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Soaring Hawk

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Everything posted by Soaring Hawk

  1. Heavy and thick snow shower, for the last 20 minutes, possibly longer. I was only alerted by the sound of staff in the open plan area all converging on the windows and sounding like excited children! Large flakes and not really expected at this low altitude. Now slightly more sleety but not by a lot. It hasn't settled anywhere but nevertheless nice to see something white coming down. Apologies re lack of photos - my work computer won't allow me to upload. In fact am surprised I've managed to get into this site at all from the office..
  2. Am being naughty and squirreling my way in while at work.... 3.5oC this morning at 6.40am, cloudy and damp. More like a Novemember morning I thought. Then drove past all the beautiful magnolia blossom in WGC centre and felt smugly relieved that we don't have to go through the whole of December, Jan and Feb to reach the Spring. Imagine my surprised humility on looking up at my garret office window, a few minutes ago, to sideways heavy snow...! Ah well, looks like winter really is just starting then...
  3. Good morning all. Work IT system has actually let me in here this morning! -.5o this morning requiring a lot of ice sraping and spraying of the car. Absolutely clear and endless blue sky in stark contrast to the white trees and grass. A beautiful morning and nearly kept driving north on the A1.... Hope everyone has a good day.
  4. I'm so very sorry legrandfromage that you had to make and follow through those difficult decisions. It is heart breaking, I know that from my own experiences with my horses, dogs and cats. My deepest sympathy and best wishes to both you and your wife. Walked around the lake and cathedral in St Albans this afternoon, as did most of the city by the look of the crowds. I find myself wondering how the poor person is who was taken by air ambulance from outside the cathedral at around 2.30pm, and hoping for the best for him or her. 17oC this afternoon although feeling far hotter in the sun. Absolutely beautiful full moon tonight and currently still 10oC, wind: west 7mph
  5. Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, 2.5oC this morning and although a tad colder than yesterday, there was no clearing of windscreen required, for which I was grateful. The journey to work was misty rather than foggy. In fact, despite all the warnings, there was more fog yesterday morning in my area, although I expect this part of Hertfordshire has been luckier than others. I notice from my prison cell high in the attics of the office that the sun has now burned through the mist and I spy a lot of blue sky, with occasional very high cloud. Looking promising...! When I got back from work yesterday it was still 14.5oC but feeling much warmer than that, the air smelt fresh and I couldn't bear the thought of being inside on such a beautiful evening. Decided to visit my daughter's yard to watch her schooling her horse in the floodlit training arena and noticed it was not yet dark at 6.15pm, the temp was still up at 14C and the country lanes had a burr of baby green on the hedgerows. Really feeling as though Spring has arrived - how nice. How uplifting. Hoping everyone has a good day.
  6. Good morning all. While clearing the windscreen of ice this morning I was looking around at the daffodils and pom pom-like pink blossom and pondering on the fact that we've had far more frosts since Spring started than through that dismal Winter. 3oC with quite thick fog from the outskirts of my village through to, and including, WGC. Expecting it to burn off though - well certainly hoping it will... Have a nice day!
  7. Morning all, 6oC at 6.40am. Rising to 7C in the centre of WGC. Quite thick cloud creating a grey gloomy feel. Let's hope the sun breaks through... Have a nice day.
  8. Phallic jobbies? Simply had to go back and look at it again. Completely missed both suggested look alikes the first time I viewed the photo. I'll get me coat on the way out.....
  9. Goodness, that's a lot of bad luck in one go. Hopefully that's your lot for the next few months or so! Your niece dropping her bank card between the floor boards reminded me of an advert on TV about a year ago I think. Can't remember which bank/credit card company it was but one of the calamities was a little girl deliberately posting a card between the floor boards, then giving the most wonderfully funny *oh whoops, let's hope no-one actually saw that happen* Devil child expression. Always made me laugh. The beautiful morning gave way to cloud and an increasingly north east wind. Temperature of 9o C when I arrived home felt far colder with that biting wind penetrating my clothing.
  10. 4oC at 6.45 when leaving for work, rising to 5o in WGC centre. Driving into the sun again with pale pink misty fields gave me that good to be alive feeling, and there hasn't been any of that around for the last 18 months, so if that cold spell does evolve but with sun, I'll take that with gratitude! For all of you who either work outside/or can simply be outside, I hope you have a fab day out there *she says slightly enviously*
  11. NOOOOoooo. The sun and warmth has been so uplifting. I, for one, don't want to go back to that kind of weather now. Am hoping the models have just had a that time of the month hissy fit. Bad luck Mick. It is a horrible feeling when someone wipes out your account. Thankfully my bank were very good at sorting it all out quickly. So glad for you that you are having a similarly efficient service. Em, why are you buying beer for your dog when out walking it...??? A balmy 9oC here atm.
  12. Beautiful day, as confirmed by so many others, 19oC at home and too nice to be indoors. Decided on a visit to Cliveden, which I love, although Evil SatNav Man was determined to get me there via single track unmade lanes. Made it in the end and it was, as usual, worth the drive. Excuse quality of photos please; when I got my camera out I found the batteries were flat. So this selection was taken with my phone.
