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Everything posted by Calrissian

  1. Well, yes, more likely mild than not. It does amuse me how people are still getting surprised by this. Its not like its just happened in the last year or so. We're not into the tenth year of so of regularly higher than normal temps...and people are still surprised. I look forward to some good early summer soon. Calrissian: LOST
  2. woah, almost 80f ,lol. That is just funny, okay we're not 'that far' from summer now, but still, thats pretty impressive, not too far away from London. Calrissian: awaiting a dramatically steamy 2007 weather year
  3. Behold, the power of the dome is strong. Grand Admiral Thrawn would have loved to have had shields like that on the Chimera. --- Even London city is icy tonight, a rare thing indeed in this new sub-tropical climate. Maybe we'll have the snow later this week, but no matter....it'll be another mild month. Calrissian: Shields UP
  4. Absolutely correct. It is the most viable and is likely the only real solution to the underlying fact that at current consumption levels, humanity is unsustainable. Pandemic, supervolcano, superpowers nuking eachother. Any of those would easily solve the problem. Of course, people could delude themselves that the climate isn't really changing, that everything will be all fine and dandy in 2025. I can't wait to see things really hot up. Its going to be really entertaining from a sociological perspective. Calrissian: holding at Defcon'4
  5. Hmm, everything was going so good until that last line. 3c error ? -- Despite a little snow these past few days, January is still yet another in the long line of endlessly mild months. Sure, we'll probaby get a couple of below average months this year, but most of them will be somewhat about the 30yr trend lines. I do like reading the monthly predictions, if any of them come off, it'll be an interesting year for sure. Calrissian: holding at his original crazy number.
  6. SEVERE winds here in NW London since 02.30. At times, worse than last Thursday. Really bad, nasty stuff, and not a hope in hell of sleeping whilst this nonsense continues.
  7. I can just imagine a few of the corporate major players in the aviation industry who have been on the phone to Blair in the last few months, 'ordering' him to back off. Blair has started to buckle back on the 'lets stop the mainstream' flying. I find it quite hilarious to see him starting to look so weak minded, even though his time in office is now coming to a close, a time when most PMs are more bold in what they do. Calrissian: will try to fly as often as possible, if only to annoy Blair
  8. Woo hoo ! Welcome to the >11.5 group of people. I do think its 'something to aim for'. So, when temps are in the mid 30s for most of the summer, we can be safe in our prediction, even if autumn is relatively normal. -- I note a few <10.5s, and I just can't see that happening. Part of me hopes I am wrong, after all, last years night heat was unbearable at times in London. Calrissian: does 11.95 make him crazy or bold, or both?
  9. Ha, yes, I hope I am wrong, but I really think 11.5 is relatively easy to pass. With just a couple of 'reasonable' months, and a summer like last year, we'll get 11.5 As for 11.95, well, I just felt like being a little provocative. Something to aim for, right? Calrissian: sees the future
  10. Q. It is a rule of the presentation that you have to tell them ways to cut their consumption? Otherwise, you could always just do a presentation on what you think. For instance, if you honestly think 'we're all screwed anyway', regardless of what we might try, then do that ! --- Calrissian: good riddance to the human infestation. Bring on the Ants
  11. I'll see your 11.5, and raise you 0.45 UK climate change continues... Calrissian: 11.95 CET for 2007
  12. I'm sorry, but you yourself are entirely targetting the WRONG people. You think any of them are going to actually do anything? At best, maybe they'd cut back by a few % this year, but then by 2010 their energy usage will be higher than it currently is. Q. Are you interested in targetting the right issue, or must it be techies? I'm sorry if that annoys you, but i'm sure if you ask some of the others here, they might back me up. It makes little sense to try to get westerners to cut back, its largely a pointless exercise. If you want to make an impact, then start buying up rainforest and other land. I heard that if rather than investing in energy efficiency, carbon trading schemes etc, we simply bought up large chunks of the forest that are currently being burnt to the ground, then the UK could argubly be said to have cut back emissions by hundreds of times the amount that any current schemes suggest. Its really quite simple. Save the rainforest...save the world. Calrissian: Yatta !
