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Everything posted by jtay

  1. NAE going with a few flurries throughout tomorrow for some. A few of us should see a bit.
  2. Are they weather related, or from a 'special interest' calendar?
  3. Looking South West, this is moving left to right. I'm going to get wet in a minute. Edit - Well that was rubbish. It slipped by up the A36.
  4. Sat in the garden now, watching that cell develop to the north of Romsey. I can hear the thunder. It's lovely in the sun. The Buzzards are spirally in the thermals and you can actually see the vapour rising from the soil. Cracking afternoon.
  5. Heavy wet snow south of Salisbury now Edit - now back to rain. We're the borderline once again by the looks of it.
  6. Sleet here with some big flakes mixed in. When the intensity dies off, it's rain. When it's heavier, there's more snow in it.
  7. Yep, I'd go along with that. We had the lot earlier; thunder/lightning/wind/hail/rain for a couple of hours but missed it all as I was transfixed by the rugby. Any other day, I'd have been out there in my pants in full Lord of the Flies mode, but it was a good game,so I regret nothing. There's always tomorrow...
  8. I can see it. Edit - I couldn't see it with the naked eye, but a combination of binoculars, stellarium and clear sky meant the tail could clearly be made out. My camera couldn't pick it up, so you'll have to take my word for it.
  9. This youtube vid shows you how to add it to the listings...
  10. jtay


    From the album: Avon Valley Path

  11. I've just downloaded it and it looks great. Our comet appeared when I selected 'planets'. Hope this helps.
  12. Well I couldn't see it and now I'm flipping freezing. I was looking top left of the moon. Will try again tomorrow evening.
  13. Anybody else comet watching tonight? If you can see the moon, it should be close by.
  14. Checking the radar, we were both rather lucky. Hopefully the activity to the North West will make it through too.
  15. On South Today earlier, Alexis said that there's the potential that some of tomorrow's wintry showers could be 'pokey'. Whether it snows or not, that's my status update sorted... 'Think Alexis, think pokey'.
  16. Love it... The sun is setting and it's snowing. Very light, but I'll take that.
  17. Been snowing off and on for the past 20 minutes. So far, so good.
  18. Yep, I discovered a hole in one of my walking boots this morning, as I squelched my way home. It hadn't taken much for the fields to get boggy again. Drove through Salisbury on the way back from buying a new pair and the Cathedral had vanished two-thirds the way up into low cloud. All in all, a thoroughly miserable day, weather wise.
  19. No Could you ask her where I've left my tape measure then please? I'm buggered if I can find it.
  20. Sat watching the sunset just before 6pm and I can see a plane in the distance. It's pretty much due west from where I took the photo. I check FlightRadar24.com and it tells me where it is. It's flying over Exeter. I'm situated just to the south of Salisbury. It might just be me, but I think that's brilliant. Exeter's miles away. Here's the other one, looking North West. I'm great fun at parties, honest.
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