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Everything posted by mulzy

  1. UK high -> Sceuro high -> Scandi high. That’s the evolution I am looking for. Need things to align but that’s what we need to be watching out for in FI.
  2. The day 10 mean is pretty ominous. Let’s hope we can scrape a decent cluster in FI.
  3. Which is not going to deliver for most of lowland Southern England. I’d rather have a benign Bartlett and 15C.
  4. Scandi high if FI is probably one of the options on the table (after seeing that ECM run). Let’s see what the clusters say..
  5. ECM suggests a mild Xmas for the majority. Lower heights around Iceland suggest this run will continue mild if we get some tragic phasing. Let’s see…
  6. It can be consistently wrong. The king (ECM) says no and the UKMO says no - history has taught us coldies that if the UKMO is not in board, you can forget it. Let’s wait for the better ensemble suites (EPS and MOGREPS) to confirm or otherwise the increasingly milder outlook. Not a fan of France Frosty? Any reason for this?
  7. ECM and UKMO say no to chilly Xmas. Let’s see what the EPS and MOGREPS say. Form horse is for the GEFS to flip to mild (may take a few suites though)
  8. Question for the experts, has there ever been a time where there was a strong stratospheric PV and *sustained* cold/snow over the UK?
  9. Poor charts for the UK this morning. Even though the patterns are from usual, Euro heights is the theme going forward for the next week or so as evidenced in the ops and ensemble suite right out to day 15.
  10. Day 7 ECM should show heavy snow on the boundary between arctic air and sub tropical air. Northern England / southern Scotland perhaps.
  11. Word of warning: Little support for the GFS from the GEM and UKMO det runs.
  12. Euro heights remain a problem in the medium term. Somehow we need these to drain away in the 8-15 day period to deliver us the potential of northern blocking which is still there. One to watch.
  13. It *is* a pathway to cold. Yes, needs a few things to align but that chart has great potential.
  14. Write off the UKMO model at your peril. It is still probably an outside chance but that solution is in the mix. It has been supported by a minority (20%ish) of its MOGREPS suite as well.
  15. A nice covering here (1-2cm) on all surfaces. Just east enough to get some of the action. Obviously others to the east and north of me have done much better (including central London!)
  16. I am such making an assertion of a chart 180 hours away - it's FI anyway. A pumped Euro ridge is one of the options on the table. There was no mention of certainty - just a comment on a chart.
  17. Icon 180 hrs is not a good chart. The two lows will phase pumping up the Euro ridge.
  18. MOGREPS upgrading all the time. Solid support for it to remain cold. Just a few runs go to mild in London.
  19. ECM day 7 is awesome - only topped by UKMO day 7 in my opinion. What a start to the day - very positive.
  20. Yes, but those low heights to the north of the UK are a worry. Hope there is no ugly phasing. Let's see.
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