  13. I don't think 'realism class' is possible for the masses unless it directly affects them. Unless they are physically - or significantly financially affected, climate change does not exist. Of course, by the time that happens, it'll be too late. London may end up permanently under water, and large chunks of the worlds food producing areas will become worthless. --- Most people are ignorant. Accept that basic fact, and then assume you'd best find someplace more rural in the next decade or two for your own well being. Calrissian: spacewalking on ISS
  14. London town: Breezy, but a warm 14C wind at 2am ! Crazy weather. Sure saves on the heating bill though. Calrissian: time to rest.
  15. They've changed their link slightly http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/radar/index.html Yes, according to their map, there is a permanent downpour surrounding the entire UK. Once again..another stupid colour choice. How difficult can it be ? Land Brown, Sea blue. Doubtless, they wanted lime green for land, to match their overall logo. However, they seem to realise it ain't working on their radar map. Their local radars also need redoing. Calrissian:
  16. mmmmm... pie taste good. Calrissian: occasionally...is wrong.
  17. re: Met Bashing. Why? Because they deserve it on so many levels. We had last weeks utter debacle, and they still had the guile the day after the non-storm to suggest there was 'severe weather' the previous night. As for todays utter incompetence at doing something as simple as a visually useful radar screen, its testament to the fact its a government institution. They are rife with idiots at all levels. The question stands. How many MONTHS do you think it'll take for them to change the land colour from the lame lime green to something far better? 3mths ? 6 mths? A year? Calrissian: Will slate any government institution...if it deserves it.
  18. RE: Radar Only the Met Office could employ a web designer who decided to have lime green land colour, and then have certain types of rainfall totally blend in with the land. Idiots ! --------- Even remedial webmasters know not to do that. Ohh, it'll be changed. Any guesses on how long it'll take them to change it? I'm guessing probably 3-4 months minimum. Calrissian: Infinately superior to those Government fools
  19. oh lord, another ignorant newspaper. People still buy news papers ? Lol, why ? We've the net, infinately superior. --- ohh, and this has to be noted... Wow, predictions for 'cold' in winter. How many millions are those paper pushers being paid these days? Even civil service pay does not merit this kinda nonsense talk. --- Calrissian: predicts warmth in summer.
  20. Hmm, these are largely entirely separate issues. Lack of ozone can be harmful for life. Global warming can change climate patterns, and where/how big the hole could be. ---- Calrissian: late night summaries
  21. Lets be clear once again on this... The models are still at a kinda garden level. They are in general, worthless at predictors of any given season. The NHC - it could be argued, was just following the hysteria from last year, and played it safe with predicting another highly active season. The fact it has actually been a quiet one makes little difference to them. --- It remains largely impossible to predict a season, as almost EVERYONE this year has got it wrong. I can't remember reading anyone on this board, or other sites who touted a 'relatively quiet' season. It really has been a case of mass hysteria.
  22. Hello, anyone around? This little thing is now a Cat'2, and a likely Cat'3 within hours ! A little bit of interest in late October for the storm freaks - myself included. ----- Calrissian: Eyes on the Storm
  23. Well, there is a little flare up near Barbados, but its headed out to sea I would think. With a cold blast of air moving into the central USA, is this the end of the storm season?
  24. Its all so very dull. I suppose there is still time, but the peak is now past, and I can't see anything significant occuring. So, although its not over yet....most of us realise that 2006 was the year that majorly sucked for storm watching.
  25. I was thinking 'south' and 'Antarctic', just so happened I like those words together. ---------- I just read the Hansen paper, pretty much the same old stuff as usual. I noticed he did mentioned that the high lattitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are warming fastest. So, that'd mean the overall difference between the equator and the north polar region is less....with less activity. Hmm. Too many variables really, so it will probably all be entirely speculative. Calrissian: living a little close to sea level.
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