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Everything posted by SilverWolf

  1. I’ve enjoyed this cold spell - sure I only had half an inch of snow v early Wednesday morning, but that’s still around here and there on the ground where sun hasn’t hit it. Amazing really. And the days have been beautiful, and actually so have the nights. Crystal clear, and a few shooting stars around. Happily have a few weeks of this! See what happens next I guess…
  2. Just commented on this on the SW and CS England Regional thread (for want of a better abbreviation!).. it seems at the moment to have a little pivot off SW Wales and a slightly NE direction… so yeah it’s a bit different. But there’s just a little sleet showing for Dartmoor, so mainly rain event wherever it ends up?
  3. It seems to be going a bit more NE than predicted - but click on the precip type and it’s literally all rain.. oh well. Maybe next time. (Edit - was hoping to see a little sleet somewhere!)
  4. Hi all, poss interest this week. I appreciate December’s ‘event’ only really affected a few of us in the far north of our region, and of course the set up was different, but on that Saturday night at midnight it looked like the chance of a dusting here and there from showers, and 1-2cm possible higher up. 6 hours later there was 3 inches of snow on the ground, and it snowed for another 5 hours and eventually dumped 6 inches, and more higher up. Maybe that’ll happen somewhere in this region in the coming week? Some of precip charts being posted for this coming week (yes I know, take with a pinch of salt to an extent) are actually far better now than they were in December. I doubt I’ll be lucky enough for a repeat, but who knows elsewhere? Could be surprises for some! Good luck to everyone, especially those who’ve not had!
  5. Yeah ‘91 was a disappointment. I know nothing of the synoptics of how it happened, but the problem in Gloucester usually for snow is the fact it’s a vale surrounded by hills, which is also influenced a lot by the Bristol Channel… it kinda stays warm and makes things marginal. Interestingly the event in December was perfect for not just the Cotswolds where I am now, but also parts of Gloucester city (my parents still live there). The whole county was a few degrees below zero before the snow arrived - and I don’t know this for a fact, but I think the little system that dumped snow here in large volumes seems to be pulling in warmer air (and moisture) from the Bristol Channel. It literally stalled over Stroud and did a small pivot. It snowed for several hours, in a narrow band, which started just a few miles west of me, and stretched about 50 miles to the east. It was perfect! Perhaps that happened in the ‘better’ events I remember when I was very young…
  6. Have to chime in on this thread! Although I am ‘off topic’ as I was born in ‘76. I grew up in Gloucester, I hope you don’t mind me sharing my experiences of snow in my early years. I can’t remember specific winters in the early 80’s in terms of actual years/dates , but I do remember what happened in them. My primary school was approx a mile walk, and I remember several winters in a row it was closed for at least a day or 2, and there would be a number of days (sometimes twice in a winter) where I’d be walking in snow, or treacherously sliding on refrozen half melted or compacted snow. Interestingly I experienced just that for the first time since then really just a few weeks ago (I now live in Stroud). Pavements were lethal here for days! I remember at least 2 events early 80’s where heavy rain, even several hours worth, would slowly turn to sleet, and then to heavy snow, and finally it would settle and leave several inches laying . It’s why I always comment when forum users on here say that snow won’t settle after loads of rain. It certainly can! Lamp post watching was essential to see this change - I was doing that when I was prob 5 or 6 years old. I also remember snow showers were much more of a thing - these could happen for days in a row. Big snowflakes, sometimes with hail mixed in, sometimes very heavy leaving a covering (which would usually melt quickly if in the day). Also light snow (often big flakes) would fall from blue skies for ages until clouds ‘caught up’. It was a tease in Gloucester sometimes though (proper lowland) - some winter periods would be cold with persistent sleet, then you’d see the Cotswolds in the distance were white for days.. Feb 91 was a let down for me. It hammered it down with snow all day, was sent home from school. Went sledging up a local hill. But the snow depth topped out at about 3 inches, and never increased, even with several hours more.
  7. With respect the chart only seems a little out..and and as for the second one, it’s not tomorrow yet! Where I am I’ve had sub zero temperatures for a week under 6 inches of snow, and there was still 4 inches of snow here this morning. At 3pm today in Gloucester (less snow cover, not been as cold as Stroud the last week) it was 2.5c. It’s now 11c in Stroud. Of course you may be right about not reaching double digits tomorrow where you are - but maybe report back when the future is the present? I’d be surprised if it’s much less than that, if it is, given what has happened today where I am….
  8. Samhain is an old ‘cross quarter’ festival, and astrologically falls generally on November 6th or 7th most years. The 31st Oct into November 1st festival, with its various names is a Christian festival…. Sorry off topic too!
  9. Quite surprised, there’s still 3-4 inches of snow in the garden, and it must be a couple degrees below freezing - everything has a glitter frost on it. The ground must be exceptionally cold still, without checking it must have been over 5C mid afternoon… still, I’m genuinely looking forward to ‘safe’ pavements! Not the rain though…
  10. Above freezing for the first time here since late Saturday afternoon! Appreciate not many in our region had snow, but it has been quite an event here..snow is slowly melting in the garden for the first time in 6 days. Hoping for a return in a week or so, but this has been the best cold spell here since 2010, so pretty happy really. Hope we all get in on the action next time!
  11. Another very cold night! Had to walk about this morning as dropped my van at the garage for work - pavements are lethal now! I live on a road that’s the main walk to school for a lot of children, compacted ice everywhere! It still looks amazing here with little snow melt, but a little respite just for safety would be nice now! But with a return to cold/snow over Christmas period….
  12. Had to google it, so may not be totally right, but -4 in Stroud already! Not seen the stars since Saturday night, think the coldest night of the year coming up…
  13. Where I am - 5 inches of snow in the garden from Sunday still, not been above freezing since Saturday. I’ve had to google it but it’s -4c currently. Officially I’m in the south west! So depends where you are (and not necessarily the Cairngorms).
  14. Not been up there for years! (Since I had dogs to walk..). Thanks for the photos, def sums it up round here away from main roads and houses…think 2010 was last time it lasted this long, but that wasn’t good crunchy snow like this! Now the skies cleared for the first time since Sunday, deep cold tonight..
  15. Finally a little work today for the first time this week, reattaching old rose to a house that broken under snow weight! Wow it’s proper cold today, as others have mentioned breeze is not helping. Garden I worked in still had 8 inches of snow on the grass from Sunday.
  16. Hmm running the radar it’s sinking south! Great for those maybe south of Bristol area, not so great further north… unless the Bristol Channel is our friend!
  17. Was wondering the same thing! Been slowly widening and maybe even moving towards Stroud a little… being proper greedy now!
  18. True that! I’m used to a music/hifi forum as well, based in America.. it’s amazing what you HAVE to apologise for on that, or you get a load of cr@p - usually for having a different opinion to most! And yeah this is a very friendly thread, mindset re-adjusted and humour back on board! Cheers..
  19. Haha no! Can see why it came across like that, apologies.. Was just meaning air temperature rather than ground temperature…
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