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Everything posted by Rush2019

  1. Had a few rumbles here Macc. No lightning observed, had sunshine and a rainbow at the same time.
  2. Chris.R My radio is picking a few strikes up now. Wow first rumble here, just as I type. Not directly overhead.
  3. Chris.R some of the echoes on the radar are looking meaty at the moment. Clouded over, sunshine only lasting for half the day, more fortunate than some though. Here is the rain.
  4. Morning. Looks like a mixed bag ahead, rain, hail, T and L? Nice here for now, just tipped over 7°C, grey and overcast but the sun keeps trying to burst through. We are long overdue a decent dry spell. Man Airport outlook today.
  5. Much of the UK is in with a shout again tomorrow, European Severe storms' outlook.
  6. Cell intensified between Northwich and Knutsford, been few strikes from it.
  7. Supacell looking forward to hopefully a few of your storm chasing recordings out on the road this season.
  8. Nice brief clearance after the rain, currently blue skies and the odd burst of sun, but there's a large mass of cloud to my south, blue sky soon to be no more.
  9. Clouding up, rain not too far away now. Some brightness earlier, all too brief though.
  10. That was quite a beefy hail shower, feels quite chilly now, awful for anyone caught out in it.
  11. Quickly gone very dark, heating back on, wind picked up, its about to tip it down.
  12. Have fun with it Will, my daughter loves her air fryer, uses it alot. Sunny and bright, still have the wind here in Macc, 9°C.
  13. Morning. Currently 5°C (8.05am). Had the spooky jaundiced glow everywhere early this am. Some breaks in the cloud briefly revealing the odd TCU's. Some brightness for now, got caught in hail feeding the birds earlier.
  14. Morning. 12.2°C and not quite 10am. Showered about 7am but with the bursts of sunshine the ground is drying. So a chilly weekend instore with good clear air, I hope to hike a small ascent and make the most of the clear views, my last day today of a 20 day radiotherapy treatment programme so I'll see what the weekend brings.
  15. Been absolutely beautiful here so far. Breached 15°C again Macc currently 15.2°C. Man Airport in top 5 at the moment on 15°C. If only these spells would last longer. I was surprised to see that 2 of Maccs reservoirs located in the forest were not at capacity, I've seen then much fuller, hmmmm.
  16. Pleasant afternoon out, not cold but didn't get the sunshine here. Very busy at Macc Forest. Didn't spot any baby lambs, but found some nosey wagu beef cattle. Mud everywhere we walked. Spotted a few llamas.
  17. Certainly brighter than first thing, 15°C currently at Man Airport, shame no sun to go with it. My sister is taking me out shortly, looks like a decent afternoon. The sun is doing its best to break through.
  18. Morning. A quick paddle up the garden, threw some meal worms and sunflower seeds at the bird table and ran back. It's tipping down. 11.4°C. Tut.
  19. Rain came later in the day, so majority of it stayed dry but a bit grey, max of 10.4°C. Spring Equilux tomorrow, where daylight hours become longer than the hours of darkness, clocks go forward end of the month so staying lighter in the evenings.
  20. No evidence of any frost first thing, min 0°C. Oooh tis beautiful currently, puts me in a right smiley mood. Can feel the warmth of the sun through the windows as I watched the ever becoming busy birds swoop for their meal worms. Enjoy while it beams. @iand61 Enjoy your caravan mooching, I would love a weekend bolthole if ever the opportunity arose. I'm looking forward to May, it's a beautiful month. April promises proper spring with hopefully a taste of the first good rumble of thunder. Enjoy the sun, don't look at the radar.
  21. Morning, temps didn't get as high as I thought yesterday, no sunshine to boost them. Rain this am and 11.2°C.
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