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Everything posted by jethro

  1. Why thank you kind Sir You're not wrong in your assessment, this is how we get those mammoth snowfalls, some of the greatest ever snowfalls have been recorded in Cornwall and from the exact same battle of opposing forces we currently see.
  2. They've been kept bigger for a while because they were quiet with no really interesting weather in the offing. Currently, they're still being kept together, mainly for a couple of reasons - firstly because we've all got to know one another, everyone gets along and it would be a shame to split everyone up for the sake of a few miles, the banter from familiar voices is a big part of these regional's. Secondly, most people don't have a radar subscription - when snow is a possibility we all get excited, it's really useful to be able to gauge what's happening elsewhere. If the snow's coming from the West, those further East can tell whether or not they're likely to get some, how much and when, and the same applies going the opposite direction. This may change if the thread is going too quickly for folk to keep up due to the volume of posts, but currently, there are no plans to split them.
  3. Generally speaking, yes. We all live in the mildest part of the country, some like you, live in one of the mildest bits of the mild SW. We pay the price of living where we do in the Winter, but we reap the rewards in the Summer. Occasionally we get lucky, more occasionally still, we get very lucky and get humungous snowfalls - these mammoth snow events are always as a result of bitterly cold air coming from the East/North East and bumping up against our usual wet weather systems coming up from the South West. The weather currently showing, and the possibilities next week, are good examples of mild and wet meeting cold and dry - wherever those two meet will get the most snow. The latest model run has shown the cold moving further West so we have more chance of it being snow for us, the next model run may show the complete opposite or an even further shift West. Genuinely, no one, nor any computer model can accurately say precisely where the two weather systems will meet, all we can do is wait and hope.
  4. A little something to help sooth those frazzled nerves.... http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=one+night+cough+syrup&num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1600&bih=898&tbm=isch&tbnid=BeH084J8r9rdtM:&imgrefurl=http://pinterest.com/pin/217017275764812469/&docid=H54JB5xMxu5NOM&imgurl=http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/203858320602328949_qSGMY8OS_c.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=V0HwUJnEBKPG0QXY74Fw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=147&vpy=126&dur=355&hovh=194&hovw=258&tx=160&ty=107&sig=116756314030200072203&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=177&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:85
  5. If some of you are finding all these ups and downs are getting to you, if you lay awake at night dreaming of 3 foot of snow and tormented by it's absence, I've found something which may help you sleep, or at the very least sooth your troubles.... http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=one+night+cough+syrup&num=10&hl=en&tbo=d&biw=1600&bih=898&tbm=isch&tbnid=BeH084J8r9rdtM:&imgrefurl=http://pinterest.com/pin/217017275764812469/&docid=H54JB5xMxu5NOM&imgurl=http://media-cache0.pinterest.com/upload/203858320602328949_qSGMY8OS_c.jpg&w=400&h=300&ei=V0HwUJnEBKPG0QXY74Fw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=147&vpy=126&dur=355&hovh=194&hovw=258&tx=160&ty=107&sig=116756314030200072203&page=1&tbnh=135&tbnw=177&start=0&ndsp=43&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:85
  6. On the plus side, after yesterday's grim weather, today is absolutely glorious.
  7. I don't remember any snow being forecast for here on the 4th November, but when I woke up, everything was white, covered with about 3 inches of the stuff. I don't recall anyone really forecasting much in February 2009, a light sprinkling was only a possibility (and a long shot at that) I awoke that day to over a foot of snow.....I know it's boring, I know anticipation is all part of the happy ride in these threads but it genuinely isn't possible to have pinpoint accuracy for forecasting snow 24 hours ahead, let alone 3 or 4 days. The most vital ingredient for getting snow is getting the temperature down. Precipitation is not something we have a shortage of in this part of the world, it's currently cooling down, it's going to get colder still, we may all be in for some pleasant surprises. For all those on the South coast, particularly Devon and Cornwall, I know it sucks that you have a harder time getting snow down there but for those of us inland, it sucks when you get warm, sunny weather and we get cold rain. There are winners and losers all year round when it comes to location and weather, that's part of what makes it so interesting.