  13. Steve those photos are stunning. Lucky you and thank you for sharing them - it has lifted my spirits! In fact they made me look out of the window for the first time since 7:10 when I got to my desk. I note the sky is now mostly clear and the sun is out. Still looks breezy but I will pop out for a quick walk around the green areas in the centre of WGC. Thanks Steve
  14. Morning Ladies and Gentlemen, 8.50C this morning, so similar temperature to yesterday. However, as I turned onto the east/west A414 racetrack *no, no silly woman, its west/east! No wonder you have getting lost down to an art form* to drive into the sun, there was only the tiniest red smudge on the horizon and low grey cloud covering the remainder of the sky. What a difference - can't believe how disappointed I felt. Just want to crawl back into bed now. Thank goodness its Friday....
  15. It was just a blank white screen. No messages. After you asked that question I changed my browser to Chrome. That appears to have done the trick and I can now access and change pages in all the regional threads. Thank you Gentlemen for both your responses!
  16. At 22:00 last night it was still 8oC as I drove back home. This morning at 06.40 there was no need for ice scraping, it being a balmy 6oC, rising to 7o by the time I got to WGC 20 mins later. Partial high cloud with the enormous sun now higher and golden with the earlier sunrises. Amazing being able to observe the transition from deep red to golden over this past week.
  17. Have been having problems changing pages in the South East thread, which is where I post my weather info, for te last week. Now can't access it, of in fact any of the regional threads at all. Any ideas why? Problem is with both my work and home computers.
  18. 0.5oC this morning as I de-iced the car again. All ground surfaces looking even whiter than yesterday, with the purple and yellow crocuses contrasting cheerfully. The countryside either side of the racetrack that is the A414 dual carriageway, in the early hours, and a bad tempered carpark as the commute gets into full swing, was serenely shrouded in a gentle pink tinged mist. The sun, again, hanging reddish gold and low on the horizon caused me to create a touch of chaos at the big roundabout to the A1. Ah well, just a few heart attacks to the other drivers - give me the sun any day!
  19. Morning all. Cheeringly light at 6.45 when I was de-icing the car. 0oC all the way in to work. Fat low red sun obscuring vision at times but, hey, who cares when the sky is that clear pale blue that lifts the spirits. Feeling almost human today...!
  20. You sniffing colloidal suspension particles LegrandeF? Yup, thought so. Heavy rain and wind this evening. Miserable. Looking forward to it warming up by the weekend. LeGF can swop his sheet for a tea towel then....
  21. Lovely sunny start to the week. Wind 12 mph from the south. 82% humidity with pressure 1005 mb. Cloud has been increasing as the morning has progressed, alternating between about 35% (how do you estimate this accurately?) and 75% with some darker and heavier cloud that looks as though it could spoil things. Lots of cheerful daffoldils nodding their heads to music only they can hear, with the cherry blossom now picking up confidence and coming out to play. It looks like Spring *she says cautiously and now awaiting a winter sting in the tail for daring to use the S word* I want to go out for a walk but am supposed to be working...
  22. You were indeed lucky you flew home when you did! But the sad thing is that even if you had told people what you felt, it wouldn't have been able to stop those fatalities. My first experience of a quake was in 1976 when living in Vancouver. My parents were over visiting me and during their visit I was woken one night by what felt like someone standing at the foot of my bed and violently shaking it up and down. I thought I was having a bad dream, turned over and went back to sleep! Next morning they asked if I'd felt the earthquake. My Mother had experienced several growing up in Italy. It was the main news item the following morning because the West End of the city was full of high rises and apparently they were swaying. That's how I immediately recognised what was happening that night in Suffolk. Found this from "The History of Metropolitan Vancouver" May 16 An earthquake jolted southwestern BC and adjacent Washington State, a 5.3 Richter-scale fracture 70 kilometres below Pender Island. “It knocked people from their beds in White Rock, cut electrical services in Richmond and South Vancouver, and on the Sechelt Peninsula, and sent residents of West End highrises screaming into the halls as the building swayed for 30 seconds.†This is also the year the Pacific Geoscience Centre was created. Very still and cloudy tonight *my weather input*
  23. Beautiful sunny morning, clouding over by early afternoon. Daffoldils shining brightly in the morning sun, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing like Wordsworth's finest . A most cheering sight after such a long period of rain, gales and that gloomy leaden light that has dragged on for months. I recall very clearly the earthquake that was felt in Suffolk in February 2008 in the early hours of 27th February. I was working late to meet an important deadline and my boss and I were quietly slogging away at our respective computers. We were both exhausted and silent, except for the occasional sigh and tsk if I made an error in the desktop publishing I was using, or the occasional sweary word from him. Suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of a tractor. I thought it was coming from behind me and I turned to look at the window at my back. As I turned back I clearly saw the room swaying from side to side. My boss said "what the **** is that!" I replied, very calmly, "an earthquake". It felt as though it went on for a long time and I was intrigued by how intense the swaying became, all the time accompanied by a low pitched rumbling, which I now realised wasn't a nocturnal joy riding tractor at all. I remember sitting there wondering how much more the Victorian building could take before it started falling to pieces. Am not sure if I was so tired I didn't have the foresight to get outside or in reality it happened over a much shorter timeframe than it felt. I suspect the latter. Naturally Badtempered Boss didn't believe me and ranted on about being disturbed (as if I had caused it...) so I was quietly (and smugly) pleased when it was on the news the next morning. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/7266272.stm
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