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Everything posted by Pixel

  1. I wish a wind of change also 'Not a sausage' - LOL- Round here it's 'Not a chipolata' for the foreseeable, jus cold )-: edit, right I'm off to set fire to something to keep warm, might be back later if i don't fall asleep, mulled wine at m' side
  2. What a strange ol day. Had 3 groupel bouncing snow falls here in Welwyn followed by strong sun which melted everything not in the shade. You could actually watch it burn through as the shadows moved with the sun. The ice on the water for the chickens we have was solid yet as i was replacing it i could feel the heat of the sun on my neck (might have a sun tan !) and there’s little or no wind.. Looking at the radar and sat it seems Welwyn has missed some significant snow experienced in other parts of the region. Lucky them i'm itsy jealous. Maybe as the wind changes and that low from the south moves we’ll get more - i like surprises Stay safe out there and good luck everyone if you want snow (-; link to the temps and dps here: https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IWELWYN8
  3. There's some bightenning on the infra red sat image here: https://en.sat24.com/en/nl/infraPolair Cloud thickening looks like the NorthEast will have some good snow.. but there is a little isty bit, a little itsy bit further south on this image (link above) that's developing too. Will watch the outcome on the lampost weatherstation later, prob around midnight ! Sorry can't paste image from the link above..
  4. ... just put the negative one in the other thread Positive people bring the snow (-:
  5. Loving these snow showers - yet I'm supposed to be working on the computer... am just staring out the window at the big flakes falling out the sky - mesmerizing Seems the humidity is going up as temps drop - Temp -1c Dewp -3c Humidity 83%
  6. snow on the car after a quick trip to the shops for essential supplies... and now its sunny - what fun
  7. Indeed...Tues/Wed is going to be interesting esp considering todays forecast. Transport for london are uppdating their info each hour and I've just heard on the radio that some travel service are stopping earlier tonight. Anyone travelling should check before they set off. Just realised i've run out of cinnamon sticks for making mulled wine, got to get to the shops... maybe get an extra cheapo bottle of red to make it with (-:
  8. Excellent.. can see the showers seem to be getting bigger this afternoon: https://en.sat24.com/en/nl/snow (-;
  9. Wow! snow on a salty beach.. I can never get my head round that. Doesn't bode well for all the salt bought for the drive
  10. (-: I just can't stop looking out the window, snow flakes/sun and then radar and then this forum.. Am working from home today and tomorrow, tis so hard to get anything done with these distractions
  11. Great to see some reports of snow coming in - exciting times https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/ ^ has a forecast that gives snow to everyone in the next few days inc surprises of the convective (-: I'd love to be able to sledge down that Hovis advert street in the background of this forecast. ...off to feed the cats now and maybe nap to awake to a flake or too
  12. …seems the chilly pressure in the regionals made NWtv forums blow a fuse while sucking in snow through a ‘Bad Gateway’ in the east - That’s gotta’ hurt ! I blame it on the north-south-east-anglia-south-east+small Thames estuary islands split. ..nothing to do with Brexit at last - merely mass subscription (-: ..just make it snow!
  13. u could be in the right place for more: https://en.sat24.com/en/gb/infraPolair
  14. Eddie1,, can you put your location in your profile pleeeze otherwise the snow isn't really happening where you live (-:
  15. Try this one: https://en.sat24.com/en/gb/snow plenty others are available I'm sure
  16. Various weather devices: but there's no comparison to watching a radar on tinternet or looking outside first thing in the morning.. and hearing nothing
  17. 'Netherlands popcorn' - LOL We'll be munching on that for a few days for sure with added salt convection - Very much looking forward to the animated sat images
  18. Not if you've got a garden or tender crops.. I've just spent most of the afternoon fleecing tree ferns and delicate plants that think it's spring
  19. Temp: 3.7 Dewp: -4c Wind: ESE - E more here from our weather station : https://www.wunderground.com/personal-weather-station/dashboard?ID=IWELWYN8
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