  8. Here's the latest from NASA on the impact of the varying Sun and terrestrial climate, with emphasis on the Strat and the Pacific: http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/08jan_sunclimate/
  9. Morning All, I'm going to take this as gospel and keep everything crossed that temps are a little lower than forecast for Wednesday - 26mm, mmmmm, yes please http://www.netweather.tv/index.cgi?action=10day;sess
  10. I expect nothing less than a Poodle with a full Lion clip.....tail pompom, silly puffy feet and all.
  11. You can choose whichever one you like, there's no rigid line, merely a vague idea of general area. If I were you, I'd stick around in here, we're a friendly lot not generally prone to hysterics if it all goes pear shaped. You may however be nominated as our official stealth monitor who can sneak in and out the other South thread, have a nose around and report back in here.
  12. Is it too early to start reminding people of the stealth snowman competition? He has to have a doggy friend this year....
  13. I'm liking that dark pink spot of intensity at the bottom of the pale pink splodge, that's right over my hill and Mullender's.
  14. Oh we do, and we appreciate it. I don't care whether it's the cider or the sloe vodka but this thread is known throughout the forum as being the friendliest and cheeriest regional, long may it continue!!!!
  15. On the way home from work today I passed a sign advertising The Snow Ball, 25th January in Axminster......prophetic???
  16. The info has been turned off to help stop the servers melting whilst it's busy. MK made a brilliant suggestion earlier and it's perhaps one we should all do and that's add your location to your signature then it will be at the bottom of every post. Go to your profile, click on edit your profile, then click the signature link on the left hand side, then write where you are. Personally I think it's great knowing where everyone is, especially when snow is in the off-ing, and more importantly for those who don't have a radar subscription, then we can track which way the snow is heading and how quickly.
  17. I once worked with a woman who threw a hissy fit in the office, someone said she was mad, her response was to go to her desk and produce a certificate showing she wasn't......strange but true world of working in publishing.
  18. Oh I don't know, I too have a history of Tequilla and table dancing, the two seem a match made in heaven.
  19. A filthy mood's no good, you've got to be dedicated full time to grouchiness and have a certificate from the men in white coats.
  20. I know that but no matter how much anyone wants a certain type of weather, it will do what it wants. We all live in the SW, we've all had it soggy and wet for weeks on end and we all face the biggest uphill battle of anywhere in this country to actually get snow. We've all got to keep our fingers crossed. Cheers Mullender, any idea if those charts are set at sea level?
  21. I appreciate that but what you're saying here is that every run is absolutely what will happen. I'm not being funny but for the last couple of days almost every post you've made has been focussed upon the worst possible scenario, whilst I understand the idea of think the worse and then what happens can only be better, that's really more a philosophy rather than a true appraisal of the models. There is currently great uncertainty, there has been for days and it will probably continue like that until the first flakes start falling. Relax and wait, you may get a pleasant surprise.
  22. Lattitude and Twister, at the risk of sounding like a miserable old git can I please appeal to you both to chill a bit. No one knows who will get snow, the odds of it happening change with every single model run so there's absolutely no point in hanging on every single one and believing it is gospel. Perhaps an approach to model watching and waiting for winter weather should be made along the same lines as buying a Euro millions ticket - everyone hopes to win the jackpot, sometimes someone does, sometimes no one does and it gets rolled over into a bigger and better prize - occasionally no one wins for weeks and it gets set back to square one. Every now and then you may get a tenner, even rarer you may win a hundred quid but the important bit is to keep buying the tickets to be in with a chance - no ticket, no hope. What we currently have is a huge pot of hope with an increased chance of winning a tenner, some lucky folk may win a few hundred quid and if lady luck is on our side, in a week or so we may get a shot at a rollover jackpot courtesy the SSW.
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