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Everything posted by MP-R

  1. Living just down the road from you, I concur. It’s nothing special, but is at least summery and usable. If we keep a sluggish Atlantic and the Azores cooperates for once, August could be very decent indeed. I suspect it might deteriorate as it goes on. Then there is the awakening hurricane season to factor in...
  2. A rather gloomy morning has cleared into a lovely afternoon! 21C and sunny.
  3. Just been for a walk locally. The feintest of drizzle in the air, and 'muggy' is the word! Still 19C.
  4. It’s actually been better today than yesterday! Frontal cloud edging in from northwest now though.
  5. Beautiful start but I just know it’s going to cloud over during optimal sun hours.
  6. Edited your post Andy. Perfect would require the sun to actually be out. Incidentally, the sun has been out in fits and starts over the last half hour and the temperature has responded big time. What a day it could've been!
  7. It’s also an accusation summation of current conditions for many so I’m not sure what his problem is lol. Even the language used isn’t over the top.
  8. Very disappointing day. Been cloudy since 11 and won’t shift. Don’t know where all the cloud has come from. Tomorrows supposed to be cloudy so maybe it will end up sunny.
  9. Nothing boring from my point of view, other than the fact it is currently cloudy when it's supposed to be sunny. Settled, warm and sunny is a good holding point between interesting weather e.g. heat, thunderstorms etc.
  10. Nice morning again. It was 20C by 10am. A fair bit of cloud around though, which I hope will disperse during key sun hours.
  11. I consider myself lucky to be in the area that has seen 4 in North Somerset. Still pretty poor though.
  12. Been lovely again since 3pm. Just a shame it had to be predominantly cloudy during the key time of 11.30-14.30. The search for a sunny day continues.
  13. Yes, the most convective spells this year have also been when it's been coolest. The thunderstorms here on 07th June and 08th May were both on chilly days. In fact the thunderstorm on 04th March was also from a cold airmass. Only a lucky few seem to have benefitted from a plume style storm so far this year.
  14. Some other stinkers from years gone by - some of the worst summer days I can remember:
  15. I wish I’d been away in the first half of June. Indeed from the 20th it has been better, at least down here. Pleasant today after a cool night.
  16. Not even that. His argument is it FEELS more like summer. Nobody can dispute that August has higher temperatures than May, but what use is slightly higher temperatures if it's cloudy/raining/windy/gloomy. Indeed, on occasion September can bring pangs of summer, but tends to require something a bit more 'special' to prevent temperatures falling away at night, mist/fog forming, and high enough temperatures in the day. For what it's worth, I don't think of September as a particularly settled month anyway. The Atlantic tends to pick up as August progresses anyway so it's quite difficult for September to reverse that trend. Also, nobody is expecting a Mediterranean climate here. It would be foolhardy to do so. I would personally, however, expected something a bit more spectacular to have come from the most recent heatwave given the circumstances.
  17. June 2019 sits firmly between June 2012 (the worst) and June 2007 (significantly better) here. Although 2007 did not surpass 30C like this one has, it did contain a dry, sunny and warm first 12 days. This June has redeemed itself a bit since the 19th, essentially ensuring it is not an absolute fail of a month.
  18. ... which is why he said it 'feels' like summer. Like everyone on here I'm sure he's well aware May is a spring month. I can see where he's coming from though, more so in light of recent times, where May is more often than not better than August, the days are longer, the sun is stronger, the light brighter etc etc. The second half of May is more frequently more summery down here than the second half of August, let alone into September when summer has long gone. This debate comes up many times on what constitutes 'summer'. Are we thinking temperature, SSTs, light levels, plant growth. 21/6-21/9 or 01/06-31/08 or 07/05-07/08...
  19. I’ve always thought that if our summers could be reliably sunny and daytime temperatures 3-5C higher, meaning warmer evenings, but cooling to present values at night, it’d be just right. I love heat but for me sunshine is paramount in summer. Today, although too windy for my liking, was at least sunny and compensated for the disappointing maximum.
  20. A very pleasant afternoon after a mostly cloudy morning. Sun is out and is stronger than yesterday.
  21. It was so severe, I had to change out of shorts and put some trackie bottoms on lol. Feels positively chilly out there now.
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