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Everything posted by Azazel

  1. I’m tempted to drive over to kingsclere downs again later today to get a view of anything that does pop off to the north.
  2. Tony Gilbert of UKWW actually puts me in the possible weak FC/TN box for today.
  3. Risk transfers a little further SW today - i'm going to stick my neck out and plump for something juicy around Taunton/Bridgewater moving into Southern Wales/Cardiff.
  4. This one was the last good SB storm I’ve seen. Definitely a tilt to the updraft and I’ve often wondered if it could’ve been perhaps briefly supercellular.
  5. Of course not! Here’s hoping we get something a little better and closer to home over the next couple of days.
  6. The Salisbury cell not even kind enough to give me one solitary distant flash
  7. You know what, if storm motion is more east to west tomorrow I might actually have an outside chance. Trying to stay positive.
  8. I mean this is the pits for us in the no storm zone. When people were suggesting a more thundery than usual summer I was like bring it on! But under this slack flow, it’s not hot enough to be glorious, there’s no storms and it’s all just a bit benign and boring. Im sorry to keep moaning haha and I am glad you guys up north are having a fabulous time. Pray for us down south that we see something before the end of July (I don’t actually remember the last storm I saw in August). I’m not crying. You’re crying.
  9. Our only hope is a plume. I won’t scoff at an elevated lightning show but what I would give for some structure and surface based shenanigans.
  10. Move the risk box 50 miles north and 50 miles west and it’s spot on.
  11. Bit of a unit going up to my north. This has been going on all afternoon. Probably about 15 miles too far south.
  12. Hard convection to my north east. Looks like w train of several cells.
  13. Hampshire. Andover to be precise which was described as the ‘armpit of the UK’ - so it has that going for it at least.
  14. I think I need to sign out of this thread for a while as it does my mental health no good. No snow in winter, no storms in summer - might actually be a contender for most boring climate on earth in my little part of England.
  15. Quite. Just had a peek at the models and it looks a carbon copy from today. The feature on Wednesday night - is that ‘thundery rain’ or are we looking at an MCS?
  16. Again from twitter of the storm approaching Liverpool from afar.
  17. Taken from twitter - the storm approaching Liverpool. Clearly got some interesting structure to it.
  18. I reckon I’m going to go the whole summer without seeing a thing. It’s got that vibe about it.
  19. Feels a lot juicier here today. I know nothing is forecast but it’s pretty humid.
  20. Yes I am inclined to agree with all those points. To get something decent here, storms have to fire way down to the south south west and then travel over us to give them the longest possible land track. Plumes are cool and all with their elevated lightning displays but I would kill to see something surface based with actual cloud features.
  21. If only:( I don’t know what it is about my location - we do pretty good from plumes but for surface based convection, I haven’t seen anything significant for 3-4 years now.
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