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Everything posted by NorthYorksWeather

  1. Chance of a ground frost tonight temp already 4.9c, hopefully the cloud cover will stay away.
  2. Usually when you have a polar maritime shot in winter uppers are modified so it's hard to get low level snowfall, with the Atlantic being cooler this could cause less modification and be the difference between snow above 200m and snow to all levels.
  3. First slight ground frost visible this morning after a low of 1.9c
  4. Morning Col, nice to see you've got your first air frost. A minimum of 1.9c here and no sign of a ground frost. Hoping the Moors will be seeing its first snowfall in the coming weeks! Edit: Car windscreen frozen
  5. What storms? Been in York all evening and its hardly rained. Very muggy currently looking forward to a fresher feel from tomorrow night and also a chilly continental feed from the weekend onwards
  6. Well just purchased some winter tires for my new car, this is the first winter the Audi A4 will be put to the test in the snow, the last 5 winters I've had the Vectra with the Michelin Alpine tires which were fantastic and always kept me out of trouble. Here's the Vectra in its element and where it loved to be! RIP veccy
  7. Head North towards LBA airport and Im sure elevation becomes 200m +
  8. Chilly minimum of 4.6c this morning, followed by a almost cloudless day which the Meto got very wrong, a nice surprise tho
  9. I try not to get too hung up on all that mumbo jumbo business! The opposite to whats expected usually happens anyway
  10. Very glad to see the back of Summer! I like storms and heat and although we have had a few decent storms, heat has been lacking with only a max of 27.6c reached in York. This week looks like we could see some single figure night time temps and high pressure setting up for pleasant days and cool nights. The trees are already starting to show there autumnal colours and I for one am very excited about the run up to winter. Last winter saw a measly 7cm as Winter Cold and his Pennine friends stole all the snow, this year its my turn . BRING IT ON!
  11. Heavy snow forecast for above 1000m in the Cairngorms tomorrow!
  12. East of the Pennines suck today! Only a max of 26c! And not a sniff at a storm. Stupid west people with there west storms. West off!
  13. Hottest - Argeles sur Mer S France July 2006 = 41c Coldest - Thixendale, East Yorkshire Dec 2010 -19c
  14. 33c is the record high in York, could be challenged looking at that chart.
  15. Anything of note due tonight? Still never seen such a spectacle here in Northern England.
  16. Yes I'm expecting the frost hollows in North Yorks to be getting a ground frost. Will be resetting my min temp on my weather station this week.
  17. Only a max of 18.8c so far this year. Looks like that could start to be broken by Thursday onwards. Been a great start to the storm season here so far with 2 overhead storms.
  18. Had 2 storms pass over on Sunday evening which is a good start to the season. The second one was the best as it passed around a mile to my North so missed the intense precip so had a great view of the storm as it passed by. It was mainly sheet lightning, but managed to catch a few stills from the vids I took. Thunder was constant for a time with lightning every 10-20 seconds. Looks like some interest into next week aswell
  19. Some pockets of decent SB cape tomorrow afternoon/evening. One to keep an eye on, especially for tornado alley (Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire)
  20. Just had a covering from that big shower heading over York area covering, the most settling snow from a convective westerly so far since moving here just over 3 years ago.
  21. Well despite the march sunshine it's snowing in york city centre at sea level. Quite impressive!
  22. Yes early Tuesday is looking good, very similar to tomorrow morning and some at lower levels may get a surprise when they wake up. Maybe even myself here out east
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