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Everything posted by picog

  1. Temperature seems to have taken a tumble here, but in reality only just under 1C. Just feels like a lot more than that. Is that a Cheshire Gap streamer with snow?
  2. Some of you guys are unreal! I work at home, and my office without heating is about 12-14C this time of year, colder in the winter. I can't sit in that and work without feeling cold and miserable — my fingers and hands are frozen when I use the computer. The cold becomes all consuming, so I just have to have the heat on. Different in the bedroom, because you can just snuggle up into the duvet.
  3. It's fun if you are able to get out and enjoy it, and it looks nice, air is generally clear and clean. I appreciate that for some people it means that they are housebound when it snows.
  4. Lovely clear air here today, sun and sky very sparkly. Bit blowy for me, but it's dry so far, so I'm not complaining. Discussions on the MO thread looking very interesting. Could we be getting our first few flakes next week?
  5. Frost here this morning, and at or below freezing all night.
  6. Still better than wet. Prefer cold and snow, but potentially dry will do as second choice.
  7. Gorgeous day here today — blue skies and dry. Close to freezing this morning, and temperature dropping away quite quickly now the sun has set — down to 7.8C from a high of 10.2C.
  8. Good luck with your winter forecast LS — a good read and lots of data to support your case!
  9. Much windier here than anything we had last weekend. Gusty showers too, and feels chilly. Gusting close to 50mph.
  10. Steady rain since lunchtime here. Unpleasant taking the dog out — no rabbits, foxes or squirrels out and about, so not very thrilling for her either (she chases, but is too scared to catch them)
  11. Frost here last night (-0.3C), first of the season, and very welcome too!
  12. First frost here, most of night at 1.0C or lower, with a minimum of -0.3C! Lovely white grass this morning. What a treat!
  13. Lovely day here today; blue skies and sun and NO rain. Hurray!
  14. Somewhat relieved that the winds may be less severe here; although exciting, the damage they can cause offsets that.
  15. As it is close to 3C here this evening, yes the heating is on, a bit. Woodburner going well though.
  16. Clear evening and lots of owls hooting and calling. Temperature a surprisingly cool 3.8C.
  17. Wet and horrid, and looking that way for the best part of the week. Roll on the cold weather — at least it might be drier.
  18. Isn't that how winter 62/63 started — heights to the NE?
  19. back then it would be unusual to be older than 35, maybe 40 years, so there would have been relatively few elderly people. Young, healthy people can easily keep warm.
  20. I didn't know that the pressure could fall below 900. Poor, poor people who are going to experience that storm.
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