6. Penrith Snow I'm nitpicking but I don't think we can directly say that any upcoming northern blocking events were caused by the SSWs of the past winter. Northern blocking becomes more common at this time of year as i'm sure we all know.
  7. The weather truly has been abysmally dull at least IMBY.. such low light levels 3 days in a row! I wonder if UK economic output would improve if we manipulated the weather - the opposite of cloud seeding.
  8. Remember this very well! I flew back from Barcelona late morning and it was hotter in Gatwick than Barcelona Arrived at Victoria underground station and it was actually cooler underground than above - which is unheard of in mid summer! Finally arrived back in Tottenham early afternoon and the heat combined with the strong winds was phenomenal.
  9. Can the MOD thread be any more unbearable I can't believe people are excited for chilly easterly winds and cold rain. Haven't we suffered enough this winter!!
  10. Matty88 nobody wants a cold spring besides a few weather enthusiasts. A cold spring is damaging to nature and agriculture. Fortunately there is no cold weather forecast - temps look average going forward.
  11. Summer8906 I think your perceptions are wrong because the Met Office state that recent years have been sunnier and warmer than 1961-1990. See this blog post for the sunshine statistics Record breaking 2022 indicative of future UK climate WWW.METOFFICE.GOV.UK 2022 was a record-breaking year for weather and is a sign of the UK’s changing climate.
  12. Augusta Snow While I don't disagree that July was particularly rubbish (cooler, wetter and duller than average), June was the hottest on record and also the 4th sunniest on record (!!). I think these heat records are becoming normalised now and people are expecting more and more each year.
  13. I think some here have a short memory because we've had plenty of cracking sunny and hot weather in recent summers, at least in the south of the UK.. It's not that unusual to have wet and dull weather considering our location in the world but saying this could be the norm after one tough winter is a bit extreme
  14. Feeling warm-ish in the capital in this afternoon's sunshine. Many amateur stations reporting 17-19°C.. Could pass for a day in April or May!
  15. Well, so much for a back loaded El Nino winter.. There isn't much wintry weather on offer in the GEFS and ECM ens right out to the end of February. Time to call it a day on Winter 23/24?
  16. Perhaps stating the obvious.. but it's worth pointing out these snow depth charts could show 5 cm snow falling widely across e.g. the midlands but none of it even settles. Suspect any settling snow will be restricted to high ground in Wales.
  17. Oh when will this dull winter end..? All of the 'proper cold' seems to only exist at day 10, and we end up with bog standard chilly weather at D0. Fingers crossed for a record breaking warm & sunny spring
  18. Loving the outlook. The milder, the better IMO! And as we approach February with a strengthening sun and a warming world, the chances of long lasting, historic cold decreases in the South now. Here's to another 20°C day in Feb.
  19. Satellite image of the Dec 22 snowfall across a large part of the South courtesy of wanstead meteo. Not just localised to Kent for the record..
  20. Credit where credit's due, the modelling has been remarkably consistent since last week for cold, northerly winds to arrive around the 15th January
  21. Next week's temperatures for London look like a barely below average cool snap and less severe than what we had in Dec 22 and Feb 21 etc. Next week: Dec 22: Feb 21: What happens thereafter is still in FI and not guaranteed at all. Too much hype at the moment considering the very cold air is 10+ days away.
  22. 12Z GFS produces a chilly Christmas eve but mild air is back across the south of the UK Christmas afternoon onwards. Hopefully it's an mild outlier during this period.
  23. 12Z GFS quickly flushes away the deep cold that's been lingering over Scandinavia for the past 2 months
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