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Everything posted by picog

  1. After a lovely frosty start when I could take the dog out without her or me sinking into the mud the sheep have created, the rain has just arrived. Looking forward to later this week, when it's meant to be drier.
  2. I see the 30hPa temps are still extremely low. Any lower, and the graph will need a new Y-axis! http://ds.data.jma.go.jp/tcc/tcc/products/clisys/STRAT/html_e/pole30_n.html
  3. CFSv2 thinks it will be wetter than average through to April! It was certainly right about December's rain. http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/CFSv2/htmls/euPrece1Mon.html
  4. Crewe Cold, any update on your thoughts for the cold in January?
  5. Squally like conditions just arrived here. Very heavy rain and gusty.
  6. Wet 'n windy. An unpleasant contrast to yesterday's blue skies and beautiful frost.
  7. Still very windy in west Ireland (Mayo). Large trees actually bending — not something I see at home in Ludlow!
  8. Winds have suddenly picked up in the west of Ireland. A shift from virtually no wind to real nasty squalls in about an hour
  9. All ferries cancelled between Ireland and the UK tomorrow. Trying to rearrange my trip home, along with 1200 other passengers, so it's a long wait on the phone. Pity these companies haven't cottoned on to changing booking on the web!
  10. Squall line coming through here now. Very gusty and rain very heavy, big spots.
  11. I see the CFS2 model is predicting an extremely wet January and a wetter than average February and March. The very wet January has been shown for some time now. I'm guessing it will be rain, not snow.
  12. Lovely frosty grass here, -1.7C. Beautiful blue skies.
  13. I see that there's a hint of winteriness midweek for the west mids. There is a lonesome snowflake on the 5-day forecast from the met for Ludlow. From little acorns big oaks grow, so here's hoping!
  14. I see there are a few murmurings of excitement in the model thread — talk of snow and a pattern change!
  15. It's beginning to look like the first month of winter could be written off for coldies.
  16. Wet and windy almost everywhere. Cool in the north, average in the south. Disgusting.
  17. Looking at the dire outlook until the year end (GFS-style wet and windy), I am wondering if the frost last night and this morning will be the last of 2012.
  18. The cold snap appears to be very "snap-like" — not looking good thereafter for coldies! http://www.wetterzentrale.de/pics/MT8_Manchester_ens.png
  19. Would that give the UK an Easterly. An easterly laden with snow?
  20. Ground frost here for the past hour or so. Beautiful blue skies and sun today, dry and no wind. Lovely. Certainly beats the rain.
  21. You need to relocate Conor. Even a few miles and you'd be so more cheerful!
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