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Everything posted by davehsug

  1. Pouring for most of the night and earlier...but at least it's not cold!
  2. Small lamp is on, football on telly, it could be November.
  3. Or I understand only too well. Anyhow as you say I'll just leave it here. I made a post yesterday about people coming in to threads that they know they don't agree with and here I am allowing myself to be drawn in to a discussion.
  4. Oh come on, even in a mild winter people are at home, windows are closed and air isn't refreshed. I know you adore this filthy weather, but please, don't twist facts to try and make us feel we should somehow be grateful!
  5. And what's the cause of people having to be shut away indoors? The godawful weather, whatever the time of year.
  6. Pouring down again here. Is there really no end to it? Just a few days respite please!
  7. I'd like to ask why people go into threads that they know they won't like? I would never go into the heat haters thread, because I know I'll disagree with 99% of what's posted and just end up cross. I can only conclude that people do this to cause trouble in the first place. It's like threads about TV shows or films, I wouldn't bother with a show I don't watch or don't like, but there's always somebody who has to go in slagging things, and generally annoying everyone else. It's just maddening?.
  8. I see the mad thread want to write off September to " increase" the chances of a cold winter. Autumn in autumn I read. Apart from 2 weeks in June, haven't we been in permanent autum since, well, last autumn? The obsession with cold weather and snow is bewildering.
  9. Correct. I'll be in Blackpool for 5 days from the 20th, and I can find the worst week's weather in even the best year! 2018, 2022, even late May this year, it was dry and sunny, but a howling North West wind all week made it cold and unpleasant.
  10. Ha. No I am definitely not a hugger, and the story of my username (I've been around a looong time), is every bit as unremarkanble as would be expected.
  11. Just get it to say there will be constant blizzards over the winter and it will instantly become a star poster!
  12. And when you get a potentially decent day, it's ruined by convective infill and 100% cloud cover
  13. Sizzling at 17c here, with 100% cloud and a cold, brisk breeze. Situation normal, apart from no rain.
  14. I think that might be one of the issues. In the past, it would take several days of dry sunny weather for temperatures to get above 30c. In recent years it seems that low to mid 30s can happen at the drop of a hat. We seem to be able to go from 20 to 32+ in 36-48 hours. I just don't recall that happening before the 2000s.
  15. I'm afraid it's the way with society in general now. "If you don't agree with what I say, you must believe the most extreme version of the opposite".
  16. I know you're not stupid and you know very well why councils are struggling, and its not because of waste or "gold-plated" pensions, (which are more tin-plated these days and for which the staff pay through the nose). Government has cut funding and increased the workload, so that most councils can barely afford even the most basic services required by law. You know this but still find it easier to blame them rather than the crooks who've destroyed this country and robbed us blind.
  17. The loss of summer evenings is really irritating, especially when you've been working all day. Not being able to sit outside, or go out without having at least 1 extra layer on. I don't mind occasional rain, but a couple of weeks in June excepted, it's been unremitiingly cold/cool since March. I'm just fed up of being cold in so-called summer.
  18. Yep, it's a consistent topic of conversation on my days in the office. I'm getting a bit fed up of saying "and it's not changing anytime soon" to be honest!
  19. 1.30pm on a mid July day, it's cloudy, but reasonably bright and the temperature has just clicked from 15c to 16c, and there's a cold breeze blowing. It's summer in the UK,it rains and can be unsettled, I lnow, I get it, but I'm sick of being so bluddy cold all the time!
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