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Kentish Man

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Everything posted by Kentish Man

  1. Thanks. Can I just ask in layman's terms what implications this might have here in the UK?
  2. All fair points but nevertheless I'd argue we've been unlucky in not having more cold incursions in the Christmas/New Year period when more people are at home to enjoy them. 78/79 is the only outstanding example I can think of since the 1970(?) Xmas snowfall.. You could be right about 2009/10 as well but statistically you'd expect more than 2 in 49 years!
  3. Oh whoopee a Bartlett high nicely ensconced at 7 -10 days on ECM. In the south the Christmas/New Year period has consistently disappointed right back to 1978/79 when we had a dramatic Boxing Day snowstorm. Even in 1981 and 2010 the cold was running out of steam by late Dec. With people off work it's a better time for snow and cold than later in the winter when we need to get to work/school etc .
  4. A spell of relatively benign weather would indeed be welcome after the deluge in many parts of the country. However I'm not going to spend much time studying the synoptics of the upcoming broad westerly type in winter mainly because it is the default type in the UK. In winter I'm looking for an incursion of cold north-westerlies, north-easterlies even a cold short sea track south easterly anything really that varies from the boring Atlantic drudge we have had so much of in winters since 1988 bar a few notable long lasting cold spells such as in December 2010.
  5. Snoozefest output from 06z GFS. The best you can say is the weather will be relatively benign and drier than it has been in the south of the UK. But the general advice would be to forget about any interest from the weather and go and do something more stimulating like stamp collecting.
  6. Well you should be happy as it looks like that's exactly what we're going to get after Christmas. Winter 2019/20 showing signs of being another one flattering to deceive if you are a cold fan. January has been especially disappointing in the last 20 years.
  7. Early signs is that August is going to be another relative let down - not necessarily that bad compared to some historically poor Augusts of the past but possibly the first below average month of the year with rather unsettled weather to boot,.. the school holidays seem to have that effect. 15.4C please
  8. More precisely some specific regions within certain Canadian provinces don't and Arizona in the USA doesn't either but it remains true that for the vast majority of the population in both countries DST applies. At least the choice can be made at a local level unlike in the EU and maybe Scotland once we leave the EU might consider operating a different time zone from the rest of the UK to reflect its northerly latitude. However the fact remains between now and March 30th first light will be well before 6AM while only 10% of the population emerge from their beds before this time. That is a waste of energy resources.
  9. Point taken but I'm only talking a small adjustment for the two or three weeks In March where we have 12 hours of daylight plus an hour of twilight.
  10. I see the clocks aren't going forward until 30 March. That is an awful lot of wasted early morning daylight while like this evening it is already getting murky at 6pm. We really should post Brexit align ourselves with the USA and Canada and make the change in the second weekend of March.
  11. This GFS run back up previous one. Make the most of any wintriness between now and Thursday because next weekend a sinking high over the UK will usher in a return of the boring fairly mild anticyclonic westerly dirge we have suffered a lot of over this winter so far. Edit And UKMO's even worse with the morning's easterlies at t+120 and t+144 replaced by something at T+144 that is looking like backyard mild creeping round the Atlantic high
  12. The cold north easterly on yesterdays models for the latter half of next week seems to have disappeared and that synoptic is generally better for sustained cold in the south east than say the NWly type that others up country benefit from. There is a hint of NElys on the GFS model in the 10 day plus period but that far out it always seems elusive. Best us ever to see if the downgrading trend is confirmed by this evenings model output. Edit I should say the charts are still not too bad with some snow possible in the coming week even down south but no severe cold and a possible return to milder conditions later in the week.
  13. Yes it's all going the going the way of the pear (again) seems to be the general vibe.
  14. Ah well perfect day today with a drying wind to get the ride-on mower out and carry out some "winter" mowing and garden stuff. Grass was suitably long given the mild temperatures all very invigorating.
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